Jun 25 2007, 08:00 PM
In the edge rules, can you spend ONE edge point and then add your whole edge attribute to your rolls?
Rotbart van Dainig
Jun 25 2007, 08:09 PM
That's one option.
Jun 25 2007, 08:09 PM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
In the edge rules, can you spend ONE edge point and then add your whole edge attribute to your rolls? |
To one specific roll.
I need to hack that node.
I have hacking 4 and exploit 4 and an edge attribute of 4
If I spend 1 point of edge.... I get to add 4 dice to that ONE roll.
There are many ways to use edge for a test though, and not all of them involve rolling your edge in dice.
Edge is a very powerful stat in the game, having a few points in it can help in a pinch... or when you want to make the cool Hollywood style effects.
Jun 25 2007, 08:15 PM
Ah. I only have an edge of 2, currently.
Kyoto Kid
Jun 25 2007, 08:16 PM
QUOTE (lunchbox311) |
Edge is a very powerful stat in the game, having a few points in it can help in a pinch... or when you want to make the cool Hollywood style effects. | my boxer Hannah did when she loaded used her edge for one heck of a haymaker punch (I think with the exploding 6s, the final DV ended up to be something like 19 or 20). Yeah, she knocked his block off alright.
Jun 25 2007, 08:17 PM
I like to reroll all non hits instead of get extra dice or exploding 6's.
Jun 25 2007, 08:17 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
QUOTE (lunchbox311) | Edge is a very powerful stat in the game, having a few points in it can help in a pinch... or when you want to make the cool Hollywood style effects. | my boxer Hannah did when she loaded used her edge for one heck of a haymaker punch (I think with the exploding 6s, the final DV ended up to be something like 19 or 20). Yeah, she knocked his block off alright.
She knocked it off and gave it a one way flight to the next state.
Jun 25 2007, 08:19 PM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
Ah. I only have an edge of 2, currently. |
That is still not bad. That gives an extra 2 dice to any skill test as needed. Or 2 dice to roll for a long shot test of the horridly almost not possible shots.
I try to have at least 2 edge on my characters... sometimes it does not happen, but it does help a ton. Get it to 4 or more and it can get scary.
Jun 25 2007, 08:21 PM
My friend is playing a rigger.
He has 8 edge.
Jun 25 2007, 08:28 PM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
My friend is playing a rigger.
He has 8 edge. |
Here is an example of what 8 edge can do to a game.
Stolen from Cain......
QUOTE ( Cain from the Charisma 1 rigger thread) |
Oh, here's the example:
The team's van is barreling up to the waterfront, only to discover their target's speedboat is already a klick out to sea, dodging its way at full speed through the Seattle waterfront traffic. The troll sam shouts: "Drek! I can't get a bead!" So, Mr. Lucky grabs the HMG from the troll, which he can barely lift, and takes a shot.
The lighting conditions are bad: Extreme Range (-3), Partial light (-2), With Glare (-1) and Heavy rain (-4, this is Seattle, after all). Mr . Lucky is in a moving vehicle (-3) as is his target; the GM assigns an additional -3 to reflect the boat's speed and pitching. The target has total cover (-6), and since Mr. Lucky only has the vaugest idea what he's shooting at, he gets the -6 Blind fire penalty. To make, matters worse, MR. Lucky has two Serious wounds, for 9 boxes on both monitors (-6). He's never even picked up an HMG before (-1), but he does know where the selector switch is, and cranks the thing into full auto for a narrow burst (-9, doubled to -18 because it's a heavy weapon and the gas-vent system is fouled due to an earlier critical fumble).
Mr. Lucky is at -53 to hit. He could try to aim, but since there's no point, he simply hauls the thing into the general direction and fires. He has a negative dice pool, so he spends a point of Edge, giving him 8 dice to roll. He could simply *buy* two successes with that; if he were to roll, he'd average 2.66 successes, rounded up to 3. Since his target is an average wageslave, he only has his Reaction of 3 to defend with, which will average one success-- not enough. And since Mr. Lucky called for a Narrow Burst, there's simply no way the target can soak. |
Rotbart van Dainig
Jun 25 2007, 08:30 PM
QUOTE (lunchbox311) |
Here is an example of what 8 edge can do to a game. |
It's more like: '..what the Longshot Rule...'
