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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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I knew what you meant Meris, all those wonderful goodies in the SR3 rigger book. Sadly though none are availible in SR4.

As for the scanner, that would be something the hacker would need to set up, and I will hapilly let him do it if he wants to. Just needs to hack LS broadband.
NERPS! Oh well, maybe Arse or Aug will have some of that stuff.
One slight change to Hiroki
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So thenShadow, I assume getting stuff like atropine in capsule rounds w/ DMSO is out?
Mandy's gear. More will be edited in. Suggestions or requests will be considered

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QUOTE (Shadow)
As for the scanner, that would be something the hacker would need to set up, and I will hapilly let him do it if he wants to. Just needs to hack LS broadband.

Perhaps I'll purchase an Agent with that as its primary task (slaved to an onboard commlink or the van's link) If that's appropriate via the rules.
@carjack: That's what I was thinking. What'll a Rating 5 Agent doing that run me?
We cant get higher than level 4 unless avail isnt an issue. 2,500 x rating then I'll dump a copy of my programs it'll need. (In my opinion though...according to my pc's concept he'll have coded it himself...price has to be paid but, that's what it'll be is him coding it. Was thinking of making the agent look like a crusty old cowboy riding shotgun....goes with my pc's concept also.)
Sounds like fun, Mandy's sense of humour runs that way too. My guess is standard avail though so Rating 4 it is. Thanks Mandy will pay for it. (She still has Nuyen to burn)
Avail is an issue. Don't forget the highest anyprogram can run in a node is the system rating of the node. So if he is loaded into the GMC's node the GMC will need a Pilot upgr.

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Final Equipment change for Hiroki
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Nightshade stats

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QUOTE (Shadow @ May 20 2007, 06:56 PM)
Avail is an issue. Don't forget the highest anyprogram can run in a node is the system rating of the node. So if he is loaded into the GMC's node the GMC will need a Pilot upgr.

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@Mister Juan: Is the wiki ready yet?
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The Pilot Upgr is the same as a System upgr on the Commlink, I think its 5k but I am not sure, my book is upstairs biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Shadow)
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The Pilot Upgr is the same as a System upgr on the Commlink, I think its 5k but I am not sure, my book is upstairs biggrin.gif

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Not to butt in (and surely not to argue with the GM) but, some itema are available. Page 326 has:

Biometric Reader (+200 yen)
Anti-tamper circuits (rating 1-4 is rating x 100 yen)

As a side note if we are going to upgrade the vehicle (or its comm) with an agent we could just set up a code word or an encrypted signal that allows access.

Just my thoughts and the GM here has final say.
@Meriss - Can get you the list prices tomorrow bud.
Hey don't worry about me, I am no expert. A page ref is all I ask for if it is something I don't recognize. You wont hurt my feelings.
You wont hurt my feelings.

What if we try real hard? biggrin.gif
Well, if you try real hard, the bad guys will carry APDS biggrin.gif
@Uncle Fist: Roger Dodger!
QUOTE (Shadow)
Well, if you try real hard, the bad guys will carry APDS biggrin.gif

Fair enough.

So what's our status? Everyone got characters? When does this ball start rolling?

Oh, and is anyone else going to post general char personalities so we can get a bit more familiar with the folks we're supposed to know?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
So what's our status? Everyone got characters? When does this ball start rolling?

Oh, and is anyone else going to post general char personalities so we can get a bit more familiar with the folks we're supposed to know?

My Character sheet is complete and posted on page 1 of this thread.

I'll try to get some more information up on what people would know about Satchel after the working together for the last year or so.

On my way out for the day so it will hopefully be tonight.

Mandy's on page 1 and 2.
Ok it looks like everyone is getting their character finished. please consolodate your character so they are all in a single post. Lets have final characters posted and ready to go by Thursday. Will start the run then.

Where do you want them posted? In the original posts or a new one?
I would say in the original post. When we get up and going either we are going to use J's wiki or I am going to put up a webpage with the character stats.
Mister Juan
Wiki is up at
I'm starting to transfer CS and backgrounds as we speak.
Mister Juan
Send me your finished up CS and I'll upload them.
Hiroki's complete character sheet
Mister Juan
Looking over the CS...... DAMN are we packing a shit load of firepower! Pretty much everyone seems to be a specialist into at least one form of combat, and has minimum 2 IP. This is going to be fun!
Yeah, if Mandy can afford the Bulldog. No worries, I'll be finished tweaking by Thurs.

@MisterJuan: PMed you Mandy's CS, also joined the wiki.
I only have one IP. I decided to go with a high combat sense instead. Shadow said he was looking for a combat game. Looks like he got it. smile.gif
Game is up, see the OOC/IC thread for details.
OK I went back and forth on this with RedJack, and settled on the adept, but it really doesn't look like our party needs another gunner. So here's the Combat Mage version of Nightshade.

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Mister Juan
Personally, I think that a mage would be a damn useful thing! Agains't spirits, beside someone who has (had?) killing hands, we're pretty much in deep trouble.
well adept Nightshade does have killing hands.
Fist I swear to you, if the party doesn't have a mage you arn't going to need a mage. So for the love of pete, play the version that makes you happy.
biggrin.gif That's the problem, I could do both just as well. I'm not second guessing you, I'm going with other players request for a mage in the group.

But all right, screw it, I'll stick with the adept. The sole reason being that I've never seen a group without a mage. Should be interesting.
M.D. (Doc)
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I'm tweaking some of the funds but....I'm buying the first months of a team safe house for us.
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