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Full Version: Character Database?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Is there a character database/collection, where people post their characters and NPCs? It would be useful for GMs to quickly get some statted runners.
I've got such a project in the works, but it's third-priority amongst my personal projects.

There's a small group of them stickied to the top of the Welcome to the Shadows section. They are all PCs that are being played on these boards. Not to be confused with being all the PCs played on the boards.
"Played on those boards" as in played online here, or played by posters?
Yes... here is the link:

Cast of Shadows
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
I've got such a project in the works, but it's third-priority amongst my personal projects.


Heh, I do too and it's a tad lower in my priority lists smile.gif

And knasser and I have put up some of our NPCs on his site, here:
QUOTE (bofh)
Heh, I do too and it's a tad lower in my priority lists smile.gif

1 and 2 are big projects, and that's just counting productive stuff, not relaxation or work-for-pay or any of that smile.gif

So yeah, if you wait long enough it sounds like some of us will have something. "Long enough" could be a while, though.

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