And yes, it's completly broken.
Jun 25 2007, 08:30 PM
After playing a character with an edge of two for an extended period I have made 3 the minimum value in the stat for all my subsequent characters.
Jun 25 2007, 08:47 PM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
Ah. I only have an edge of 2, currently. |
A low Edge value doesn't necessarily make it an unimportant Attribute.
In another thread we figured out that if your dice pool is 2.5 times your Edge, use your point of Edge to reroll failures. If the dice pool is less than that breakpoint, add your Edge dice and reroll the sixes.
With your Edge of 2, it's likely the former case will predominate. Nevertheless, if you have a high dicepool, rerolling failures can get you a lot more hits.
Kyoto Kid
Jun 26 2007, 12:47 AM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Jun 25 2007, 03:16 PM) | QUOTE (lunchbox311) | Edge is a very powerful stat in the game, having a few points in it can help in a pinch... or when you want to make the cool Hollywood style effects. | my boxer Hannah did when she loaded used her edge for one heck of a haymaker punch (I think with the exploding 6s, the final DV ended up to be something like 19 or 20). Yeah, she knocked his block off alright.
She knocked it off and gave it a one way flight to the next state.
...the way my GM described it, the guy was basically turned into a "life size pez dispenser", albeit with no candy.
Jun 26 2007, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (Samantha) |
Ah. I only have an edge of 2, currently. |
Edge is still good in your area of speciality. Say you're rolling 10 dice, and get an average roll (10 successes). You can then reroll seven dice, which you would have needed Edge 7 to add in the first place. It just means you can't become good at everything by adding your Edge to things you have no skill in.
Jun 26 2007, 06:45 AM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig @ Jun 25 2007, 01:30 PM) |
QUOTE (lunchbox311 @ Jun 25 2007, 10:28 PM) | Here is an example of what 8 edge can do to a game. |
It's more like: '..what the Longshot Rule...'
And yes, it's completly broken.
It gets worse when you're *not* on a Longshot test. You get exploding 6's then.
Mr. Lucky, in the last game he played in, had to take out a heavily armored troll. He has a base 20 dice to make the shot with, and was at -17 in penalties (mostly from a called shot to bypass the guy's armor, but it could be anything.) He added 8 dice, for a total of 11. With exploding 6's, that averages something like 6 successes, and I rolled well. At 6 successes, even a troll would be hard-pressed to soak all of that. Add in things like burst-fire, flechette ammo, and the like, and you can see how nasty it can get all at once.
The Jopp
Jun 26 2007, 08:48 AM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
QUOTE (lunchbox311 @ Jun 25 2007, 10:28 PM) | Here is an example of what 8 edge can do to a game. |
It's more like: '..what the Longshot Rule...'
And yes, it's completly broken.
One way to limit such blatant abuse (which in my book it would be if someone tried it witch such extreme situation) is to limit the maximum negative dicepool to Edge X2.
If the character has an edge of 8 and a attribute of 3 (and defaulting at -1) and dicepool modifier of -16 he would get a dicepool of -14. He can still roll 8D6 with his edge.
If he had an edge of 5 we would have a negative dicepool higher than edge X2 and will miss no matter what – even a longshot is limited in his luck.
Rotbart van Dainig
Jun 26 2007, 08:53 AM
QUOTE (Cain) |
It gets worse when you're *not* on a Longshot test. |
No. A longshot test is a way to sidestep penalties at a certain point.
That's a problem of the Edge rules.
QUOTE (Cain) |
He has a base 20 dice to make the shot with, and was at -17 in penalties (mostly from a called shot to bypass the guy's armor, but it could be anything.) He added 8 dice, for a total of 11. |
So what? A social Adept with 20+ dice in Negotiation could have convinced the troll to shoot himself - most likely without the use of Edge. At a base dicepool of 20+, most tests start to be pro forma.
That's not a problem of the Edge rules.
Jun 26 2007, 09:57 AM
By RAW its an ironclad exploit within the confines of the rules.
If I were running I'd probably take exploding away if the player didnt have at least 1 net hit from a non-edge source.
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