Sep 18 2007, 11:39 PM
This is based on the discussion
The question is whether receiving rewards (Karma/contacts,
) for eating and/or running SR Missions would result in a larger judge pool and hence more Shadowrun games, sales, etc.
Sep 19 2007, 12:58 AM
the ones that run the missions now will be the same list of people that would do it if you gave their characters experience or not. You might get 1 or 2 extra (across the globe) but really the list really wont change much. The ones that like to run games are running games and those that dont, are playing.
Sep 19 2007, 03:02 AM
I'd GM much more often, though. Sure, I may not be able to recruit more GM's, but right now I have a rule against GMing any Missions adventure I haven't played in. I like to GM, but I like to play, too. It's not even to advance a character, I just enjoy the playing.
If I were to get something to enhance the times when I play, I'd certainly be more willing to run adventures I haven't yet played. However, I can't commit to being a Commando, so that reward is out.
Sep 19 2007, 02:14 PM
Guys, in looking at this, an anonymous poll really isn't useful.
If you're willing to run games in return for in game rewards, post:
-Your name
-Your City & State
-How many public games at public locations you're willing to run annually
Sep 19 2007, 02:17 PM
I think it's bad idea to GM for in game rewards.
If I can't have fun running the Missions just for the sake of it, then I might as well not GM at all.
Sep 19 2007, 04:42 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I think it's bad idea to GM for in game rewards.
If I can't have fun running the Missions just for the sake of it, then I might as well not GM at all. |
Sorry, but I come from LG (Living Greyhawk) and LSpy (Living Spycraft) both closing their doors in the span of a month. I REALLY don't want to see that happen here. So, the subject of what makes for a good living campaign is important to me. Having lots of GMs is really critical, and lots of times that means (especially in less populous areas) that someone has to GM that would otherwise play. Making the 'cost' of doing that lower (via a reward) is simple economic theory and should result in a more successful campaign.
Sep 19 2007, 06:31 PM
Well cause dunner asked I answered with choice 3.
I run games cause I have fun doing it and love getting the game out there to people.
So reguardless of any rewards I'll continue to run games the same as I do now at conventions and once a month at my firebase.
Granted I guess I am one of the lucky ones who gets to play every now and then but even if I didn't have that chance it wouldn't change how often or where I run the game.
Sep 19 2007, 07:12 PM
QUOTE (Alphastream) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 19 2007, 09:17 AM) | I think it's bad idea to GM for in game rewards.
If I can't have fun running the Missions just for the sake of it, then I might as well not GM at all. |
Sorry, but I come from LG (Living Greyhawk) and LSpy (Living Spycraft) both closing their doors in the span of a month. I REALLY don't want to see that happen here. So, the subject of what makes for a good living campaign is important to me. Having lots of GMs is really critical, and lots of times that means (especially in less populous areas) that someone has to GM that would otherwise play. Making the 'cost' of doing that lower (via a reward) is simple economic theory and should result in a more successful campaign.
Before you criticize my opinion as diluting the "cause", you do need to realize I run Missions once a month at my FLGS and have done and will do conventions.
You ask for my opinion and an answer to your poll.
My response is not a speculative one, but is in fact actually what I am doing. I run Missions because I want to, and and I do it for no more reward then the enjoyment of running the game.
If I was motivated by in game rewards I wouldn't be GMing Missions right now.
On the flip side, I would be really suspicious of a GM running the game I was playing in if they were solely motivated by the IC rewards they were getting.
You might as well just pay real money for a good GM, at least that won't pollute the Missions campaign environment with player characters who've earned their karma and other rewards without actually playing the adventure IC.
Sep 19 2007, 07:36 PM
I also cast my (non-valid it seems) vote towards a big fat 'No' to this whole idea. If you want to be rewarded for GMing, then join the Commandos and run games in your local stores. Either that or charge your players an entry fee.
Sep 19 2007, 07:55 PM
Lemme try it this way: I have kids. A daughter, to be precice. Family time is rare and precious to us, so I only get out to my FLGS for the once-a-month meetup, which is my only chance to play Shadowrun; and I don't always make that. OurTeam hasn't been heard from in months, and he used to be the ares Shadowrun commando.
Since then, I've run Parliament of Thieves and Best Served Cold, but since those were the only two games I had played in, I didn't want to run anything else. I get to play Shadowrun *once a month*, and I like to play more than I like to GM. That's not to say that I can't GM, or that I suck at it, or that I don't enjoy it-- it's just, given a choice, I'd prefer to play.
I know if I were more motivated to run, I would do so. However, I can't commit to six events per year. Three would be pushing it-- I've run three in the last year, all at FLGS's, and in both cases I had to give up RP time to GM. That means, out of 9 months, I've given up about a third of my RP time. That's a lot.
Sep 19 2007, 09:06 PM
QUOTE (Cain) |
I've run three in the last year, all at FLGS's |
And -- that's all that's required for Commando membership.
Sep 19 2007, 09:14 PM
The site says 6?
Sep 19 2007, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (Cain) |
The site says 6? |
It was changed back in the spring, and I posted it to dumpshock at the time
in this thread.I un-stickied the thread when we went through the CGL switch and stopped aggressively recruiting. We are, however, still accepting applications.
The site's out of date in many ways. I imagine it'll be changed more comprehensively when CGL has time to finish getting all the ducks in a row on it.
Sep 19 2007, 11:30 PM
Suppose retroactively doesn't count towards Commando membership?
Sep 20 2007, 12:11 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
Before you criticize my opinion as diluting the "cause" |
I in no way meant to come off as criticizing. My "Sorry" was not 'sorry, you are wrong', but rather meant to explain that I'm particularly tender to anything that might make a campaign have more judges and not die.
That's all I meant. Apologies for not being clear! Your point is valid.
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