Jun 24 2007, 06:14 PM
Hey, I've got kind of a complex question regarding cyberware and its link to the Matrix.
Much like a hacker/technomancer can take over someone's drones, is it possible for them to also take over someone else's cyberware? I admit to having only skimmed the rules thus far, but it's a question I'm sure will come up. How exactly would someone hack into a piece of cyberware to control it? Through the owner's PAN/Commlink first? Would it be at least two separate tests (one for commlink, one for cyberware)?
Jun 24 2007, 06:24 PM
Err, we've been discussing it in several threads now. Choose one.
Jun 24 2007, 06:25 PM
everything has wifi, even people's underwear. So everything can be hacked if the target is careless enough to leave them exposed.
two ways to hack a guy cyber:
1. The target is a retard and has it subbed to his comm. The hacker then hacks the targets comm and has access from there.
2. the hacker is within 0 signal range (a couple of meters) and can skip the commlink and go straight for the goodies.
ways to stop it:
1. turn all the wifi on the cyber you want to keep safe OFF.
Uhh thats the only way i know of to stop it lol. Some things I have read hinted at just making the stuff run in hidden mode but hidden stuff can be hacked still so I dont know how that is safe.
Jun 24 2007, 06:30 PM
You could try putting a really nice firewall on it. Talk to the resident hacker.
Jun 24 2007, 07:10 PM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
Err, we've been discussing it in several threads now. Choose one. |
Nah, I like creating my own threads to just add to the confusion. I'm subversive to your sensibilities that way.
Jun 25 2007, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
You could try putting a really nice firewall on it. Talk to the resident hacker. |
some ice may help to.
hmm, i wonder. if a pan is one whole node, and a limb is part of said pan, would any patroling ice go after anyone trying to hack the limb? could save on the ice costs (if your not a dirty thieving pirate that is).
Jun 25 2007, 12:51 AM
Well personally I've always been fond of using a Betagrade skinlink capable Datajack as a really nasty chokepoint to the rest of my ware when I actually have a reason to connect my cyber to my wireless PAN as opposed to my seperate skinlinked PAN.
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