Nov 13 2003, 06:55 PM
I always invisioned CED as a mod that was placed onto the chipjack, and basically improved upon the ability of the chipjack. Cannon seems to support this since it states that you need a seperate CED for each chipjack to get the bonuses. If that is the case, can CED bonuses be applied to skillsoft that have been loaded into Headware mem?
Nov 13 2003, 07:07 PM
No, unless you have a router (or datajack) connecting the 2.
Nov 14 2003, 12:33 AM
How did the info from the chip get into headmem without a connection to the chipjack? It would be abnormal not to have them interconnected.
Nov 14 2003, 12:37 AM
Maybe he downloaded some chipjack ROMs from a matrix warez site...
Nov 14 2003, 07:42 AM
Because, according to the book, if it's stored into HeadMem, the HeadMem directly inputs it into the Skillwires, which is why you can mimic a chipjack with a datajack/headmem combo.
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