May 21 2007, 10:34 PM
I have been going round and round with my wife about the language in the game.
She seems to think Frag just sounds wrong.
I blame Dane Cook. His bit about the "FFFF" and the "KKK" being a big part of the emotion behind the curse word.
Now she is ok with Drek, and Hoop. But other then saying something like "Ok you peice of drek, get your hoop over here!"
It just would be nice to come up with another word which would fit. Heck, it could even be an Ork or Troll version.
Any Idea's?
May 21 2007, 10:38 PM
if you don't want to use real-world cursing, my favorite is Battlestar Galactica's "frak!"
May 21 2007, 10:43 PM
Don't forget Feldercarb!!!!!
Or if you wish you can try the long winded approach.....
"By the Devil's Third Testicle"
"Grom Bless You"
"By Odin's Blank Eye"
"Go share genetic matter with a microcephallic, mongoliod chimpanzee with ADD"
May 21 2007, 11:09 PM
whats wrong with getting geeked?
May 21 2007, 11:50 PM
Might I offer the word "fuck" for consideration?
Seriously, if you'd like to familiarize your wife with the word (frag, that is), may I suggest watching the Babylon 5 series?
Kyoto Kid
May 22 2007, 12:00 AM
...I'm partial to frell (Farscape)
Check out the BBC Farscape website, there's a short lexicon of curse words used in the programme.
May 22 2007, 07:08 AM
The BBC series Red Dwarf has the best ever, Smeg, short for Smegma
May 22 2007, 08:09 AM
Given that much of Shadowrun is multicultural, here are some Japanese curse words that might be good:
Dame! (da-may) Means No good/no way/not gonna happen/not a chance
Runner: "Can we get more money?"
Mr. J "DAME!"
Shimatta! (She-mah-ta) Means: Technically, something like "Regretabble" but it is more obscene then that. "Shimatta! I can't crack these new maglocks!"
Kusou! (kooh-so) Means: Fecees. Yes, it means crap, and has the same conotations that it does in english.
Runner A "There's a freakin' fire elemental out there!"
Runner B "Kusou! Kusou Kusou Kusou!"
Chikushou (Chee-kooh-show): To damn to suffering, like in english, same conotations.
Runner A "Now there's two fire elementals!"
Runner B "Chikushou! What are we gonna do now?"
Kyoto Kid
May 22 2007, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (Sticks) |
The BBC series Red Dwarf has the best ever, Smeg, short for Smegma |
...oh, yes, by far. I've actually had characters use it.
May 22 2007, 03:50 PM
Yeah Smeg is fun. Rolls off the tongue as well. Actually that's always been my problem with frag, just harder to work in. Drek, smeg, hoop just flow right into a sentence.
Actually in SR you could probably use a bastardization of any languages swear words as they would tend to leak into cityspeak. I think Russian is particularily colorful. Anyway you could just poke around until you find one you like.
Kyoto Kid
May 22 2007, 04:06 PM
...I've also used "droog speak" (the lingo of the Alex's gang in A Clockwork Orange which "borrows" a bit from Russian) particularly works well with running in the UK.
...real horrorshow mates...
May 22 2007, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (Degausser) |
Given that much of Shadowrun is multicultural, here are some Japanese curse words that might be good: |
the Firefly option, always a good one. added bonus: making native speakers of whatever language you're mangling faint in horror!
May 22 2007, 05:31 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
the Firefly option, always a good one. added bonus: making native speakers of whatever language you're mangling faint in horror! |
Not only the native speakers.
May 22 2007, 07:53 PM
Od's Beard!
For the Norse.
May 23 2007, 07:02 AM
I was always partial to 'vape', short for vaporize. Problem is, it doesn't quite sound as good as frag, but it does have its uses.
"What do we do with the hostages?"
"Vape 'em! We don't need them any more!"
See? in this case you could swap Vape and Frag with near identical results.
"Hey, you want to buy a slightly used Tiffany Self Defender? Only used once by a little old lady to shoot devil rats!"
"Vape off!"
Not even "Vape you!" has the same meaty thud that whipping out 'Frag off!' or 'Frag you!' has in that situation.
May 23 2007, 08:51 PM
Use the word "Fragmentation"... when referring to grenades at least.

But I give a hearty second to using droogspeak, and japanese slang.
May 25 2007, 06:44 PM
Elfed(adv) - To describe any long convoluted plan that could be completed with 3 basic food groups and a microwave yet instead takes centuries and generational manpower.
May 25 2007, 07:07 PM
If it wasn't a horrible word that makes me cringe every time i read it, I'd suggest Fierfek.
May 25 2007, 07:52 PM
I'm kinda partial to frag because of it's conotationsof how to deal with superior officers.
May 27 2007, 05:02 AM
Steal from Niven: tanj! (There ain't no justice).
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