Oct 21 2007, 03:22 AM
How does one handle banishing ally spirits?
Street Magic says "An ally spirit's services are never exhausted"
Since Banishing reduces the number of services it has, does this mean it cant be banished?
Or are they treated as free spirits for the purposes of banishing?
Oct 21 2007, 12:29 PM
The issue hasn't come up in game for us yet, but it's been one I've been shaking my head over since SR4 came out. It's easiest just to treat them as free spirits (ie services = Edge).
Oct 21 2007, 01:53 PM
I've crossed the Banishing skill out of my book. The various Stun spells will disrupt spirits with a whole lot less danger than using Banishing skill. If in the unlikely event you've got a possession spirit holding someone hostage, just hit them with an Influence spell to force them out. Banishing sucks, dump it.
Oct 21 2007, 02:27 PM
Banishing only has one real use, which is to take control of spirits that are capable of doing things that the spirits your tradition normally summons cannot. For obvious reasons, it is undesirable for that to be possible with Ally spirits, so Allies cannot be Banished.
Oct 21 2007, 03:07 PM
Thanks alot for the input. Dumping banishing sounds like a very likely choice to make.
Oct 21 2007, 03:15 PM
Edited Initial title for clarity
Oct 21 2007, 03:25 PM
Yeah, never ever picking up banishing for any reason at all.
Oct 21 2007, 10:28 PM
Guys stop suggesting choices that have nothing to do with the character or the thread!
If he has a background in banishing let him pick it up! Gawd! (sorry for rant, but it seems like the SR4 form is turning into a character optimization form, They are NOT the same thing!)
Back on topic:
Ally spirits get the banishing resistance power. Check its description.
QUOTE (Street Magic p.99) |
For the purposes of resisting banishment (see Banishing, p.180, SR4) treat the spirit as if it has a number of services equal to its Edge that refresh every sunrise and sunset--these are cumulative with any services the spirit may actually owe a conjurer. |
note that allies' have edge equal to the edge of their conjurer, at least initially.[p.105 Street Magic]
Oct 21 2007, 10:35 PM
I'd just go with Frank's ruling.
Oct 21 2007, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (Narse) |
Guys stop suggesting choices that have nothing to do with the character or the thread! If he has a background in banishing let him pick it up! Gawd! (sorry for rant, but it seems like the SR4 form is turning into a character optimization form, They are NOT the same thing!) |
The forum isn't "turning into" anything. We're posting, you aren't. It's as simple as that. If you want the forum to be a certain way, you need to participate. Post all you want about whatever you want, but don't ask us to stop posting just because you aren't posting.
*** End of Rant ***
Oct 21 2007, 10:59 PM
I'm sorry, I have no beef per se with character optimization, I just like to know what I'm getting into when I read the title. If its about how banishing is a useless skill then more power too ya. Heck I'll probably even read that thread and comment, but when I see someone asking a mechanic question it kinda gets to me when people don't answer the question and instead say how it is useless. See what I mean?
Oct 21 2007, 11:10 PM
QUOTE (Narse @ Oct 22 2007, 08:28 AM) |
Guys stop suggesting choices that have nothing to do with the character or the thread! If he has a background in banishing let him pick it up! Gawd! (sorry for rant, but it seems like the SR4 form is turning into a character optimization form, They are NOT the same thing!) |
I think you might be thinking about a different thread. This thread has nothing in the original post about 'characters' or 'character backgrounds', although there is another thread about a similar topic which does contain such things in its original post. In fact, most of the responses have been on topic and included information about Banishing and/or Ally Spirits, with very little 'character optimization' involved.
Oct 22 2007, 12:08 AM
Exactly. I can't speak for anyone else, but my point with my post was that I wouldn't even bother with figuring out the ins and outs of Banishing when you're better off using a couple of spells instead.
Oct 22 2007, 05:55 AM
Banishig has 4 "uses".
- Adding to melee attacks of Will against Spirits.
- Disrupting a Spirit.
- Pushing a possession spirit out of a host.
- Taking control of someone else's spirit.
The first 2 uses of Banishing are extremely Marginal. Stun Bolt is more likely to work and less dangerous. The third use is of almost no consequence in reference to Allies, since very few Allies ever Possess anything.
