Jun 17 2007, 09:38 AM
I had some questions that aren't covered in the FAQ:
When an Adept uses the power Elemental Strike with an element that has an effect based on the Force of the spell (i.e. Blast and Water with their bonus to knockdown), how does the Adept determine the Force rating? Do they just determine it as Magic = Force?
When combining Elemental Strike (Sound) with Killing Hands, what happens? Does it just do physical damage that ignores armor? Can they be combined?
On the FAQ page, it's mentioned that a technomancer's System, Response, and Complex Forms don't interfere with each other like they would for a commlink. Does this mean a technomancer can raise the ratings of their Complex Forms above their System (Logic + levels gained from Submersion) and use them at the highest levels, unlike a commlink? For example, say a technomancer has Response 3, System 4, and Resonance 5, can they have complex forms at rating 6? If not, what attribute determines the max level of their non-threaded complex forms?
Is the Command (misc) Program/Complex Form needed to wire information from security cameras to the AR displays of fellow runners (like done in the opening story of SR4 core) or can it done via another Program/Complex Form?
When a character upgrades their cyberware/bioware (like say from alphaware to betaware), how does this affect their Essence? If lost essence can never be restored, like it says on page 61 of SR4, then what is the benefit of upgrading your ware?
Is there a max grade of Initiation/Submersion that a Magic Type/Technomancer can reach, or a required time period between achieveing different grades? If not, then what happens when they achieve insanely high levels of Magic/Resonance (say above 14 or 15)? What would be the signal range on a technomancer with a Signal of 10 or higher (Resonance 19+) or of a heavily upgraded commlink be?
I know that magic normally ignores armor ratings due to channeling the mana through the target and then causing the effect there, however, there were two instances that made me pause and wonder: troll natural armor, and the Mystic Armor power of Adepts. Does either of these protect against magic damage?
Jun 17 2007, 10:20 AM
I can help you with the following, but magic stuff is better left to others.
On the FAQ page, it's mentioned that a technomancer's System, Response, and Complex Forms don't interfere with each other like they would for a commlink. Does this mean a technomancer can raise the ratings of their Complex Forms above their System (Logic + levels gained from Submersion) and use them at the highest levels, unlike a commlink? For example, say a technomancer has Response 3, System 4, and Resonance 5, can they have complex forms at rating 6? If not, what attribute determines the max level of their non-threaded complex forms? |
Yes, in your example they can have complex forms at rating 6 if they have resonance at rating 6 or higher.
Is the Command (misc) Program/Complex Form needed to wire information from security cameras to the AR displays of fellow runners (like done in the opening story of SR4 core) or can it done via another Program/Complex Form? |
You can copy/transfer with the Edit Program/Complex Form. You would need the Command Program/Complex Form to move/focus/zoom the camera (assuming it has such capabilities).
When a character upgrades their cyberware/bioware (like say from alphaware to betaware), how does this affect their Essence? |
It doesn't. (This assumes your GM generously allows removed cyberware/bioware to create an Essence Hole as it did in previous editions.)
If lost essence can never be restored, like it says on page 61 of SR4, then what is the benefit of upgrading your ware? |
To get more cyberware! (See above caveat.)
Is there a max grade of Initiation/Submersion that a Magic Type/Technomancer can reach, or a required time period between achieveing different grades? |
No, and no. As always check with your GM. He or she (who am I kidding--he) may have different ideas.
If not, then what happens when they achieve insanely high levels of Magic/Resonance (say above 14 or 15)? What would be the signal range on a technomancer with a Signal of 10 or higher (Resonance 19+) or of a heavily upgraded commlink be? |
I don't have my books with me, but I believe that max signal upgrade for a comlink is 6. Yes I realize at very high submersion grades a Technomancer does not need (or rather
is) a satellite uplink. What keeps them from cooking their eggs with this magic radio brain is beyond me. (Take "eggs" however you will.)
I wouldn't worry too much about satellite hacking Technos. They're karma whores. By the time they get to that level, other players will have maxed out and retired 2 characters!
