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Right now the ideal character is probably:
  • Early to mid teens
  • Not awakened (or an adept, possibly)
  • Relatively normal (not a hardcore ganger, etc)
  • Non-uber (ie, relatively low skills)
There are currently two NPCs which might prove to make good PCs, both around 12 (a boy and girl). The boy is Matrix oriented and the girl is a face-type (for lack of any other useful skills). If anyone is interested in trying out one of those two, let me know and I'll discuss the possibility of using one as your own. I don't have complete characters for either, but I do have the basics for each so basicly you'd be about halfway created and could finish fleshing it out.

It occurs to me that BeCKS would have been a great system to use for this game, since it makes characters with generally lower skills, but that's a "live and learn" kind of thing.
Limping Jacob
I'd love to run a face-type - mind if I make the character myself? I'd love to see the NPC face you were toying with, though - maybe give me some additional ideas. I'll work it up tonight and send it along, if ya like.
I'd be interested in playing as either one of the characters you have hashed out now. I think I could do a decent job putting a bit more of a kick in em.
Limping Jacob
Okay, I've worked up a 13-year-old elf face/decker novice/child prodigy-type. I'm putting the finishing touches on her background, and I'll send her your way tomorrow for commentary, TinkerGnome.
I encourage current players not to read this thread any farther since some of this may be spoilery.

As a side note, both of the kids know alot more about their newfound abilities than any of the PCs. Making the girl a bit of a decker works for me, as she would fit better in with the boy that way. The boy is an Otaku, which pretty well defines his restrictions. They both have some flaws which will be mandatory. We'll handle most of this through email at

Also, a character other than the two small children may be used. The advantage to that being that you can be a little older (as old as 17, which is far better than 12 or 13) and wiser (more higher skills). Right now, I'm looking for a total of 2 additional characters. The boy and the girl. Within a few weeks, there should be opportunity to add as many as 2 more characters (of various sorts). I'll let Limping Jacob have first pick (the girl, looks like), and the other two who have already posted interest can decide which they'd rather go for. This leaves one more slot open.

The requirements for playing are fairly simple:
  • Post at least two times a week if the GM is posting (my current pace, it seems)
  • Read most of the archives. At least the posts made by me.
  • Be nice to others
And that's pretty much it. If anyone of the new players correctly identifies the source material in private, they get a bonus karma at game start.

[edit]The boy and girl both need to spend 3 points on a "mystery skill" which I'll give you the uses for and some rules of. other characters shouldn't do this, yet.[/edit]
Limping Jacob
Sounds good. We'll discuss background in the email, I guess - sounds like I need to write in some connection between my character and the otaku boy?
Nah, we'll talk backstory in private. You've got a connection, but it's Plot ™ oriented.
Limping Jacob
Cool, cool. Email's on the way - Word file is fine, right?
I'll be up to speed by morning, looks... interesting to say the least...
Word, excel, txt, rtf, sr3, xml, html, etc., are all fine. Keep in mind that ackstory can be worth karma to the non-NPC submissions (they're getting a seperate advantage along with some disadvantages) and figuring out the source material can be worth karma (keep this one in private, please).
Wellllll. I've not recieved an actual character yet for this, and I've only had a little discussion. I'm still looking for someone to fill the NPC roles or become a PC in the near future.
Hey Tinker,

I'd love to try my hand at the female you have any info on her, or do I need to submit a background from scratch...or...?

Lemme know!
Limping Jacob
I took the female one already...although, I don't see why TinkerGone wouldn't let you make the other one (the otaku boy) a girl otaku instead. Maybe PM him?
Digital Heroin
I feel like a collosal ass for falling out of play with this game...
DH, you're still eligible! wink.gif

Jacob, I hadn't heard anything from you in a bit, so I was kicking it in the pants. Were you going to send me a character writeup? Or would you rather I send you one?

The boy is still open, and we're about 10 story segments (about 2 weeks) from a break. As soon as this whole tracking thing is resolved, it's flash forward time. I think.
Oh snap.

I guess what I'd like to do in that case is submit my own character...which I'll do shortly. Then, if Tinker thinks the concept sucks an egg, or just would rather have someone take over the other NPC (the boy), I'll do that instead.

Sauce. Goat sauce.
Digital Heroin
So I'd have to figure out what Daemon's up to, eh?
Daemon's dragging along with the team, actually. He hasn't washed out (and wouldn't have until the break). He's not actually done anything in the mean time wink.gif
I know this is probably getting redundant by now...but uh...just to be on the safe character submission has been sent. Meow.

Limping Jacob
Tinker - I emailed you a Word file with my character's background and stats some time ago. Did you not get it? Odd. Tell me that email address again and I'll resend.
LJ, why yes, I am an idiot. Why do you ask?

I didn't notice the stats at the end of the background. If you want to make any revisions, go ahead, otherwise, you're cleared to start posting as Mel.

The only items gear she has with her are the deck (and a carry bag) and a ragged uniform. Everything else got lost in her escape efforts.
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