May 21 2007, 09:31 PM
I was reading through the combat section, and I noticed that under the description of all the various ranged-combat actions, it notes a -2 penalty for each additional target beyond the first. This is in every entry, EXCEPT the full-auto burst.
Does this mean that when you use a full-auto burst and "walk" it across targets(break the burst up into smaller bursts for up to 3 short-burst targets), do you not get the -2 penalty for each additional target?
May 21 2007, 09:44 PM
I read it to mean that you do not have a penalty for our "spray" involving more targets, because your spray is essentially treating them as one target as far as your character is concerned, even though you are breaking it up into multiple bursts (note that 3 short bursts would be impossible normally). The same theory applies to the shotgun spread in my understanding.
Additionally, I allow my players to use a full auto spray as long as there is only a meter between the two targets on either end of the spread. This would mean that a full auto spray would turn into two short bursts against two targets standing one meter apart from each other. The attacker would, however, have to expend all 10 rounds and suffer the recoil for a full auto spray.
You could also, in theory, do a ten meter wide spray (at a minimum of medium range) that results in a single shot fired at 10 targets inside of that range. The idea for this is based off of the suppression fire rules, and is completely a house rule, so don't take this to be evidence for a dispute, just an idea.