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Dr. John Sebastion, Street Doc and Hermetic Healer has been PMed.
Human dressed to kill, good looks and all *waves hand* and walks closer...
"Count me in, will you lad." he looks around and sit on the table *wink* "Don't tell me that it's not possible?" wink.gif

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Really, is there room for one more hmm 'Jackofalltrades'-character? I'm late I know that but hopefully not too late... "If you don't ask, you don't get..."

@Fist: Got it, Don't feed the bears wink.gif

@marghos: I can prolly squeeze in one more bringing me to six, which is coincedentally right about where I planned. Starting run was designed for 4-6 players, now thats synergy folks. smile.gif

@All: Sorry to say it, thread watchers recuiting is now Closed Thanks for all your interest. Keep watching this subforum for the IC And OOC threads. Thank you for yer support and less than helpful comments wink.gif
You'll miss me. wink.gif

Good luck and have fun, y'all. smile.gif
@My Players: Yah know thinking on it, I've been a fairly lousy GM. What do you want this game to be? A serious examination of an alternate timeline? A total over the top Pulp fest, what?

Also could every one do knasser's questionaire over here 5 bonus CSP for completion.

@Fortune: No, no I won't biggrin.gif I'll be doing my best.
With the characters so far (mine and Crit's at least) I'm thinking pulp makes mroe sense.
Pulp or serious works for me. My favorite (and longest running) SR2 campaign was a pulpy one.

Shadowrun Character Development Questions
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Charles Questionare:

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In this case (as I don't really know the setting too well... or nearly at all), I'd take a game like I take my Orange Juice. Squishy, sweet goodness.

Dr. Sebastian's Questionaire:
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Yeah, pretty damned altruistic, but I haven't played a Runner like this in a loooong time biggrin.gif

Bit of background on "Spence". For one, Spence is a dorky street name. I did that on purpose. The knind of nick name someone like him might make up for them selves. Hopefully that will change.

Also, I wasn't really sure on what kind of tech or gear he may need. So I saved 3BP for a "just in case" clause. Meriss, look him over, see what you think.
I had to nit pick and cut hsort on a number of things I dind't want to (like the 2 charisma), but I kepy the cuts on things that would make sense for him. Forinstance, I kept every single spell that I thought it would be nice to have. but then I cut back on his charisma to accomodate it. Made sense for a guy that basically grew up a book worm.

So give me some feedback and let me know what you think. What I wouldn't do for 25 more BP.

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Since Alex and Fist posted their sheets, here's mine:

Dr. John Sebastian:
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And physical discription:
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Mind you this is my first SR4 toon, but I think he turned out rather how I wanted/expected.
Looks pretty good at a casual galnce. I didn't bother going over your points.

You did remind me however that I need to get contacts! *smacks head* Don't suppose youre using that house rule Meriss where you get a certain amount of free contacts off of your Charisma?

I liek the doctor with a blades skill BTW. We're looking pretty magically potent so far.
Han Lo Yang. There. Chinese name picked out. Ta-da! He's a Celestial adept of ill repute, in London to oversee his "uncle's" (a Triad boss back in Hong Kong) business enterprises here (consisting mostly of importing silk and exporting opium). He doesn't really do much except reprisals when that business is disrupted by other criminals, though, and so is left with plenty of free time to make money on the side.

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Christopher Martin "Marty" St.North questionare
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hope you understand wink.gif
Christopher Martin "Marty" St.North questionare
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And now physical description:
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@Players: Alright fist, you all look so sad, Cha x 3 free contacts. 5 CSP for everyone who filled out the questionaire.
Fresno Bob
I'm still in, I'm just planning on getting my character in at the absolute last moment.
QUOTE (Meriss)
@Players: Alright fist, you all look so sad, Cha x 3 free contacts. 5 CSP for everyone who filled out the questionaire.

Hazaa! I can actually know some people! Well, to people. Mabe three. I hate having to have a crappy charisma. C'est La Vie. Merci Meriss.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
I can actually know some people! Well, to people. Mabe three. I hate having to have a crappy charisma.

You could always actually pay for some more friends, you know! nyahnyah.gif

And (ignoring the typos wink.gif ), how could you possibly only know two people under those house rules??? eek.gif
Today has been a bad day for typing for me. And I already did my edit. I only know two people. Man, I wish I could just go and buy friends. *mopes* Maybe I'll just get to be a strong mage, good conjurer, and just create all my friends.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jul 20 2007, 03:18 PM)
I only know two people.

See, I can't figure out why this is, being that Meriss is giving you at least three buddies for free at chargen.

Unless, of course, Meriss actually meant 3 points in Contacts per point of Charisma.

