Jun 26 2007, 12:21 AM
My long-time gaming group is tired of the D20 system and we're groping about looking for something new to do. Well, we've found it, but it's not exactly new. We scrounged together some materials and found that there was a consensus to go back and play first edition Shadowrun.
Only one of us has much experience with the game, and even he has only played a few adventures. I read many of the novels back in the day, but my gaming experience with Shadowrun was very limited.
We're looking for a great, pre-published campaign or adventure to get started with. I saw loads of stuff on e-bay and amazon, so I'm sure we'll be able to find just about anything we need. The only adventure I recall from that era is Harlequin and I recall it winning an Origins award.
So, better late than never, we're getting with the program.
Any suggestions on must-have first edition? I know that I have the original book , Sprawl Sites, Grimoire and Street Samurai Catalog. One other guy has the original book and paranormal animals.
Jun 26 2007, 12:32 AM
Firepower ammo.
Omar the Falcon
Jun 26 2007, 12:36 AM
The first edition stuff I have is the rulebook, GM screen, sprawl sites, Seattle sourcebook and the adventure that came with the GM screen, silver angel.
Believe it or not, I still use all of the books in some way, shape, or form. The contacts section makes for great 'quick' NPCs, the old Seattle book is way ahead of the new one, and sprawl sites is also useful.
Anyway, never ran any adventures, but Silver Angel looked to be a decent one.
Jun 26 2007, 01:39 AM
Try Shadowtech, Rigger Black Book and perhaps Shadowbeat. Also Virtual Realities if you're into the matrix.
1st ed. adventures (I think they're all 1st ed.) Some are still available new from the SR website though they're probably cheaper on ebay.
Universal Brotherhood
Queen Euphoria
Bottled Demon
Dragon Hunt
Keep us informed of your first edition foray, please
Jun 26 2007, 02:19 AM
You need Shadowbeat. Shadowbeat, it can't be emphasied enough. It is the ultimate rpg suppliment ever.
Cybertechnology has the best fluff I have read. Hatchetman's story alone is worth whatever you pay for it.
Shadowtech is another good one. I prefer it to M&M.
P.S. Food Fight and Turn to Goo 4evah!
Jun 26 2007, 06:47 AM
For a campaign, you want Harlequin. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Harlequin is, IMO the best module ever written for any game system, ever. It's the book that taught me how to be a good GM. I still reference it for pointers, even when I'm GMing other games.
Jun 26 2007, 11:22 AM
Wow, thanks for all the helpful replies!
I'll see if I can't find Shadowbeat, Shadowtech and the Rigger's Black Book.
For the module, is Harlequin something we could do right away? I know very little about leveling a character in Shadowrun so I have no idea if the module is intended for new runners or if it requires more advanced characters.
We'll be starting from scratch, probably just playing the archetypes straight out of the original core book.
Jun 26 2007, 12:32 PM
I have shadowtech for $5 if you want it, along with some others; PM me if you want the full list of what I have available.
Jun 26 2007, 01:20 PM
If you want to use this thread as a running list of the suggested books you (a) have gotten a deal for and (b) still want to get ahold of, there are probably quite a few of us with doubles or triples of older stuff, we'd be willing to part with on the cheap.
Jun 26 2007, 01:52 PM
While we're doing requests for 1st edition materials, does anyone have a list, tables, scans et al of the Street Samurai Catalogue 1st ed. damage codes (eg. 3M2). I have in hand the revised SSC but my 1st ed. copy is in a crate somewhere.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 26 2007, 10:23 PM
I always feel it's helpful to get people pumped up for SR by showing Bloodsport, Big Trouble In Little China, Escape From New York, and American Ninja.
Jun 26 2007, 11:27 PM
QUOTE (Kwyn) |
For the module, is Harlequin something we could do right away? I know very little about leveling a character in Shadowrun so I have no idea if the module is intended for new runners or if it requires more advanced characters. |
Harlequin can be run for characters of any power level. I've seen it run for fresh-out-the-gate, starting characters before, so it shouldn't pose a problem.
Jun 28 2007, 07:32 AM
I can't remember but I think this book is 2nd Edition, but it is a good one.
Get Fields of Fire. It is one of the better supplements out there. Also honestly if you can find it the Lone Star Sourcebook is good.
Seattle is the game world city so any city sourcebook is almost a must have.
I don't really like most of the published adventures. They all tend follow a formula that I don't care for.
1. Players are street trash, gutter scum, Neo-Anarchist poser runners.
2. Every Johnson will screw you ever time no matter what.
3. The plot relies on the players being extremely stupid and conventient NPCs just showing up and helping you for no reason.
4. The opposition is usually out of line of with the reward. Basically go fight this army of Mech-Warriors with this toothpick, but it's going to have to be your toothpick because we can't afford one.
Although the Harley Mods aren't too bad. They're actually entertaining simply because they don't follow the formula. Plus they're more Role-Playing then Roll-Playing.
Oh and watch Ronin and HEAT.
Jun 28 2007, 07:38 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jun 26 2007, 10:23 PM) |
I always feel it's helpful to get people pumped up for SR by showing Bloodsport, Big Trouble In Little China, Escape From New York, and American Ninja. |
If only he were a Troll Physad whose Geasa was "Not Being Able to Get Close to Someone - Emotionally".
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