Jul 9 2007, 03:02 PM
Friends, Dumpshockers, netizens. Lend me your ears. I come not to praise myself but to bury myself. In GM work.
Yup, folks. I'm going to be trying my hand at GMing a PbP game. Silly me thou, not a standard game.
A steampunk Victorian age game. Yup you read right.
Steampunk. Right now I'm taking concepts and thoughts. You have a week or so to get ready, I'm not going to rush this. Here are the basic house rules.
SR 4th Ed.
350BP characters
Starting year 1870
London Metroplex
One of you
must have some locksmith skills
Hackers no wireless, so it's back to the good old days of steam powered cyberdecks
TMs are allowed but you'll be closer to a mage build, you must come into physical contact with a machine to use sprites. CFs are 3 BP Registered Sprites are bought at their Rating
I'm using Fist's CSP. (Common Sense Points) Doing clever or neat things will get you CSP to be spent on Knowledge Skills
Not all techs exist keep this in mind during CC (Ask me for a ruling)
Any questions please post in this thread.
Recommended Reading
You don't have to read or look at these but it might make envisioning my Victorian Age a little easier.
[ Spoiler ]
Edgar Rice Burrourghs' Tarzan novels ( I'd recommend these any way but Burroughs has a neat grasp on the Victorian age)
H. Rider Haggard's Allen Quartermain novels (Gunslinger adepts here's your Idol)
Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes (Always good to know how the other side thinks)
Willaim Gibson's The Difference Engine (A good take on steam powered comps)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Graphic Novels (This is where you could be)
Girl Genius by Phil Foglio (Awesome steampunk setting, totally convincing)
Jul 9 2007, 03:34 PM
I am...intrigued.
DuckEggBlue Omega
Jul 9 2007, 03:46 PM
Stop giving me reasons to finally cave in and buy SR4, when I'm BROKE, DAMN YOU!
Oh well, if I stumble upon some spare cash before this game fills up, I'll be back, I really like Steampunk.
QUOTE ("Meriss") |
Hackers no wireless, so it's back to the good old days of steam powered cyberdecks |
Well, I atleast have to post these links before I go...
Steampunk Keyboard with
Steampunk LCD Monitor.
Jul 9 2007, 07:07 PM
So I've got a few concepts pretty solidly in mind (a gunslinger type, either adept or maybe trying out a mystic adept, or maybe a "mysterious Easterner" sort of guy, with all sorts of martial arts just to be different), but I've got a few questions on gear/steamware/whatever.
As far as guns go, what are we looking at? Use the Ruger (and other revolver) stats, for the most part? Any drop in damage/AP due to the differences between modern day and Victorian era gunpowder and propellants? Similarly, are we looking at prepackaged cartridges for bullets (or hand loading black powder weaponry before each shot)? Anything like a smartlink or a laser sight possible?
And (not directly related to the above) any chance we can get a starting setting and exact year from you, for background purposes (depending on who you ask, we're talking about a more than fifty year period, here)?
Jul 9 2007, 07:28 PM
*BONK* Sorry Critias, knew I forgot something see original post for year and setting. Feel free to use the Ruger +1AP/ -1 damage. Cartridge rounds exist at Avail 6, or Black Market Avail 4 Telescopic sights +1 to Accuracy, no laser
Fresno Bob
Jul 9 2007, 09:40 PM
I'm interested.
Jul 10 2007, 04:09 AM
I presume that all races are playable then? Assuming so, what is the back-story to their how and why?
Jul 10 2007, 03:06 PM
@Alex: Yup All races are playable. The mana cycle started in 1612 as opposed to 2012. Thus here we are.
Welcome to the past
Jul 10 2007, 06:18 PM
I want to make sure that I understood you correctly: 1612?
As in Jamestown in America and Galileo staring at the sky?
One question ....
Are the Horrors here yet?
Jul 10 2007, 07:08 PM
The current year is 1870. As in Queen Victoria rules Britannia, and Britannia rules the waves. There
might be Horrors but I ain't telling potential PCs
You'll just have to wait and see.
Jul 11 2007, 12:56 AM
Ok, point taken on the Horrors (I didn't think that I would get a response there).
However, what about the year: 1612 or 1812?
Jul 11 2007, 02:27 AM
My bad Alex I was A little confused meself about that. But you are correct the mana cycle began in 1812. *sigh* Must keep better GM notes.