I ain't heckling you Meriss ... honest. biggrin.gif
Don't feel bad, you might know the other PCs, too.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Today has been a bad day for typing for me. And I already did my edit. I only know two people. Man, I wish I could just go and buy friends. *mopes* Maybe I'll just get to be a strong mage, good conjurer, and just create all my friends.

And then Dikote them.

Not sure if I have/need any more contacts. He's basically new to the Area and people come to him for help, soo...

I'll see what I can whip up biggrin.gif
'Marty' or Christopher Martin St.North, security specialist and negotiator.
Metatype human (adept)
Age: 25, born 1845 (3rd of april)

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Attributes, skills and gears:
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Christopher Martin "Marty" St.North questionare
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History is still under construction sarcastic.gif

One thing: How about if Marty and dr John Sebastian knows each others (reason is Martys permanently sick (cancer) little sister Angel, they have met and talk etc etc...)

Any comments? Comments about Marty?
QUOTE (Meriss)
@Synner: Never got around to Castle Falk, Verne is a given, Space 1889 eh? and I never did like the Lovecraftian genre, as my own San is in doubt. wink.gif Just watch the IC And OOC when I get em started.


Actually, I was thinking more of character concepts and 'feel', rather than actual source material [though, Cthulhu by Gaslight would be useful for roles/background/maps/locations/people].

Just using some modern day characters in the Victorian world will lose much of the 'flavour' of the era.

Another good book [almost compulsory, I'd think] is 'Diamond Age' - Cyberpunk Victoriana, with nanomachines and Gentlemen.

Seriously, I am very interested in seeing how this works out..
..I might find some stuff for my own use wink.gif
QUOTE (Prae)
Not sure if I have/need any more contacts. He's basically new to the Area and people come to him for help, soo...

You could see if Meriss would let you give Fisty your unused Contacts. wink.gif
QUOTE (Critias)
Han Lo Yang. There. Chinese name picked out. Ta-da! He's a Celestial adept of ill repute, in London to oversee his "uncle's" (a Triad boss back in Hong Kong) business enterprises here (consisting mostly of importing silk and exporting opium). He doesn't really do much except reprisals when that business is disrupted by other criminals, though, and so is left with plenty of free time to make money on the side.

..Actually, most of the Opium importing/exporting was done by the British.

Although China produced most of the world's Opium, the British won the exclusive right to distribute it - a concession they won after Opium Wars.

Check out the Wikipedia entries, for some info.

Just my thruppence..
Right. He's bringing in silk (from China, to London) and smuggling out opium (from East India Trade Company contacts to be sent to his Triad boss in China). I know the British traditionally handled it, that's what makes what they're doing illegal (and, to the mind of someone of Chinese descent that lost family in those Opium Wars, perhaps even some sort of 'patriotic,' getting a piece of the action away from the British authorities).

I'm not trying to set the guy up as some big counterculture hero or anything, he's just a working man for a Triad that makes some of it's money smuggling in the classical sense -- not so much providing goods that are otherwise unavaiable, but just moving the goods in such a way that taxes are avoided, quality control can be ignored, etc, etc.
Oh f**k I must recalculate Marty... frown.gif my mistake...
Meriss, PM sent with my character sheet and a background! Hopefully everything's kosher.
@All: All right! Now I just need the two PM submitters sheets and we're in biz chummers. OOC will be up on Monday with IC to follow shortly. And yes if you feel the need to recalculate your sheet to include the free contact points go ahead. Final sheets go in the OOC. Thanks for your support! Feel free to post any questions you have in here, I'll be checking it over the weekend.
Yeah, i'll recalculate Marty, or could you say mr Marty (with k, that's for sure. It looks like i'm used too much bp building him now... frown.gif

DuckEggBlue Omega
Prof. Harry Pendington is a disgraced former Professor from Oxford University, who consideres himself an english gentleman and a modern day renaissance man studying all forms of science, though his abilities in the arts are somewhat... lacking.

Background could still use some work.

The Questionaire.
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So, with the uncertainty on tech, I can see why most people took the magic path, but regardless, what devices (especially ones I haven't taken) are there that there would be a victorian steampunk equivalents for? I'm think ing maybe some simple drones? I know theres no wireless communication but what about preprogrammed ones? Like, move 100m, turn left, move 50m, detonate payload sort of thing?
@Duck: Yup drones are ok, usually clockwork and steam brains. Micros are not available. Every thing else is fine. Your sheet looks ok I'll double check the math on the weekend.
Hieronymus Graf von Doppler is an 'exiled' german aristocrat and a technical genius, with an unhealthy obsession for machines and other 'ingenious devices', who considers himself (or his inventions at least) as a gift to mankind.
His abilities in the art of 'normal conversation' are somewhat...lacking at times, prompting many people to consider him 'weird', even 'mad' (or just 'let's pretend we didn't see the strange dwarf over there').

