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Full Version: Troll Thrower Build
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Imagine this..

Troll adept
strength 9 (2)
agil 4 (2)

adept powers 6 (5): power throw 5, quick draw, combat sense 5, attribute boost strength 2

muscle replacement 2 (deltaware) costs only 1 essense

skills: throwing weapons (knives) 6

Isnt this 12 dice to attack with and then an effective 23 strength when it hits (which is like 12 or 13 dv). I don't have the book here, so I don't know the ranges, but it seems pretty decent.

Alternately, he could toss grenades when knives aren't cutting it, no pun intended.

The build leaves a lot of points left over for other things too. What do you guys think? Too one dimensional?

So far rather one-dimensional, but as you said, there are points left over. 'Course, you're probably not going to get deltaware out of a GM without a lot of work (read: bribery) so that changes things, too.
Yay for gimmicky one-trick-pony characters!
Why knives? Why not bricks, or dwarves, or small cars? With a 23 strength, you can throw something a heck of a lot bigger than just a little knife. Bowling balls maybe? In all seriousness though; seems like a pretty viable one trick pony- I'm not sure the rules on thrown weapons; can you divide your dice pool between attacks like you can in melee? If that's the case, you can split up your preposterous amount of dice to hit *multiple* opponents with DV 12 knives/bowling balls.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (DrZaius)
Why knives?

Because they don't have stats for tungsten rods, yet.
I'm pretty sure I saw "metahuman body" as an option on the improvised melee weapon list, which is why I suggested dwarf. Dwarves have to do more damage than knives, don't they? Just put a helmet on him, he'll be fine.
I too have toyed around with the idea of a throwing adept with a similar setup and the Missile Mastery power. Even if it is a total Bullseye ripoff, I can see how being able to quickly pwn nosey security guards with a handful of pocket change would be useful. It's just too bad that being a big troll is probably considered just as suspicious as being an elf with a heavy pistol in many security areas.
In SR3 the damage you could do with a metahuman body was equal to that metahuman's Body. Not sure if there's rules in SR4 for hitting someone with someone yet biggrin.gif
I suggest Combat Axes, Dwarves aren't pointy enough. Or fellow Trolls.

It'll give those Troll Archers something to think about.

If you just wanna save on Essence you can do a lot better with Bioware. Just Muscle Aug/Toner 2 will cost you 0.80 Essence in total, and that isn't even alpha/cultured.

What about bowling balls with foam explosives on it. Decimate one guy, then when his buddies go to heal him/evacuate him, BOOM!!! I'm sure if you wanted to play this monstrousity, I'm sure you could come up with house rules for the various items you decided to throw.
I actually played a very similar character, except my base DV was 9 or so instead of 12 or 13, then again being an elf and having like 19 dice to hit with Throwing Knives or 17 to hit with anything else(Missile Mastery is GOOD) was very usefull. I was an infiltration disguise specialist. Nothing like wandering into the research facility dressed like a corp drone with no unusual items on you, then taking down the sec guard that sees through your disguise with a ballpoint pen... or a paperclip.... or well I killed someone with a grenade once. And by that I mean I cracked their skull with it after they chunked it over behind our cover. Never hand an enemy with 17 dice in throwing a freaking metal sphere. I mean he saw me lodge that knife in his friends eye(called shot is good). He should know I can throw things.


EDIT: I was an elf because I had to double as the face as well and infiltration and back-up combat. So... triple as the face I guess? So, anyway, you don't need to be 1 dimensional if you don't want to.
How about dwarves with the armor upgrade that shocks people. That would be funny, especially if he was a physad!
If you're going to play a throwing expert adept, make sure to take a contact at the gun range, so that you can throw spent bullets. It reduces your MO, and no one would ever be able to track the "gun" you use.

"I swear, from the looks of it, 12 different people all shot this guy exactly once!"
Thats pretty good thinking. Hmmm...I'm working on a dwarven version of this, probably with human looking.
QUOTE (klinktastic @ Aug 7 2007, 04:02 PM)
How about dwarves with the armor upgrade that shocks people.  That would be funny, especially if he was a physad!

Perfect - I see a new Shadowrunning team on the horizon: Spikey and the Tosser. Tosser is a troll as detailed above. Spikey is a dwarf phys ad with Elemental Strike (Blast). The blast effect not only increases knock when he's bowled against his opponents, and not only enables Tosser to knock down double the barrier rating with him, but means that Spikey will make his own awesome sound effects when he hits!
That's what I'm talking about. How I have to convince someone to play the dwarf that gets tossed!
Here's a Thought, It's min maxed to hell, but I hey

Troll Mystic Adept (Qabala)

Body: 9
Agility: 1
Reaction: 3
Strength: 9
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 3
Logic: 5
Willpower: 1

Edge: 1
Magic: 6 3/3
Initiative: 5
Essence: 6

Group (Summoning): 4, summoning spec (Man) +2
Throwing Weapons (Knives) : 6
Arcana : 3
Spellcasting : 4

Power Throw (3) (.75)
Pain Relief (.25)

Increased Reflexes
Improved Attribute [Willpower]

Negative Qualities: Pick Your Poison (30)
Positive Qualities: Mystic Adept (10), Mentor Spirit (Owl)
Gear: Sustaining Foci (1,3)

7 free bp

Game Plan
If you can deal with being kinda not good for 13 karma untill you can get channeling you will rock.