Jul 11 2007, 11:58 PM
I am intrigued. I'll send you a concept later as long as I think that I can manage another game.
Jul 12 2007, 02:42 AM
Still Plenty of room at the Inn folks
Jul 12 2007, 05:54 AM
Working on a human detective with some Face-like skills. What is the cap on attributes? 170 BP or 200 BP?
What groups of weapons exist? Automatics I assume since you referenced LXG.
Jul 12 2007, 04:06 PM
Attribute Cap is whatever you think will work
Honestly I'm trying
not to stifle creativity here. I'm going to be reworking all the weapons. Basiaclly no SMGs LMGs or other full autos (Unless you want a Gatling which will be a: impossible to get ahold of without raiding a military base ands b: Unbelieveably expensive.) Grab any of the light to heavy pistols rifle or shotguns. Cut the ammo capacity. And remember, if you shoot at some one without a gunn bad things may start happening.
I don't remember referencing the LXG?
Jul 12 2007, 04:12 PM
They're in the suggested reading part up top.
Anyways -- yeah, I'm...still torn savagely between my two initial concepts. Either The Mysterious Easterner (with zany martial arts action), or Spellgunslinger-Guy. Torn, I say. Toooooorn!
Jul 12 2007, 04:20 PM
Man, I wish I weren't still finishing my dissertation. Good luck to you, folks! I bet it will be fun.
Jul 12 2007, 04:55 PM
@Critias: Well apparently I need to read my own recommended reading list.
Thanks. Feel free to play whatever will make you happy.
@Alex: Sorry too many acronyms *head explodes*
Jul 13 2007, 04:15 AM
QUOTE (Meriss) |
@Alex: Sorry too many acronyms *head explodes* |
Hey, I work for a company that has an acronym database named "CHAOS". The problem is that one acronym may have as many as 13 different definitions.
Jul 13 2007, 04:07 PM
*tapes head back together, reads Alex's post, head explodes again* Gee man I feel sorrry fer you.
Jul 14 2007, 02:04 AM
@My Players to be: Guys Seeing as how it's Friday, I'd like to move forward a little. Can you have basic concepts by Monday (July 16)? Thanks! Try not to kill yerselves over the weekend.
Jul 15 2007, 03:16 AM
HAhahahha!!! So amused to see some familiar faces here. Cirt, Alex, 'allo. Meriss asked me to join in. I told him I was more than happy until he told me the BP was so low. Then I cried like a baby, until I realized that , hell, let's be honest, I'd play even if I was forced make an awakened shapeshifter with enough just eough points left over to take Neg 1 to talk people pit of killing my pathetic ass.
That being said, going for a low powered mage, as previously discussed w/ Meriss.
Jul 15 2007, 03:27 AM
The low BP's was what kept me from throwing my hat in the ring. I'd
really like to play a serious game with better-than-starting characters for a change.
Jul 15 2007, 03:29 AM
Meriss, how do you want the characters sent to you?
Jul 15 2007, 06:38 AM
Going with PM.
[ Spoiler ]
Jacob Smith was born near downtown London to a prominent banking family. Never having a great deal of desire to follow in his father’s footsteps, Jacob, tried to assert his independence which did not go over well among the upper crust of London. His father gave him an ultimatum: fall in line and follow the family business or get out and find his own way. He opted to leave. He traveled to India and then on to Asia. He spent several years studying with a group of monks in Hong Kong learning to control his new found powers. There, he learned to open his mind to the power and became attuned to those around him. He returns home to find that his father has died and that his mother has remarried. His sister is now happily married to a Scotland Yard Inspector, a Mr. Jones. The great deal of time apart has proven to be a detriment to their relationships. Realizing that he needed a way to make a living, Jacob decided to follow in the figurative footsteps of his brother-in-law. Failing the entrance exam, he opted to take on the life of a private detective. Using the techniques he learned from his time in Hong Kong he was able to read people and used this to his advantage. He found that there were other outlets for his talents as well.
Jacob seems to be allergic to water. It is so bad that he breaks out in hives. He believes that it results from him almost drowning while playing in the ocean as a child. He swore that he saw eyes in the water but no one – especially the doctor – believed him. In Hong Kong, he came face to face with an elemental summoned by a fellow monk. Unprovoked, the elemental went after him. He now wonders if the eyes he saw in the ocean were those of a murderous elemental.
Jul 15 2007, 06:52 AM
Stats etc.
