Nov 10 2003, 01:26 AM
Okay first off I've heard mention that the Son of Sigfried is none other then Glasgian. If this is true how is he posting if he was seen getting killed before these postings began (Reference to end of Hestaby chapter.) To me this seems like they are not the one and the same.
What else is there well the differences in the Draco Foundation in reference to DotSW Will, and the Will in Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets. In the Will in the original book, as in PD:DS; the Bounties were only for Captured Blood Mages and Toxic mages. However in the DotSW they have bounties on the killing of these terrible things.
What are your thoughts on these two differences. Is there something that I didn't read, am I not reading something correct or what?
Kanada Ten
Nov 11 2003, 02:02 AM
Replys for no reason. I've only heard one suggestion that the Son of Siegfried is Glasgian, and I think you just disproved it. Unless Dad took up the name...
I don't remember Dot6W saying you could kill them, but I certainly say they must be living (to study their affects on astral space and all, HA!).
Look at the Draco Foundation
Logo for a second. Oh yes, their working for the good of humanity. HA! again.
Nov 11 2003, 04:18 AM
Didn't get the whole Draco Foundation logo deal.
However I will say that if you turn to pg. 26 of the DotSW. You notice that Tom-Tom posts. Mentions that these awards are for dead or a live.
Then they go onto say that the DF has a Bounty Listing of who is legit, and if you are after some of these guys heads you should make sure to get the list. (They do it for protection of the other mages of the world. I guess plenty of morons are killing mages, and saying they were toxic, or blood. Or perhaps both, that might call for a doubt bounty.
Kanada Ten
Nov 11 2003, 05:44 AM
"He's got the whole world, in his hands.
He's got the whole wide world, in his hands."
Tom-Tom is probably wrong (again).
The Will To further encourage an end to the use of blood magic by Aztechnology and other parties, I offer a bounty of 1 million nuyen on any blood mages captured alive and delivered to the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research for the purposes of studying the effects of blood magic use on metahumanity. I further authorize the Draco Foundation to provide suitable rewards for the receipt of verifiable accounts of blood magic use, the rewards to reflect the usefulness of the information provided. |
The Will In order to discourage the proliferation of toxic shamans, I offer a bounty of 1 million nuyen on any toxic shamans captured alive and delivered to the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research for the purposes of studying the effects of toxicity on the physical and astral presence of such shamans, and how they in turn impact the physical and astral world. |
Nov 11 2003, 02:49 PM
In this case.
"He's got the whole world, in his wings,
He's got the whole wide world, in his wings,"
I diffently agree with the picture. However come on, I think the Draco Foundation is a lot better then a lot of the other groups in the world.
I'm sure you might be able to prove me wrong.
Plus another thing (I know Tom-Tom can be wrong on multiple occasions,) the other posters make him out to be correct. As in they are agreeing with him. I find the whole thing kinda wrong.
Then again, the Board decides how Dunkelzahn really meant in his words, and have a whole squadron of crack lawyers to take anyone down that they don't like or want...
On a side note do you remember what the big ten are now.
Cross Applied Technologies,
Novatech(replaced Fuchi),
Aztechnology(Can't forget Ares rivals, plus they are complete jerks!),
Saeder-Krupp(Can't forget a privately owned Dragon Corporation.),
If these are actually them. I'm quiet impressed with myself because I didn't use a book. The other question is did I spell them all correctly.
Nov 11 2003, 03:54 PM
Yes and yes.
Kanada Ten
Nov 12 2003, 02:03 AM
252 I diffently agree with the picture. However come on, I think the Draco Foundation is a lot better then a lot of the other groups in the world. |
Depends on the true final goal really...
What do you think they are really doing to those toxic and blood mages?
What about a Mana battery? I my games the Draco foundation is collecting them in a facility and running them through a virtual simulation while putting their bodies on ice and channeling the "excess" power that they leech from the subjects. To what ends I haven't decided.
But, sure the Draco Foundation is more benevolent than say... Aztechnology.
Nov 12 2003, 04:03 AM
Well personally I see most of what the Draco Foundation doing is preparing the world in secret for the enemy.
I mean Dunk's Will gives a bunch of power to groups that are good. That push for a unity.
He leaves a guy his own armor so that he is abe to lead the next crusade. If you read it, and notice clues he subtley is saying it right in the will. I found it funny when I first noticed it.
You have Wuxing, who is a pretty nice Corp.
I'm not saying that they might be aren't greedy, however he pushes things forward in general that are good. And he puts things that are bad down.
