I know the PDF is not out yet however, for those that got their cybered up paws on a Printed copy at Gencon or for those of us like me that had a friend nab the

paydata for him.

I would like to ask what other ways can you come up with to follow up with the story and bring it to a close; That is if the players accept Brandeen's offer to help her deal with Cody's Father.
The obvious solution is simple Wet work; however I am hoping to avoid that. Some kind of Blackmail maybe? Perhaps finding a way to off him that proves beneficial to his Wife's family and Brandeen and Cody? (I have been watching too much "Burn Notice") Or would you throw a complete curve and make Brandeen some how turn up to be not on up and up and possibly setting the Runners up? I am looking for something that would be indicative of the setting to kind of introduce the players to the Sixth World.
For those who have not read Food Fight 4.0 and would like more description I would be happy to go into more detail if the Mod's are ok with that.