Prime Mover
Oct 4 2007, 02:02 PM
In Emergence Joey D is dropped from the race, leaving Brockhaven in the lead. Any plans for revealing winner in general elections or gonna be left open? As of the end of Emergence were left close to finish and none of the future products would seem to be the place to put the info.
Oct 4 2007, 02:54 PM
I mut admit that since Brackhaven seemed to pass a registration act I presumed h had won. Bastard.
Ancient History
Oct 4 2007, 02:57 PM
The winner will be revealed.
Oct 19 2007, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
I mut admit that since Brackhaven seemed to pass a registration act I presumed h had won. Bastard. |
Where did you see that?
Oct 19 2007, 12:52 AM
QUOTE (farrenj) |
QUOTE (Ophis @ Oct 4 2007, 09:54 AM) | I mut admit that since Brackhaven seemed to pass a registration act I presumed h had won. Bastard. |
Where did you see that?
Oct 19 2007, 01:51 AM
Dhusvig-what-ever stepped out of the race in Emergence, and the incumbent dwarf was trailing pretty badly IIRC. I'd asume that would mean Brackhaven would be in the big new office. Which is awesome for adventure sources and new conflicts in Seattle.
I voted Dhusvig-whatever, jsut because I like the Seattle mob. not that my vote counts. But either way, at least we won't to have to keep trying to spell her name. Which is the real reason Brackhaven won.
Oct 19 2007, 02:22 AM
It was a choice between Brackhaven, an incumbent dwarf you knew coudln't win, or...Ms. Joseph Stalin.
Damn, I think I'd vote for "John Doe".
Oct 19 2007, 02:09 PM
I assume that in SR they still have Super Tuesday (at least for Pres) so in terms of when it'll happen it would be first Tuesday of November.
Oct 19 2007, 02:56 PM
QUOTE (Cheops) |
I assume that in SR they still have Super Tuesday (at least for Pres) so in terms of when it'll happen it would be first Tuesday of November. |
That's for Presidential elections. This is the Seattle Gubernatorial election.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 19 2007, 03:02 PM
...OK , yet another reason for me to go pickup Emergence. The political stuff intrigues me.
Oct 19 2007, 03:46 PM
QUOTE (Cheops @ Oct 19 2007, 09:09 AM) |
I assume that in SR they still have Super Tuesday (at least for Pres) so in terms of when it'll happen it would be first Tuesday of November. |
Super Tuesday is in March, named for the fact that a considerable number of states (important states, too) all have their primary elections on the same day.
wiki article
Kyoto Kid
Oct 21 2007, 11:56 PM
...well if the
Short One (
#41) could vote (being SINless & all) and could find a polling place, she might vote Brackhaven because he would keep those lowlife TT pointy eared rats from moving to the Metroplex.
...then again she does have a decent Intuition so maybe she'd vote for Strouthers, particularly since she likes Dwarves and she's heard bad things about Republicans..
...I never said she was very bright...
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