Jun 17 2007, 02:18 PM
QUOTE (SleepIncarnate) |
When an Adept uses the power Elemental Strike with an element that has an effect based on the Force of the spell (i.e. Blast and Water with their bonus to knockdown), how does the Adept determine the Force rating? Do they just determine it as Magic = Force?
Sounds good to me. The rules make a connection between Magic and Force in a number of places.
QUOTE (Da9iel) |
I don't have my books with me, but I believe that max signal upgrade for a comlink is 6. Yes I realize at very high submersion grades a Technomancer does not need (or rather is) a satellite uplink. What keeps them from cooking their eggs with this magic radio brain is beyond me. (Take "eggs" however you will.)
Which is the weird thing about the whole satellite and Signal thing. Low Earth orbit is from about 200 km to about 2000 km above sea level, with most LEO satellites orbiting at around 400km. That would require a Signal Rating of 9 in order to reach. Geosynchronous communications satellites sit at a whopping 35,786 km from the earth, which would require (extrapolating from the table) a Signal Rating of 13. Satellite uplinks (a bargain at 500¥) only have a Signal of 8. In the words of the great philosopher, Malcolm Reynolds, "huh."
Jun 17 2007, 04:31 PM
Our group houserules that if you remove some cyberware you can get the lost essence back... eventually. We did this to make upgrading worthwhile and for fun technomage possibilities. It is not RAW but it adds a fun flavor to the game for us.
Mordrid Soud
Jun 17 2007, 04:47 PM
When a character upgrades their cyberware/bioware (like say from alphaware to betaware), how does this affect their Essence? If lost essence can never be restored, like it says on page 61 of SR4, then what is the benefit of upgrading your ware? |
We always played it where you do not get essence back, but the difference between the original cost in essence and the new essence cost created from the upgrade could be used for future cyberware. So after after upgrading if there was a difference of say .5 essence in your favor, and later on you had a piece of cyberware installed that cost 2 essence, your net essence cost for the new cyberware would be 1.5 ( the base cost of 2 - the previous difference created with the upgrade of .5 = 1.5)
Jun 18 2007, 03:48 PM
I've had a number of phys ads take elemental strike in my games. I use magic for any force requirements. Also, the damage is always physical, as they have taken killing hands. The elemental effect only adds the secondary effect. For sonic attacks, they get full armor to resist physical damage. Then they worry about deafening and nausea.
Jun 18 2007, 04:44 PM
Why do you choose to ignore the part of sound attacks where it says armor has no effect? Instead, I'd think a bigger problem is the sonic booms the adept is causing with each strike.
Jun 18 2007, 05:05 PM
As for the sonic booms, remember only the target hears the full force of them. Hell, if you wanted to, you could say that only the target hears them at all. Otherwise, elemental strike becomes an area effect adept power and that doesn't seem to be right.
I've usually ruled that sonic-based single target spells are audible to people who aren't the targets, but because they aren't the target, the sound is a very focused wave of some kind. If you stand next to said wave, you don't feel its effects or hear it with the same intensity or power that a person standing right in its path does. It breaks down a little if you're standing behind the target, but it's magic, so the target absorbs all of the wave's energy, hence the damage and physical effects of the spell.
Thus, for a sonic elemental strike, the person who gets struck will hear/feel the sonic effect, but the person standing next to her won't or won't hear it as much.
Jun 18 2007, 05:11 PM
And, I think in the name of balance, there should be more of a downside to using sonic attacks to kill your foes. Since you get to entirely ignore armor. Also, note that sound is always stun damage, as it says that in the description of the elemental effect. I think ignore armor do stun is a very powerful ability, and thus, you cause loud noises (not really any worse than a gunshot) for using it. Defeating the "quiet" aspect of melee combat.
Jun 18 2007, 05:20 PM
When you run elemental strike, do you allow damage from the strike + damage from the elemental secondary effect?
