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Full Version: SR4 in Boulder Co
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
1pm at Karlequin's in Boulder (3330 Arapahoe).

Background: I ran SR back with 1st and 2nd edition and dropped out of gaming entirely until recently. I've been playing a 3rd edition game for the past couple of months to get back up to speed. I have the 4th ed books and it seems like a good place to start up again.

Initially it'll be a little slow as I get back up to GMing speed and I'll be running a few simple sessions so patience is necessary smile.gif

I have three folks from the local motorcycle group (one fairly experienced and two interested), one guy who's expressed interest but no idea on background. I have a flyer up in the shop on the bulletin board but don't know if anyone's interested.

I've asked that folks who are interested join the local Denver RPG meetup group ( and register for the game on the 29th so I have an idea of who's coming. Nothing so far smile.gif

So pop out to the meetup group or shoot me a PM here and see you there.

One of the two folks who responded has indicated it'd be better if it were done on Sunday. The other guy doesn't have a problem with it so the game's been changed to Sunday the 30th from 1pm to 5pm.

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