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Full Version: Australian Referendum
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I was reading Target: Awakened Lands again, especially the bit on page 22 that says "the referendum vote is to be held within a year" after the New Century party got up over the Green Party in the election.

Now I do believe that T:AL was written in the 2061-2062 years of shadowrun, so the referendum should have been held, but I can't remember what book told us the answer, I haven't seen sprawl survival guide yet, so I can't comment on that book, can anyone out there tell me the outcome of this? Did we get rid of the Queen, did we keep the hag, or has it not been mentioned in the books yet?

Actually its a King these days. The Windsors sort of died out... and no SSG doesn't develop Australia.
Ronin Soul
I thought the Windsors goblinised and then kind of disappeared...

As for the referendum, well I like it how that isn't expanded on. It gives you alot more metaplot freedom.

About the only thing I changed in T: AL was that I changed the Greens party getting kicked out back to the Coalition. The idea of the Greens as patsies of the Druidic movement nauseates me for several reasons. The fact that the names are similar doesn't mean one controls the other you know...
Rant end biggrin.gif
Hmmm, lose the King and vote in the "Party Party Party Party", aka "Whoseish for manother drINK Party?"

But I'd be nice to know...and Druids, in _Australia_? I thought the current lot were awful. But....with the robes...and the sacred rocks... Biiig brain-flip here.
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