Jun 18 2007, 05:49 PM
Not directly. You get your strike, with the properties of the element. Sound for example, ignores armor but does stun. Fire does physical, uses half impact, and might light their clothes on fire. Etc. If they happened to have ammo, it might cook off, and hurt them, or they'd been soaked in lighter fluid they'd be taking damage if it caught fire. But not bonus damage, it'd be seperate and caused by the secondary effects of the element.
Jun 18 2007, 06:26 PM
Interesting. I've always used the phrasing that says ...
QUOTE ("p. 176 under Elemental Strike") |
Elemental Strike enhances the effects of Killing Hands with an elemental effect |
... to mean that Killing Hands is still doing the damage, but Elemental Strike adds the elemental secondary effects to that damage. In other words, the a Sonic Strike wouldn't ignore armor and do stun (that's the primary effect, for lack of a better term) but it would cause the nausea/deafness as a secondary effect of getting struck with Killing Hands.
Jun 18 2007, 06:40 PM
Why do you choose to ignore the part of sound attacks where it says armor has no effect? Instead, I'd think a bigger problem is the sonic booms the adept is causing with each strike. |
I'm not ignoring it, I'm interpreting it differently. Sonic attacks, that are purely sound based, ignore armor. If a player used a sonic blast spell, they would get that effect. The adepts attack is still a punch. It just has the added effect of the elemental strike. If you get hit by a flaming fist, it hurts the same as a regular fist and you might get burnt a bit. The damage is still primarily from the fist not the fire. The fire might set your shirt a blaze. Elemental strike doesn't convert the adepts hand into the element it just covers it with it.
And yes, for the sonic strike, I play that it is audible to anyone nearby. This particular adept also shouted his name when he struck, which was a killing word.
Jun 19 2007, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
Interesting. I've always used the phrasing that says ...
QUOTE ("p. 176 under Elemental Strike") | Elemental Strike enhances the effects of Killing Hands with an elemental effect |
... to mean that Killing Hands is still doing the damage, but Elemental Strike adds the elemental secondary effects to that damage. In other words, the a Sonic Strike wouldn't ignore armor and do stun (that's the primary effect, for lack of a better term) but it would cause the nausea/deafness as a secondary effect of getting struck with Killing Hands.
It says enhances with an elemental effect, not enhances with an elemental secondary effect. To me, that says that it does damage as the element. Think about it like this. You punch someone, you do Str/2 S damage regularly. You use killing hands, and it changes it to P damage. Now, this changes killing hands to do the elements effects instead. Which means, ignore armor & stun for sound, or half impact physical for fire. As well as gaining the secondary effects. The downsides, are the simple action to turn it on, and the short duration (magic combat turns).
So, to me, "enhance" killing hands, is adds the elemental effects to it, both the primary and secondary.
Jun 19 2007, 05:08 AM
Yeah, I too have major questions about what exactly is an appropriate perception modifer to apply (if any) for the use of Sonic elemental strikes. After all, sound is really just vibration to begin with, so it doesn't necessarily have to be at a frequency metahumans can hear (heck, in fact it may make more sense if it isn't!). There's also things like the LRAD to show us that sound can indeed operate as a very focused wave if necessary. And that's not even bringing into account that we're talking about a magical effect here
Jun 19 2007, 08:57 AM
I guess the part where it says "sound hits the target with a wave of unbelievably loud noise and gut-churning vibrations" makes me think that from the list of perception modifiers on 117... it counts as Loud, meaning threshold one to hear, and stands out, giving +2 dice to perceiver. Chances are, all that'll do, is cancel out the -2 or -3 they'll get for the distance. Pretty much, about as hard to hear as a gunshot, but thats the tradeoff you get for being able to ignore armor with a melee attack, as well as being incapacitated by nausea (if damage done is greater than willpower). Chances are, without the benefit of armor, and with critical strikes/trolls strengths, the target will be too busy being incapacitated for 3 turns out to do anything like call out for help or the like. This gives me an idea for a very very mean mystic adept build, with sound barrier, killing hands, sound strike, critical strike, counter strike, increased reflexes, and armor... Sound barrier simply because unlike hush and silence, it hurt the sound attack in anyway, yet still makes it inaudible if its cast encircling the target. I'm gonna go see just how mean that can get...