The last use of Banishment does not function at all against an Ally spirit, because even if you power through its large piles of services and Banishing Resistance, you still haven't paid for the ally and can't control it.
Since it is the final aspect of Banishing which is the money maker - the thing that you actually cannot do better and for less drain with spells - I consider the statement "You Cannot Banish an Ally" to be a correct one. Sure, you can still punch an ally spirit and add your Banishing in to the dice pool for doing it - but that is, I assume, not what people mean when they ask if they can "Banish an Ally". Banishing to my mind means Pokemoning: where you actually seize a Spirit that you would otherwise be unable to conjure in order to extend the options of your magician. That is not possible with Allies from a mechanistic or game balance stand point.
Oct 22 2007, 06:03 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Narse @ Oct 22 2007, 08:28 AM) | Guys stop suggesting choices that have nothing to do with the character or the thread! If he has a background in banishing let him pick it up! Gawd! (sorry for rant, but it seems like the SR4 form is turning into a character optimization form, They are NOT the same thing!) |
I think you might be thinking about a different thread. This thread has nothing in the original post about 'characters' or 'character backgrounds', although there is another thread about a similar topic which does contain such things in its original post. In fact, most of the responses have been on topic and included information about Banishing and/or Ally Spirits, with very little 'character optimization' involved.
Yeah, I guess I was a little out of line. But I did read this thread immediately after reading the Skillwire thread. Which (IMO) seemed to lean more to the optimization side of things. I guess that doesn't excuse it, but at least I didn't just rant and offered some information as well.
Oct 28 2007, 10:20 PM
This somehow means that either Banishing needs to be reworked and made somehow preferable to simply stunbolting the target spirit, and/or somehow make Ally Spirits somehow vulnerable to banishing.
Perhaps making Banishment so that it actually reduces the Force of the Spirit instead of simply reducing services might be the better way to go, like it was in SR 3. At least, I think it was so in SR 3, right?
Now, how this might go with the "Taking Control"-side aspect, I don't know yet... Perhaps make it so that you can only get one service out from the very weakened spirit (and it needs to regenerate his lost Force points by 1 per hour), so to somehow avoid this 'pokemoning'-stuff.
And then perhaps add some rule that you can only then bind the spirit if it has returned to full force again.
I dunno, somehow like that. But I think Banishment somehow really needs to be made more desirable.
Oct 28 2007, 10:44 PM
QUOTE (Particle_Beam) |
Now, how this might go with the "Taking Control"-side aspect, I don't know yet... Perhaps make it so that you can only get one service out from the very weakened spirit (and it needs to regenerate his lost Force points by 1 per hour), so to somehow avoid this 'pokemoning'-stuff. |
The "Pokemoning stuff" is the only really useful aspect of Banishing.
Oct 28 2007, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Particle_Beam @ Oct 29 2007, 08:20 AM) | Now, how this might go with the "Taking Control"-side aspect, I don't know yet... Perhaps make it so that you can only get one service out from the very weakened spirit (and it needs to regenerate his lost Force points by 1 per hour), so to somehow avoid this 'pokemoning'-stuff. |
The "Pokemoning stuff" is the only really useful aspect of Banishing.
Yes, and as I said, it somehow needs to be improved, so that it becomes a viable alternative than simply blasting the spirit away (direct combat spells are way too universally good), or be reduced for only being a side-step for 'pokémoning'.
Oct 28 2007, 11:02 PM
Why? Not every single Ability or Power or Tactic has to be created equal.
Oct 28 2007, 11:12 PM
Why not? It's after all a game, in the end, and everything should be somehow viable and fun to use.
The rules are far from being perfect and balanced, and game-balances are what make games fun, in the end.
Oct 28 2007, 11:15 PM
But the Skill is viable as is, and has a clearly defined use that cannot be gained in any other way. I don't see the need to make Banishing an uber-Skill.
Oct 28 2007, 11:31 PM
Who said to make it an uber-skill? And who thinks that my suggestions are making it into an uber-skill?
Oct 29 2007, 03:23 AM
I'd just like to see it be more useful. We acknowledge that Knowledge skills are less useful than, say, Automatics, by having them be cheaper. Making Banishing more useful would be in line with that.
Or you could make it a Knowledge skill
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