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what do you think of the friendship penalty. Im all for -1 when he isnt around friends. Also would like to know what qaulifies as a friend "technically"
QUOTE (Abbandon)
what do you think of the friendship penalty. Im all for -1 when he isnt around friends. Also would like to know what qaulifies as a friend "technically"

How about this from Street Magic p. 182

"Disadvantages: Horse magicians do not tolerate confinement
or isolation well. If bound to one location, either
physically or through coercion, or otherwise cut off from others
for an extended period, the Horse magician must make
a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test or become irrational and
self-destructive for 3 turns minus 1 turn per hit gained. While
irrational, the Horse magician will do all they can to escape
the confinement."

Or something similar?
Feshy - Piers (Received and Under Review)
WearzManySkins - Piet (Received and Under Review)
Andrew Moreton - Mariko (Received and Under Review)
ChtuhluDream - Prometheus Northrop (Received and Under Review)
RedJack - AltonMemphis (Received and Under Review)
Can we lop off the confinement part? Bats arent that afraid of enclosures. They live in caves, atticts, fireplaces, boxs and go through narrow openings all the time.

"Disadvantages: Bat magicians do not tolerate isolation well. If cut off from others
for an extended period, the Bat magician must make
a Willpower + Charisma (3) Test or become irrational and
self-destructive for 3 turns minus 1 turn per hit gained. While
irrational, the Bat magician will do all they can to seek out other people/friends."
One example to think about, if you go off flying by yourself instead of in a group you may suffer from the effects.
#1. Well how long does he have to be isolated before he starts making checks.

#2.will it count as being isolated when he goes astral?

#3. do spirits count as other people?

#4. What would happen if he wanted to live alone/have his own place, would that be possable for him?

Hey I have an idea. What if instead of having to freak out and escape like a horse he would have to make that willpower+charisma check and the hits would go against a -3 modifier to everything.

This would represent him being extremely distracted or irritated at being alone. And then you could set a time limit on it like 3 turns or every 60 seconds or every hour or something he has to make another test as long as he is isolated.

Edit. Crap I thought I was almost finished and ready but I forgot I still have to come up with his background and everything lol. I've already got a good start because of me thinking about how he would get introduced to the EVO CTB. Just a little bit longer.....
Disadvantages are not disadvantages if they never effect you. If they will never effect you, then you don't get the BP for them.

I'm not interested in making dice rolls for a character every hour. Boring.

Disadvantages and Negative qualities will come up in game depending on the rate at which the character works to avoid the problem. Disadvantages are likely to be checked when some other test is about to be rolled, since disadvantages often effect other rolls.

So if you're off astral and need to make a assensing test, your character might suddenly realize they are very much alone in astral space and need to make a corresponding willpower test. If you made sure to take someone else with you, then probably no check.
For some reasons, I can't see profiles. Can you PM me your email? I'll send you the negotiator I finished up.

(He is in the spoiler, though with slightly less background
QUOTE (Toras)
For some reasons, I can't see profiles. Can you PM me your email? I'll send you the negotiator I finished up.

(He is in the spoiler, though with slightly less background

van_nick at
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
- van_nick at

Email addy was hidden in the original post.
Cool, Sent. I can't believe I missed that.
QUOTE (Toras)
For some reasons, I can't see profiles.

If you want to PM someone, just click the 'x new messages' link at the top of the page, and then work from there by manually inputting the name of the recipient.
And also, you're not hte only one getting that. wink.gif
You still open?
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Recruitment is always open

... that's the claim. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Dashifen)
You still open?

Recruitment is always open.

Whether or not I can keep up with the game will be a matter demonstrated over time.
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
ChtuhluDream - Prometheus Northrop (Received and Under Review)

I'm not married to the guy as it standards, so I'm more than happy to make changes.
Character sent, I pulled this one from another thread that closed up - never got to use him. The matrix is usually a weak point in my games so I made a technomancer to explore the wireless world. Thanks for GM'ing biggrin.gif
Hi hi,

If you still have room, I've got an interesting character idea for a bio-weapons expert. I'll e-mail you the details once I have her fleshed out smile.gif
I've done at least one cycle through every character I've received. If you think you've gotten one to me and I haven't responded, then I missed some!

van_nick at or PM

Text formats please.
Well sounds like you missed mine, I will try to figure out how to resend it. It was a PM called EVO.
But ...

