Sep 3 2007, 12:24 PM
This kind of follows on from the
Who's Running Where? thread about where people are basing their games out of. A Number of people mentioned locations that GMs have developed on their own outside of or building on marginal canon material. So what are some of the places that you've come up with for your games? Not looking for a War and Peace-esque pages and pages in-depth description, more say something along the lines of maybe a couple large paragraphs outlining the place, what's it about and what makes it an interesting place to play in. So impress us.
Sep 3 2007, 03:21 PM
Wounded Ronin
Sep 3 2007, 11:58 PM
I once had a Johnson offer a job to the team in outer space but the team declined. It was sad because I had planned them to go on a space station that was a giant Mickey Mouse head floating in space. There was going to be a firefight with storm troopers wearing Mickey Mouse armor. Sadly, they declined, and being a good GM I just threw away my prep work and played along.
Sep 4 2007, 12:18 AM
I have had several campaigns (locations). New Miami (Miami, FL - done twice once as 3rd and once as 4th); MetroDFW (Dallas/FtWorth, Texas); Hotlanta (Atlanta, GA). Most of the material is not online anymore. If you have interest in any of these I can maybe dig upset some thing or write some of my mental notes down.
Sep 4 2007, 12:21 AM
My last 3e game was a false start-- we picked it up after a long break and spent 2 sessions trying to remember the rules, and then 4e came out-- but I had set it in
Cartagena, Colombia (or technically, Aztlan). If anyone has seen
Romancing the Stone, the climatic scenes in the old Spanish Fort were set there.
I always saw Cartagena as sort of a South American
Casablanca, with refugees from the Central American conflicts, Aztlan trying to remain in control, ghost cartels and Amazonians trying to subvert that control, all right next door to the Carib League with its smuggling and voodoo and 6 species of awakened shark. So, good times all around.
Sep 4 2007, 02:51 AM
Kyoto Kid
Sep 4 2007, 07:07 AM
...a few non canon locales I have used/am using
Alice Springs (pre Target Awakened Lands)
Boston (SR4)
Highstar Station
Portland (pre-Tir Taringire sourcebook)
Sep 4 2007, 05:11 PM
Shadowland had a 2 issue (at least) write-up about a German location, also a write-up about the Nashville, TN sprawl. TSS had, or planned, a Detroit, MI article. I recall Detroit being discussed by SubRosa here on DS years ago. I also recall someone talking about Philadelphia, PA as a setting.
Sep 4 2007, 09:12 PM
Blackjack had Philly, but the page is down at the moment (along with about half the other SR locations sites I know of).
Wounded Ronin
Sep 4 2007, 10:32 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Blackjack had Philly, but the page is down at the moment (along with about half the other SR locations sites I know of). |
What was the damage code of a philly cheese steak hot off the griddle? It'd have to be at least 2L...
Sep 5 2007, 12:03 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
Shadowland had a 2 issue (at least) write-up about a German location, also a write-up about the Nashville, TN sprawl. TSS had, or planned, a Detroit, MI article. I recall Detroit being discussed by SubRosa here on DS years ago. I also recall someone talking about Philadelphia, PA as a setting. |
Three issues. 1 through 3 has The Gross-Frankfurt Sprawl
1: Frankfurt am Main
2: Rhein-Main
3: The Rhein-Neckar Region
Sep 6 2007, 01:09 PM
I'll pimp my own Louisville FTZ currently here on DS.
Daddy's Little Ninja
Sep 6 2007, 01:26 PM
I know Snow Fox is planning to write up Philadelphia, where she now lives. Our group all came from Westchester county , north of NYC, and had several runs in that area. Most of the group went to the same High School and got to shoot up the front of it, it was justified.
Sep 6 2007, 05:50 PM
You're welcome to host it on my web server if you'd like. I tried to PM but it's still borked.
Sep 6 2007, 06:49 PM
I was unaware PMs were borked. Give me an email. I use kigmatzomat on the hotmail. I've been working on a prettified PDF that includes maps and such.
Sep 6 2007, 07:16 PM
QUOTE (kigmatzomat) |
I was unaware PMs were borked. Give me an email. I use kigmatzomat on the hotmail. I've been working on a prettified PDF that includes maps and such. |
Yep. I clicked on it and get the white screen, same as if I try to go into my controls.