You roll Magic 3 + Summoning 4 + spec 2 + mentor +2 11 dice versus a level 6 spirit of Man. Give it your two spells as optional powers. Do your best on the drain maybe use your edge. Bank a service so it will hang out on this plane, then have it continuously use of a power your (in order) Concealment, Confusion, lastly movement. The sustaining focus buys you a little wiggle room.

Rock it as an troll runnning at mock 2 with all Augmented maxed physical stats 4IP and 12 hardened armor, chucking knifes with a DV of 13 (15/2+2+3) plus net hits on 7 agility + 8 Thrown (knifes) and a DV 13 plus poison. If the mooks can resist 12 dice with there will power they are at -6 to do anything, and another -6 to defect you.
Then you have you mundane gear/tricks and and oh yeah, your team.

Fooy on your cyberzombies

EDIT: You could scrimp on the skills, but you need some Arcana if you want to make more vessels, like say, your knifes.
EDIT::Switched a spell and the buffs because I remember the spirits of man come with concealment.
That's crazy!
Welcome to Shadowrun wink.gif Didn't we have a thread around here with a magician that broke the sound barrier after applying enough movement mods?
I thought this would be something like a Dwarf Tosser build, but I'm sad to see I'm mistaken.

What about goblins? Aren't they sort of emaciated but without a Bod penalty? Shouldn't that lead to greater range for the same effectiveness? HMHVV-infected physical adept flying dwarf missiles? I can think of only one thing that is missing...
QUOTE (klinktastic)
Imagine this..

Troll adept
strength 9 (2)
agil 4 (2)

adept powers 6 (5): power throw 5, quick draw, combat sense 5, attribute boost strength 2

muscle replacement 2 (deltaware) costs only 1 essense

skills: throwing weapons (knives) 6

Isnt this 12 dice to attack with and then an effective 23 strength when it hits (which is like 12 or 13 dv).  I don't have the book here, so I don't know the ranges, but it seems pretty decent.

Alternately, he could toss grenades when knives aren't cutting it, no pun intended.

The build leaves a lot of points left over for other things too.  What do you guys think?  Too one dimensional?

Not a legal build, I'm afraid. For starters, you can only buy standard and alpha cyberware or bioware at character creation. You could get bioware (muscle augmentation and toner) instead, like Marwynn suggested, but Strength boost is not compatible with implants, whether cyberware or bioware.

And if you fix him, he'll still be pretty limited. Even with quickdraw, he'll still be only attacking once, during his single IP, and he'll be limited in range as well compared to all of the people with firearms.

All of this is why, if people want to max out a ranged-weapon troll, they give him a TROLLBOW!! biggrin.gif
I kinda wanna make a human with a strength 9 cyberarm redlined to 18 strength and an 18 str minimum bow for an awesome 10P attack with the range of a sniper rifle, damage of an assault cannon and the spectacular fireworks display as my arm explodes three seconds after I release the arrow, and my brain melts from the 18S I just took. grinbig.gif

Plus it'd be perfectly legal and easy to acquire (technically anyways, how the hell you MAKE a strength 18 bow is beyond me at the moment). You can even throw in an injection arrow with some narcojet to seal the deal.

I kinda wish they still had those screamer arrows from SR3's CC.

I shot an arrow into the air,
Where it lands I know not where.

To whom I hit I wish the best of luck,
Because trust me omae, you're one unlucky shmuck.

"Hey frank, you hear that sound?"
"Yeah, sounds like...whistling."
"I think it's getting louder."
"Me too."
"Dunno what to make of it Frank."

QUOTE (Cursedsoul)
I kinda wanna make a human with a strength 9 cyberarm redlined to 18 strength and an 18 str minimum bow for an awesome 10P attack with the range of a sniper rifle, damage of an assault cannon and the spectacular fireworks display as my arm explodes three seconds after I release the arrow, and my brain melts from the 18S I just took. grinbig.gif

Plus it'd be perfectly legal and easy to acquire (technically anyways, how the hell you MAKE a strength 18 bow is beyond me at the moment). You can even throw in an injection arrow with some narcojet to seal the deal.

I kinda wish they still had those screamer arrows from SR3's CC.

I shot an arrow into the air,
Where it lands I know not where.

To whom I hit I wish the best of luck,
Because trust me omae, you're one unlucky shmuck.

"Hey frank, you hear that sound?"
"Yeah, sounds like...whistling."
"I think it's getting louder."
"Me too."
"Dunno what to make of it Frank."


You can make a significantly more frightening one using a Troll Cyberzombie, because "Unnatural Vigor" (or whatever it's called) raises their base attribute maxes; and then you can get that cyberarm just a touch stronger. It's not unreasonable to red-line a troll CZ's arm over 30.

Wouldn't be a starting character, though.
"Worst case scenario" the cybertroll could redline to a strength of 56, but then he'd have to resist 56p damage, which is more than even he could take. He's safe readlining from 28 to 32, but at that point, why risk ANY damage?
QUOTE (PlatonicPimp)
"Worst case scenario" the cybertroll could redline to a strength of 56, but then he'd have to resist 56p damage, which is more than even he could take. He's safe readlining from 28 to 32, but at that point, why risk ANY damage?

...Because sinking a Battleship using a large compound bow would amuse me a great deal?
But you could probably sink said battleship without having to redline. If your bolts are doing nuklear grade damage, why does it matter if it's 10 megatons or 12?
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