I still don't know what to play. frown.gif
Play a fresh-out-of-college CTB Executive who hasnt made up his mind which division/specialty he wants to choose as his careerpath.
QUOTE (BlackHat)
Play a fresh-out-of-college CTB Executive who hasnt made up his mind which division/specialty he wants to choose as his careerpath.

Plan to be an intern...
I got it!!

Bat Mentor:
Advantage: +2 to detection, +2 to air spirits,
Disgadvantage: Whenever the character has to leave a friend he has to make a Willpower+Charisma(3) test or stick with them.

Several Questions:

Modify your CS and return to me
Add the skills + specialization, if you already have the base skill add the specialization

Does that mean we get it for free, or I have to pay for it. If I don't have to pay for it, what level do you get it?

First item in the skill list is KS. What is KS?

Can I remove hotsim from the commlink as I have all the hacking skills of a cave man.

QUOTE (Cthulhudreams)
First item in the skill list is KS. What is KS?

Knowledge Skill?
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams)
Several Questions:

Modify your CS and return to me
Add the skills + specialization, if you already have the base skill add the specialization

Does that mean we get it for free, or I have to pay for it. If I don't have to pay for it, what level do you get it?

First item in the skill list is KS. What is KS?

Can I remove hotsim from the commlink as I have all the hacking skills of a cave man.

It's free. Level 1. If you have level one or higher already, simply add the specialization to your existing skill.

KS is Knowledge Skill

Hotsim is here to stay. That way EVO can BlackHammer you when you get out of line. You may feel free to tinker with the commlink and un HotSim it when you have time in game.
QUOTE (Abbandon)
I got it!!

Bat Mentor:
Advantage: +2 to detection, +2 to air spirits,
Disgadvantage: Whenever the character has to leave a friend he has to make a Willpower+Charisma(3) test or stick with them.

Good enough. "Friend" may be interpreted a bit widely for your taste, but that's close enough to Dog to be fine.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Nov 28 2007, 08:08 AM)
First item in the skill list is KS. What is KS?

Knowledge Skill?

My stupidity makes me cry inside sometimes.
Errr I guess I only have one question

#1. As far as the Gesture Gaes do I have to come up with a gesture for each spell and use that same gesture each time? Or can it be different gestures each time as long as im waving my arms around.

I think I have my character finally finished. I just have to come up with a cool description of his one foci and then I will PM him again. Some things have changed.
E-mail sent with CS and BG. Character name is Dr. Elena Volusia.

- Scope_47
Ok things may/will be at strange for me the next few days, my daughter in law is getting an induced birth of a grandson, so I be away from my computer access for large amounts of time. I will be at the hospital, spending time there.

If I can I will post, but will not have the mental focus to do it in details,

Congrats and best wishes. smile.gif
QUOTE (WearzManySkins)
Ok things may/will be at strange for me the next few days, my daughter in law is getting an induced birth of a grandson, so I be away from my computer access for large amounts of time. I will be at the hospital, spending time there.

If I can I will post, but will not have the mental focus to do it in details,


Good luck mate smile.gif

I've finished my character sheet except choosing the second metamagic. Will flip through the rules and dispatch tonight.
At 4:22 pm CST
Ozmondius Doak Thomas was born, 8 pounds 2 ounces, 19 and one half inches.

Mother and grandson are both fine.

The father is still alive despite the words she said to him before the epidural and his hands are expected to recover from the grasping forces applies to them. biggrin.gif

As for his first name, they changed the spelling of Ozymandias. Removed the Z so he would not be called Ozy for short, this way he will be Oz. biggrin.gif

The middle name is one that I have, a paternal line male name.

Thanks for your well wishes.

It's always the father's fault.

W00T! Congrats on that healthy baby and mama!
Revised character sheet is in. If you have a beef with shinto as I am outlining it, I can probably find another tradition, just that intuition traditions are thin on the ground frown.gif
Revised sheet in, assignment Hong Kong.

Congrats Sam!
Sent in the revised CS yesterday as a PM

Assignment choice: London
heh, me too.
Hey Dire do you plan on using wiki spaces for this or anything?
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