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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Digital Heroin

Sunglasses monitor... apparently with the same quality of a regular computer monitor, good in any light... hell, one of these and a portable DVD player and I'[m set...
It may be cheap at $300, but it's not nearly as cool as Microoptical's SV9 with it's 640x480 and 24bit color.
Those are nothing new. companies tried to sell those in the early to mid 90's with zero success.
Okay, but how do I plug it in to my gun?
Austere Emancipator
Like this.
QUOTE (BitBasher)
Those are nothing new. companies tried to sell those in the early to mid 90's with zero success.

No, resolution was abysmal in the 1990s, like 160x240, and the glasses were clunkier. This could replace those big CRT things Apache pilots use.
A bargain price for the military?  $10,000 to $12,000 each, and $25-$30 a pop for the 20mm ammunition.  The military plans an initial order of 45,000 units.../

Mein gott!!
Anyone remember the short-lived Virtual Boy?
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