Aug 30 2007, 08:52 AM
Hi all you guys and gals,
I'm new on the forum and with Shadowrun.
I was looking for an anwser to an issue I have with the Mage Sight Goggles(MSG).
Does the price include myomeric rope, as in the description it is stated that you can have three different lenghts of rope, nl 10, 20 or 30 m. Or does the price include only the 10 m rope and you have to buy the other 20 m separately? Or isn't the rope included in the price of the MSG.
And on a different note, how do you control the rope?
Aug 30 2007, 01:17 PM
p. 324
"Mage Sight Goggles: These heavy goggles are connected
to a myomeric rope (p. 329) wrapped around a fiberoptic
cable that ends in an optical lens. The rope is available in
lengths of 10, 20, or 30 meters."
For 2000 nuyen pick how much you want.
But WAIT! "myomeric rope (p. 329)"!!!
"Myomeric Rope: Made of a special myomeric fiber,
this rope’s movements can be electronically controlled (over
a maximum length of up to 30 meters)—for example, winding
like a snake to reach around an obstacle or to tie to a
ledge. The rope is not very strong, so it cannot be used to
restrain people or pick up large objects."
And costs 200 per ten meters. (p. 328)
So if you really want to you can adjust the price 200 nuyen per 10 meters on the Mage Sight Goggles. I wouldn't bother, just let them buy it with 30 if they want.
Aug 30 2007, 01:41 PM
Welcome aboard, Marduc
Aug 30 2007, 04:13 PM
Why then have the goggles with different lenghts of rope?
Do you control the rope by means of a button, wireless, or any other means of controll?
Aug 30 2007, 04:27 PM
I am assuming the "rope" uses the principles of a worm gear drive of some sort where by simply giving commands it can be manipulated remotely into whatever shape you need. If you have 30 meters and it only needs to go 10 you can always coil it up to shorten it.
Given it's "myomeric " it is in effect a muscular type of action, think of a long narrow tongue. You are able to move your tongue around, now imagine it with a lens on the end and a tube down the middle of it.
Aug 30 2007, 05:24 PM
QUOTE (Marduc) |
Why then have the goggles with different lenghts of rope? |
because you don't want to pack around 30 meters of rope? (approximately 100 feet, for your reference).
not really having personal experience with myomeric rope, i can't give 100% accurate statements regarding it's weight, but imo you're looking at a good 10-15 lbs there (i theorise that the rope needs to be at least a little bit thick in order to maintain it's shape in certain situations). not to mention it's going to be a nuisance to store, apart from the weight, and presumably harder to conceal if that comes up.
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