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Is there a print form of emergence? And if not when is it expected, if ever?
Soon, it better be soon...
If I remember correctly, there was a limited release of Emergence at the Origins convention in Columbus, OH in July with a goal of a wider release at GenCon Inday and to follow.
It will be available in stores in August.
Thyme Lost
QUOTE (Adam)
It will be available in stores in August.

Any idea of when Augmentation will be out in hardback?
Any idea of when Arsenal will be out in PDF or Hardback?

I will take "no" and "no comment" as valid answers.
Augmentation should be in stores in August as well, but we don't know for sure as it's still in the shipping process.

Arsenal is a fourth quarter release.
QUOTE (Adam)
Augmentation should be in stores in August as well, but we don't know for sure as it's still in the shipping process.

Arsenal is a fourth quarter release.

Yeah, for the record, someone at Alliance has a sense of humor. Release date on the machines for all SR releases are quoted as:

Thyme Lost
QUOTE (Adam)
Augmentation should be in stores in August as well, but we don't know for sure as it's still in the shipping process.

Arsenal is a fourth quarter release.

Thank you.
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