I've sent you an e-mail.
Sep 6 2007, 08:17 PM
QUOTE (bofh) |
QUOTE (kigmatzomat @ Sep 6 2007, 11:49 AM) | Carl,
I was unaware PMs were borked. Give me an email. I use kigmatzomat on the hotmail. I've been working on a prettified PDF that includes maps and such. |
Yep. I clicked on it and get the white screen, same as if I try to go into my controls.
I've sent you an e-mail.
How to use the Personal Message function.
Click on 0 new messages in the upper right part of the screen, then go to Compose New Message.
Sep 6 2007, 10:12 PM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
How to use the Personal Message function.
Click on 0 new messages in the upper right part of the screen, then go to Compose New Message. |
Ok, it worked that way. I tried clicking on the user (which is how I do it elsewhere) and didn't think about going into the message area.
Sep 11 2007, 08:53 PM
I'm currently running an SR3 game out of St. Andrews University, Scotland, where the players are Archaeology postgrads. The game's set to visit Visby in Götland as well as Prague before heading off to Cairo.
The Cairo bit is something I've planned for quite literally years- I set up a civil war between the Islamic government and Pharaonic revivalists which I didn't get to play with fully in my last long-running plot arc, so I intend to explore it fully this time around...
Who knows where I could end up from there? I'm thinking either South-East Asia or South America, though I am rather enamoured with Hong Kong as a location.
Closer to topic, I did once set two sessions in an Ultraviolet host that appeared to all intents and purposes to be the Redmond Barrens...
Feyd 47
Sep 12 2007, 03:12 PM
Not to mention you based a whole section of a game out of the The Hague...
(as an aside, i'm posting as Mr. Croup normally, didn't realise my old login was still on file!)
Sep 12 2007, 03:34 PM
Blaze would you have some material to post on your campaign ? (or PM it to me

I'm realy interested in doing a few "archeological" runs with my group
Sep 12 2007, 03:59 PM
I've got an old post somewhere about a rural area in Alabama that I used as home territory for some of my characters. Also I have used:
Richmond, Virginia and vacinity
Jacksonville, FL
Mobile, AL
Ivory Coast and Liberia (for a mercenary campaign)
Jame J
Sep 12 2007, 04:07 PM
I'd be interested in seeing who runs in CalFree.
And then I'd be interested in seeing which of their runners uses MediCal...
Daddy's Little Ninja
Sep 12 2007, 06:13 PM
We did a couple of short, military adventures there, but remember, we were all New Yorkers so it was probably not very accurate.
It trolls!
Sep 12 2007, 06:17 PM
I'm currently preparing
Koblenz, Westrhine-Luxembourg as a setting for a campaign I'll be starting soon. According to canon, the city and the surrounding region are completely flooded.
But the players I'm about to start with are mostly complete newbies to the Shadowrun world and we all live in Koblenz so I think it'll be easier for them to relate to a city they know. Also I find the reasons why the whole Neuwied basin is flooded and now a giant lake downright retarded (in 2042 volcanoes in the Eiffel erupted and lava caused the Rhine to dam up).
Sep 13 2007, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (It trolls!) |
I'm currently preparing Koblenz, Westrhine-Luxembourg as a setting for a campaign I'll be starting soon. According to canon, the city and the surrounding region are completely flooded. |
I was anticipating an underwater campaign from your intro, having the runners diving for lost treasures in the flooded city.
It trolls!
Sep 13 2007, 03:21 AM
Not entirely. The city is subject to almost yearly floods though so I've decided I want some parts in 2070 to be permanently submerged with squatters living in the upper stories of higher buildings.
Lying about one hour from Rhein-Ruhr-MP and Greater Frankfurt, I plan for the city to be part corporate enclave where weary worker drones and execs alike spend the weekend in the arcology and the better parts of the town, making a perfect setting for extractions.
I've not yet decided what to do with the fort of Ehren-Breitstein though.
Sep 16 2007, 06:51 AM
I have an ongoing campaign set on a submarine.
We do a great deal of work in Austin DFW and Houston, and Abilene, TX. ( I like to get players to play near where they live, so that the game will seem a tad more real.)
Oh yah for a while I had an entire setting worked out for Lubbock
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