Sep 9 2007, 09:41 PM
Does anyone know if Hatchetman's story from Shadowtech is posted on the web? I've looked but did not find.
Sep 9 2007, 10:12 PM
QUOTE (Thane36425) |
Does anyone know if Hatchetman's story from Shadowtech is posted on the web? I've looked but did not find. |
Hatchetman's story was in
Cybertechnology, not
Sep 9 2007, 10:17 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Thane36425 @ Sep 10 2007, 07:41 AM) | Does anyone know if Hatchetman's story from Shadowtech is posted on the web? I've looked but did not find. |
Hatchetman's story was in Cybertechnology, not Shadowtech. |
That's right. All the same, anyone know if it is posted on the internet somewhere?
Sep 10 2007, 01:09 AM
I doubt it. Posting it in its entirety would be a copyright violation.
Sep 10 2007, 01:43 AM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
I doubt it. Posting it in its entirety would be a copyright violation. |
Probably so. I thought I had seen it on one of the "official" websites though in an archive. If it was up, its gone now.
Sep 10 2007, 05:18 AM
I am not sure if posting it would be a copyright violation as it is a small portion of the entire book.
Whatever, though.
I am pretty certain a few copies of Hatchetman's story floating around the web. Ask and someone will probably PM you one.
Sep 10 2007, 05:37 AM
It depends on the length of the story... I belive under international copyright law you can reproduce to two pages of a book before the lawers can be set loose. I belive that those two pages can be made available on the internet since Amazon and the like lets you read two pages from the books that you can look inside when ordering. I'm no lawer though, this is just what I've delt with when photocopying books at school.
Sep 10 2007, 06:11 AM
Schools have different rules regarding what they can reproduce, and Amazon -- to the best of my knowledge -- has the publisher's permission for such previews.
Sep 10 2007, 06:53 AM
Well, Like I said, I recalled seeing it posted on a site. However, the bookmark I had to that site no longer works. That was one to probably the main Shadowrun site since it had lots about the books, weekly adventures for download and all that. Hadn't checked it for ages then go looking for something and it isn't there anymore, at least not via the old bookmark. I'll just have to dig around and find my old copy of Cybertechnology.
Sep 10 2007, 07:18 AM
I'm pretty sure it's never been posted to the official Shadowrun site, since I've been the one maintaining that site since 2001...

However, since it's low on the PDF conversion list but the fiction is somewhat topical [well, as topical as "historic" fiction can be], perhaps it shall show up on the site soon...
Sep 10 2007, 05:02 PM
If anyone is interested in a short summary of what happened, I can post what I remember from my book (which is at home atm).
[ Spoiler ]
Hatchetman was owed significantly by a major corp whose hoop he saved. Unfortunately, he got tore up while saving their bacon. In gratitude (ha!), they rebuilt him into a cyberzombie.
The text in cybertechnology talks about a guy named Priest that he befriended while in the lab. It also talks to the point that he chose full / obvious chrome instead of trying to go human looking.
Hatchetman's status at this time is unknown. It's widely believed that he has died but no official answers (in print) have surfaced. Just a bunch of suspicions.
IMO, he was such an endearing character from the get-go that I would not be surprised to find him still alive.
Zhan Shi
Sep 10 2007, 06:04 PM
I asked Frank abou this in the Augmentation Review thread. He said "absolutely not". I too miss Hatchetman. But unless Frank is overuled, Hatchet's gone.
Sep 10 2007, 08:54 PM
QUOTE (Zhan Shi) |
I asked Frank abou this in the Augmentation Review thread. He said "absolutely not". I too miss Hatchetman. But unless Frank is overuled, Hatchet's gone. |
That's a shame. I like to show that story to people when talking about the effects of cyberware on a person. That's why I was looking for a copy, having this discussion again in a group.
Sep 10 2007, 11:43 PM
Look at it this way... has anyone seen Hatchetman's body? Did they conclusively, positively, and irrefutably ID it?
If you can't say yes to each of those questions, then how can one be sure he's dead?
It's the standard MO of many runners. The opposition ain't dead until you've verified they are dead. How come everyone is so willing to take a pass on that very MO with regards to Hatchetman? Do you know if Frank is shooting straight or if he's hiding something for use later on?
(This means he's still alive in *your* games if you so choose. Wouldn't be the first time a player has retconned something.)
Sep 11 2007, 12:16 AM
It was something like 15-16 years ago that Hatchetman underwent Cybermantic surgery. At a time when the expected lifespan of the end result was typically measured in weeks.
Sep 11 2007, 05:24 AM
QUOTE (darthmord) |
Look at it this way... has anyone seen Hatchetman's body chrome? Did they conclusively, positively, and irrefutably ID it? |
A change to keep in the spirit of things, since there is so little meat body left.
Daddy's Little Ninja
Sep 11 2007, 03:27 PM
I think it was assumed that after his entry in the cybermancy book, he lost what little humanity he had left. He is probably dead (deactivated? broken?) by now but if he is still operational he is not "Hatchetman" in any way that is important.
Sep 11 2007, 04:08 PM
He has becomed a SR Collectible card!!! ^_^
Sep 17 2007, 07:33 AM
If he is alive he would costing someone a small fortune. The medical costs of keeping a 'Zombie of that level going is IIRC bloody expensive.
Sep 17 2007, 01:27 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
If he is alive he would costing someone a small fortune. The medical costs of keeping a 'Zombie of that level going is IIRC bloody expensive. |
highlighted for old-skool lulz...
Sep 23 2007, 03:46 PM
You know I've been thinking this could be a cool run, with improved cybertech maybe they could bring his memory/personality back. Just break into an omega level security facility and steal one of their own top level cyber killing machines to try and restore his humanity while stopping him from killing the team trying to rescue him, and avoid the corp trying to get him back!
Did we ever hear who had Hatchetman? If fuchi, well, who knows what got misplaced when that corp broke up?
Sep 24 2007, 12:57 AM
QUOTE (Naysayer) |
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc @ Sep 17 2007, 02:33 AM) | If he is alive he would costing someone a small fortune. The medical costs of keeping a 'Zombie of that level going is IIRC bloody expensive. |
highlighted for old-skool lulz...
I see what you did there.
Sep 24 2007, 10:30 AM
I aim to please.
As usual, i fail...
Sep 25 2007, 05:49 AM
Here is a copy of Cybertechnology.
For under $10 USD, you too can find out the story behind Hatchetman. (Note: I am in no way affiliated with the seller, I just saw the book on e-bay and remembered the post here...)
Sep 25 2007, 12:58 PM
For $10, I will mail a copy of Cybertechnology anywhere in the continental U.S. - postage paid and tax free.
Sep 25 2007, 09:20 PM
QUOTE (darthmord) |
Do you know if Frank is shooting straight or if he's hiding something for use later on? |
I'm out of the writing game, I leave the country to go to med school in Prague tomorrow. So there literally isn't any "later on" use that I can get out of official story elements. Hatchetman was made into a cyberzombie several years before cyberzombies could live for several years. I like to think that he managed to go out in a blaze of glory, but if he didn't it is because noone took him down before the cancer and sepsis did.
I couldn't write in "how Hatchetman barely survived because he's awesome" - that would have cheapened his story. Also, the storyline was already well advanced of when Hatchetman would have died by the time it fell into my hands. That's why I used an entirely different cyberzombie as a subject interview for Augmentation (Probably Gavin).
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