Aug 30 2007, 01:05 AM
Rock slides out of his chair and stands up. He gathers up his armor jacket and looks to the other team members, "I'm fer that. I need to pick up a slew of software and some gel rounds for the drone. Where to?"
Sep 1 2007, 01:56 AM
Gyre looks up and slides the datachip back into the envelope and into his pocket. "Any suggestions?"
Sep 3 2007, 11:28 PM
Rock takes just a moment to think through places he knows of that the team could utilize as a command center. All the military types love command centers.
"There are a couple of safe houses nearby that we use. Probably the best bets would either be an apartment building near Harbor Island... or the underground...." He adds the last with a smirk, "I'm personally thinking the underground would be the best choice..."
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