Jun 19 2007, 03:08 PM
Having Elemental Strike provide the full effect of the elemental attack would be unbalanced. For 0.5 points you can take sonic and ignore armor or fire and use 1/2 armor. Penetrating Strike would become useless.
Also, when I read enhances with elemental effect, I read that it is adding something to the existing damage, e.g. your fist is now a flaming fist. Not changes into an elemental attack. The fist does not become a fist made of fire. Mages pay a hefty drain price for the elemental effects, 0.5 is much to cheap.
Jun 19 2007, 03:23 PM
Well personally I don't allow Sonic Attacks because quite simply I can't quite envision how a Sound Dampener would provide armor against being punched, but other then Sonic, I've found that Penetrating Strike is still a good buy, after all at (Rating 3) it takes 8+ Impact for the 1/2 Impact Elements to edge out ahead.
But then again after FrankTrollman's comments in another thread, I've decided to allow Elemental Strike/Penetrating Strike to be used with Distance Strike (Although not with each other.).
But I haven't had a chance to hash it out in play yet.
Jun 19 2007, 03:33 PM
I wouldn't allow the sound dampener to provide armor against an adept using sonic strike. I would allow bonus dice for resisting the deafening effects and for use against a sonic blast spell.
Elemental Strike comes out ahead at 6 points of impact. It costs 0.5 and Penetrating Strike costs 0.25 per level and is capped at 3.
Jun 19 2007, 03:53 PM
QUOTE (GWCarver) |
Elemental Strike comes out ahead at 6 points of impact. It costs 0.5 and Penetrating Strike costs 0.25 per level and is capped at 3. |
Actually I picked 8+ because I've figured that the fact that you don't have to worry about your Secondary Effects fragging the run up depending on your enviroment is worth that extra 0.25 PP, but regardless if you play with the sample NPCs (I don't, but that is another discusion for another time.) then more often then not a straight -3 AP is going to be a better deal then 1/2 Impact Armor.
*EDIT* Also with Penetrating Strike you don't have to worry about whether or not your enemy gets extra armor from any Fire Proofing/ect Mods on his armor.
QUOTE (GWCarver) |
I wouldn't allow the sound dampener to provide armor against an adept using sonic strike. I would allow bonus dice for resisting the deafening effects and for use against a sonic blast spell. |
And that is why I don't allow Adepts to use Sonic Attacks, without a counter why would anyone pick anything else to use once the Runner's cover was already blown? (And lets face it, if you are fighting armored goons then stealth is most likely already nothing more then a fond memory.)
Jun 19 2007, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (GWCarver) |
Also, when I read enhances with elemental effect, I read that it is adding something to the existing damage, e.g. your fist is now a flaming fist. Not changes into an elemental attack. The fist does not become a fist made of fire. Mages pay a hefty drain price for the elemental effects, 0.5 is much to cheap. |
So, being hit by a flamethrower spell does fire damage, but being hit by a flaming fist doesn't? Not even if its a magical flaming fist intended to do damage with the fire?
Jun 19 2007, 06:05 PM
I know you meant that sarcastically but yes. The flaming fist will still light things on fire but it is still a fist magic or not. If I lit a baseball bat on fire and hit someone with it, the bat would be causing most of the damage, they may be a bit singed too but mostly its the bat.
This is what keeps sonic strike from being the obvious choice in my games. You don't get the 0 armor effect. Everyone is free to run their games however they see fit and this is what has made the most sense to me and my players. I've thought about adding a metamagic technique to provide full elemental damage but haven't done it yet because none of my players have expressed an interest.
My interpretation is about game balance more than anything else.
Jun 19 2007, 06:17 PM
I side with GWCarver on this one, too. The elemental secondary effects enhance the adepts Killing Hands. They can punch for stun or physical damage (based on the killing hands power) and the elemental effect happens, too. Thus, Blast effects still add to knockdown (an underused elemental effect that's really nice in melee combat), water effects can make things wet and short out electricity and smoke effects can obscure vision and maybe make people choke.
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