Background (lengthy read - beware!):
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@DuckEggBlue Omega:
-our characters have some striking similarities in their background and field of interest, I'm really curious to see how that plays out...
-interesting you mention tech and drones, I just pm'ed meriss about that theme (having a drone-heavy char and all)
pm here
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And the answer was: 'pretty much, yes' (ok, the wording was different)
btw, I took the Magic+Tech path (details follow soon - need some sleep first)
Edited my character to reflect free contact points.

Meriss, how do the common sense points work? 1:1 like BP or 1:1 like Karma?
@Alex: CSP are 1 to 1 straight up but only for your Knowledge skills.

@Fist: Could you provide a link to explain your CSP to the team.
@Meriss - what specifically? Every one of them, or just give a bit more of the background that I gave to you?

@duck & Zen - Props to you both for tackling the tech. Should be awesome to see it played out.
Ah, now Marty is ready to rumble dark and foggy streets of London in time of gaslamps and odd cyber...
Abilities has been recalcultated and his history has cleared and solved...
CSP point added to knowledge skills...

'Marty' or mr Christopher Martin St.North, security specialist and negotiator
Metatype human (adept)
Age 25.

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Attributes, skills and gears:
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Martys questionare:
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History of making, mr Christopher Martin St.North and his history:
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Oh, didn't know we were supposed to post 'em here, too. Ah well, why not?

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Stats and skills and all those other numbers:
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As I mentioned to our fearless GM, I may swap around a point or two of Adept Powers still (Elemental Strike; Force just seems like it would look so friggin' cool). I was tinkering around with the idea of taking Inept: Pistos (and repeating it 'till all firearms and other crude, loud, smelly gunpowder weapons were covered) instead of Bad Luck, too...hrm...

But other than that he's pretty much finalized. As long as I'm within points values and whatnot. If nothing else, everyone can get a feel for what I have in mind for him. The dark, mysterious, Eastern menace! Doin' the best I can for my second or third SR4 character, and down 50 points, at least. wink.gif
QUOTE (Critias)
Oh, didn't know we were supposed to post 'em here, too.  Ah well, why not? 

My mistake, sorry.

About mr. Marty. Feel free to comment or correct my char, his abilities, skills or history.
Fresno Bob
Ok, I totally got high and played Warhammer instead of making a character for this. I totally failed at the one thing I had to do this week, but I can get it in Saturday afternoon sometime if you'll take it.
Blech. Warhammer. It wasn't even Warmachine or Spinespur!
@Fist: Just the link to IWTF will be fine.

@Voorhees: annnd you're done wink.gif I kid I'll be working sheets all weekend. As long as I get it before Monday you'll be fine.

@Alex: Checking your sheet and you have 39BP to spend and you spent 17,325 Pounds, I put your Resources at 20,000 so you still have 2000ish to spend
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Critias)
Blech. Warhammer. It wasn't even Warmachine or Spinespur!

Warmachine and Spinespur lack Space Orks, thus are inferior games.

@Meriss: Thanks dude, I'll get it to you ASAP.
The link to m In With the Family Campaign has the Common Sense Points (CSP) rules. Meriss is talking about. Feel free to ask questions or comment on it.
Ok Meriss,

I'll work on the remaining cash and CSP later on. I am taking my wife to a concert tonight.
@Alex: If you spot this before you go, you actually need to add 49BP, 5CSP, and spend 2675 pounds. Yes pounds converts straight to Nu. Have fun.

@Prae: You are 2BP over. Your current build does not cover your gear. Also what Force is your Power Focus? And is it bonded?

@Fist: You have 8BP to spend. You may bond your focus if you wish.

@Critias: You are 1 BP over. Also how much is 15 units of silk?

@Voorhees: Still need that sheet Chummer.

@Duck Egg Blue Omega: You are Approved and fine. Add 5 CSP to your sheet and roll your starting cash

@marghos: I still need to check your new sheet. Hopefully I'll be done by Sunday.

@ZenZen: I await your sheet, with baited breath.
QUOTE (Meriss)

@Fist: You have 8BP to spend. You may bond your focus if you wish.


Had planned on it being bonded. Just didn't think to actually notate it. That should leave me with, what, 5 BP?

I was leaving some extra open for any gaps you may have noticed in my sheet, such as with tech. If there's nothing you see missing, I'll just bump my summoning up a point, and take another 5K in cash most likely.
@Fist: Sounds good. Save the complete sheet for the OOC on Monday willya?
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