[ Spoiler ]
B - 3
A - 2
R - 3
S - 2
C - 5
I - 4
L - 3
W - 4
Edge - 3
Magic - 5
Essense - 6
Initiative - 7
IP - 1
Influence (Group) - 4
Pistols - 3
Dodge - 3
Stealth (Group) - 1
Perception - 4
Locksmith - 4
Knowledge Skills
London Underworld - 4
The Royal Family - 3
Banking - 2
Investigative Methods - 4
Scotland Yard Procedure - 3
Foreign Customs - 2
Buddhist Meditation - 3
English - Native
Chinese - 3
Hindi - 2
Contact: Loyalty/Connection
Thomas Dakin - Lord Mayor of London: 1/4
Helen - Hooker: 2/3
Mr. Bailey - Old Family Friend at Bank: 2/3
O'Mally - Pub Owner: 1/2
Inspector Jones - Scotland Yard: 1/2
Father Daniels: 3/2
Professor Bins - Oxford Professor of Magic: 1/2
Negative Qualities
Spirit Bane - Water
Allergy (Common, Mild) - Seawater
Adept Powers
Commanding Voice
Sustenance (Only require 3 hours sleep and 1 meal/day)
Kinesics - Level 5 (+5 to social tests)
Analytics - Level 3 (+3 for pattern recognition and puzzle solving)
Improved Direction Sense
Enhanced Perception - Level 4 (+4 die for Perception tests)
Ruger Super Warhawk (or equivalent)
6P / -2 AP / SS / - RC / 6 (cy)
100 rounds
Hammerli 620S (or equivalent)
4P / - AP / SA / 1 RC / 6 ©
100 rounds
Lined Coat (a la Sherlock Holmes) 6/4 (-2 to conceal)
Long Leather Coat (Copy of his Lined Coat) 2/2
Lockpick Set
Wire Clippers
Fake License - Level IV - Warhawk
Fake License - Level IV - Hammerli
Fake SIN - Level IV - Joshua Hammil
Fake SIN - Level IV - Edward Johns
Medium Lifestyle x 2 months
Jul 15 2007, 09:05 AM
QUOTE (Alex) |
Going with PM. |
Your PM box must be leaking.
Jul 15 2007, 07:02 PM
Fabulous idea !!
Can't believe you've not mentioned Castle Falkenstein or Jules Verne or Space 1889 or Cthulhu By Gaslight as a source , tho !!
I hope you will you be keeping us updated on progress ??
I am very interested to see how this works out.
Jul 15 2007, 07:15 PM
@Alex: Whoa! I just wanted Archetype and party role. Post is fine fer char sheets, save em and repost when I open the OOC.
Edit: Very nice sheet. There is no such thing as "Positive ID" in the year 1870 thou. SINs will be more like what calling cards and IDs you can support. You are
Approved@Synner: Never got around to Castle Falk, Verne is a given, Space 1889 eh? and I never did like the Lovecraftian genre, as my own San is in doubt.
Just watch the IC And OOC when I get em started.
@Fortune: It's a challenge, just how good a twink are you?
Fresno Bob
Jul 15 2007, 07:49 PM
I was thinking I'd make a demolitions/shooty guy.
Jul 15 2007, 09:27 PM
I've got my character in mind that I want to play. You know the type Meriss; Englishmen, fascinated by the occult, following up on everything from the original Hellfire Club to the works of John Dee, but focusing on Classic Hermeticism and the Book of Thoth. Getting very in to the Arcanum. Bating around a name like Charles Montgomery Spencer, ostrocised from an atrisocratic family that wants little to do with his "sorcerous ways", as they may cast the family in a bad light.
but the motivation is what I'm missing. HWat style are we having here? Are these essnetially 18th centruy shadowrunners? Is it some sort of Leagure of Ext Gentl thing where wedo missions for the crown? Or a hodgepodge of people's drawn inadvertantly to a common cause? Need some info man.
Jul 16 2007, 12:54 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Alex @ Jul 15 2007, 04:38 PM) | Going with PM. |
Your PM box must be leaking. |
Oops, yeah. I posted that kinda late so I guess it was.
Jul 16 2007, 02:42 AM
@Fist: I'm going for a rags to riches game. Your first run will be for the reasonably well known magsman and putter-up (conman and financier) "Doubting" Thomas Brookes. How I'm going to shoehorn all of these radical characters in is my problem. Smith/Alex could be a challenge, but I'm rolling with the punches. Bring it.
