Jun 28 2007, 03:25 AM
I actually tried to play the demo of the SR game, and yeah not a huge fan of it at all.
Anyways, I am a pretty big fan of Rooster Teeth's 1-800 Magic. What is everyone else's input on the series if they have watched it.
Jun 28 2007, 05:47 AM
Funny stuff so far (but I'm a huge Rooster Teeth fan anyhow). Couldn't care less about the video game itself.
Caine Hazen
Jun 28 2007, 04:10 PM
It looks like it could get good, but it didn't hit me like RvB right out of the gate. The potential is there though, and with RvB wrapping up, we'll see if the refocus will make 1-800-magic better than RvB was
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