Another thing to think about the Toxic and Blood mages. Think of the publicity that these types of people got after his will was announced. I'm sure a bunch of people did a bunch of "web searches" to get some information on them. So the world wasn't as blind as it used to be.
Another interesting thing I found was a double dose of help. He helps Sierra Incorporated, and then helps Arthur Vogel. Hmmmmmm does that seem strange or is it just be.
Nov 12 2003, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (252) |
You have Wuxing, who is a pretty nice Corp. |
Heh. Hehe. Hahahaha!
Kanada Ten
Nov 12 2003, 04:21 AM
And Arthur Vogel is now getting support from Hestaby and the PCC... Both of which are consolidating control of North American regions...
Dunkelzahn also caused the corp war, destroying Fuchi- sending many to the ranks unemployment, including Art Dankwalther who now busies his time trying to destroy Novatech.
To what end? Dunkelzahn may well be trying to prepare the world for the second coming, but at what cost? Does the DF have the right to manipulate the world and cast aside lives for what they determine to be right? How different is that from Aztechnology?
Nov 12 2003, 01:57 PM
What's good for Aztechnology is good for you, trust me and the guys at the PR department.
On the other hand, you really don't want to know what's the main ingredient of Nuke 'em burgers...
Nov 12 2003, 02:00 PM
QUOTE (252) |
Another interesting thing I found was a double dose of help. He helps Sierra Incorporated, and then helps Arthur Vogel. Hmmmmmm does that seem strange or is it just be. |
It only seems strange if you forget that Vogel was implied to be in league with toxics for a while, allowing all sorts of pollution in private while railing against it in public as a lawyer.
Dunkelzahn basically called him on the carpet and told him to walk his talk.
Nov 20 2003, 07:19 AM
not just implied. in super tuesday, it's stated as fact--the bad guy in the vogel run is one of vogel's toxic cronies.
the thing to remember when you're thinking about great dragons, megacorps, or any of the other 'big powers' in SR is that their 'morality' is on a much, much larger scale than a metahuman's. yes, the Draco Foundation can be thought of as 'good' because its purpose (which we will assume hasn't yet been perverted) is to protect Earth from the Scourge. their goal, then, is to save billions upon billions of lives--if they have to sacrifice a few thousand lives to achieve that goal, don't think they won't. don't think it won't be your life.
Nov 22 2003, 02:30 AM
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Of course they are going to do it the best way they can. Thinking in extremely dynamic matters. In a chess game that is so huge and so complex that, well its life. They might screw a hundred person over for one person who them deem will somehow contribute to saving the world in just a small way.
Well now to another of my questions. Haven't found the reference but I believe Morgan Leroy Hall is "killed" somewhere within this source book. Still haven't found it. If it is in another book. Please tell me and I will post in the approriate place.
Jan 14 2004, 04:21 PM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Dunkelzahn also caused the corp war, destroying Fuchi- sending many to the ranks unemployment, including Art Dankwalther who now busies his time trying to destroy Novatech. |
Actually Art was un-employed prior to the will. He had been let go when his division wasn't needed anymore. Sunk into BTL and didn't recover untill the Fuchi collapse.
Jan 14 2004, 04:35 PM
On a side note, I seem to remember there being a precedent for the Draco Foundation extending the interpretation of the Will beyond what is directly stated in the text. That could result in them providing the bounty for dead bloods/toxics despite the fact that the Will specifies alive.
Jan 14 2004, 10:43 PM
The Will states that the DF may award people at it's descretion for information and the like. I would assume that the Toxic/Blood mage's body might be worth something, but it wouldn't be close to the million.
Jan 15 2004, 05:09 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
On a side note, I seem to remember there being a precedent for the Draco Foundation extending the interpretation of the Will beyond what is directly stated in the text. ~J |
Very true,
I mean they did increase the reward for see what was in that "room" in the arcology once it had shut down.
Also you have to bare in mind that some of the will was only valid at the time of writing, not of his death. Lars. J. Mathews comes to mind
Jan 15 2004, 06:32 PM
What happened to Lars J Matthews?
ANd where is there more info about Art Dankewalter? His named always sounded familiar but I could never place it.
Jan 15 2004, 08:06 PM
As i understand the dates and times of what was meant to happen to Mr mathews was before dunklezahn died. And Art is mentioned in threats 2
Playing Games
Jan 17 2004, 09:05 AM
Ares,and Cross is good people
Ghost Walker is good Lizard,too.
Jan 30 2004, 02:25 AM
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