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As far as I'm aware, there's now a print edition of Shadowrun 4th that includes the latest errata, but I'm still waiting for an update to my PDF copy. Is that correct? Do we have a date when we'll get our updates?


Adam has stated that there is probleme, since it's now Catalyst Games publishing the SR4, and we all bought it when it was FanPro publishing.

The problem is that the resellers (you friendly PDF provider) can't give you an upgrade from a company that you didn't buy anything from.

I sure do hope hat they figure this out sometime soon.

Rotbart van Dainig
Even not for those who bought on BattleCorps? It's the same company, after all.
sounds more like a management issue then a technical issue to me...
The next PDF update will almost certainly coincide with the first Catalyst printing of SR4 -- or, rather, when that first printing goes to press. I don't have an ETA on that, with Gen Con and prep for that taking up most of my time right now.
But Adam I have a ton of new errors found after the latest erratta. I just didn't want to post them until I had checked the latest printing, and for that I neede the updated PDF.

Would you like me to post them here, or somewhere else.

You can mail them to me at -- thanks!
QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 5 2007, 04:38 PM)
The next PDF update will almost certainly coincide with the first Catalyst printing of SR4 -- or, rather, when that first printing goes to press. I don't have an ETA on that, with Gen Con and prep for that taking up most of my time right now.

Thanks for the update. I bought my copy from DriveThruRPG so I'm hoping I'll still be able to get the updated version. But I appreciate the efforts.

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