For your char I'd say the urge to fund a lodge or some weird occult experiment would be a decent short term and a long term goal would be get enough money/power to impress/cow his family.
Jul 16 2007, 02:58 AM
Screw the money, Fisty. Steal Crowley's thunder and research Sex Magic.
Jul 16 2007, 04:34 AM
If I do that, I might have to battle him on the astral, and get into a contest of wills, when he sends in Baphomet.
Crowley was a nutter. Dee is where it's at.
Meriss, I'll pitch you my char in a bit then.
Jul 17 2007, 06:48 AM
I've been lurking the forums for about a year, but this game concept (And LitS, now that I understand it correctly lol) right here is what made me want to step up and join in the fun.
I just picked up SR4, Havens, and Street Magic, but I have experience (and books) in SR3 and 2... as well as countless other games. I am, however, relatively new to PbP games. I've only been in about 4 over at Rondak's and they... well, died.
Right now I'm reading up on the new rules and thinking up possible characters to play, if there is room in Gaslamp, that is.
Jul 17 2007, 04:48 PM
@Prae: I currently have hmmm... Alex playing a detective, Voorhees wants to be a demo guy, Fist is a mage of some sort, Critias is still in air between a Martial Artist and gunslinger. So that's four. Yeah I can swing another player. Welcome aboard.
@My Players: Alright second warning. You have till Wenesday to finish basic char concept. Just your archtype and party role for now. I will be asking for full Char sheets on Friday, July 20th, 23:00 hrs your local time. This will hopefully give me the weekend to review and look over your sheets.
Jul 17 2007, 04:54 PM
QUOTE (Meriss) |
...Critias is still in air between a Martial Artist and gunslinger.... |
Nah, I'm pretty decided on Mysterious Celestial Martial Artist guy. Just gotta get my booty in gear on that sheet.
Jul 17 2007, 06:23 PM
Sorry, I've been caught up in RL things without time for write ups. Will send my "some sort of mage" tonight.
Jul 17 2007, 07:10 PM
Alrighty, I think I might play a Street Doc-type character. Maybe with some magic to back him up.
Jul 17 2007, 08:26 PM
@Prae: Sounds good
@All: Did any one get some kind of locksmith skills? Cause I may have to rework my starting run if nobody did.
Jul 18 2007, 12:03 AM
QUOTE (Meriss) |
@Prae: Sounds good
@All: Did any one get some kind of locksmith skills? Cause I may have to rework my starting run if nobody did. |
Locksmith 4
Jul 18 2007, 01:24 AM
I remember being sorta impressed when I noticed that.
Jul 18 2007, 03:00 AM
@Alex: ooops, sorry.
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to wake up in the morning.
@Fortune: Yer going to be my heckler for this whole thing, aren't you?
Jul 18 2007, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (Meriss @ Jul 18 2007, 01:00 PM) |
Yer going to be my heckler for this whole thing, aren't you? |
Only in the recruitment thread.
Seriously though, not really. My last post originally was to mention Alex's character's Skill, but by the time I actually pushed the 'post' button (too many windows open), he had already answered the question, so I edited the post's content so that it didn't sound too stupid.
Jul 18 2007, 04:48 AM
Which is hard for him at times.
[ Spoiler ]
Since Fortune isn't stepping up to it, I'll take that Resident Heckler position Sir
Jul 18 2007, 06:30 AM
You can't be the
Resident Heckler™. You're already a
Jul 18 2007, 06:42 AM
Damn it. I'd argue, but I still haven't figured out how to do the Trademark symbol.
BTW, sent in my char background. Team's got it's self a book worm. I'm thinking of going with Magic 2 on this one. Not sure if I dare though. We'll see how the stats turn out. I
may go as high as 4.
Jul 18 2007, 06:53 AM
I've lost access to my SR4 stuff at home for a few days. I've only got it in PDF form and my wife's been using the computer for some ridiculously long on-line standardized test she's got to do to graduate nursing school (despite graduation being last week, they have this 900+ question thing this week).
I don't understand her priorities, but she keeps telling me that's more important than me working on any of the characters I'm supposed to be working on right now. Women, eh? They're nuts. She's all "blah blah blah getting certified as a nurse and starting work is important blah blah blah."
On the bright side, all I've really got left for the guy is deciding once and for all if I want to go the Distance Strike route or the Throwing Weapons route, and then finding a Chinese name. Once she wraps up her silly test, it shouldn't take me long to get him finished up and PMed.
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