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QUOTE (lunchbox311 @ Jan 29 2008, 04:28 PM) *
Then to top it off we made a shadowrun comic.

*shakes head*


Hey now it may be a little obbessive but yet there is 8 yrs of story to tell as well =p

The Great Mr Slamm-0! ( A.D.D my A.S.S)


Hi, I'm Kanis an I'm a rpg addict.
I didn't intend to end up a gaming addict. I started out Just playing DnD on the weekends,maybe read a little WoD after work to relax. But over time I found myself moving into the hard stuff. I'll never forget the euphoria of the first time I touched a Shadowrun source book. I was hooked
recently, I was hanging out at a geek haven, trying to score some info on move-by-wire systems for one of my characters,when I found a thread that has really put my addiction over the edge. Now I am attempting to write a story about shadowrun. I am finding it hard to consentrate on any thing other than my story. I walk down the street and catch myself dropping into character and checking my 6 in store windows. I stay up late and work on my story even though I have to work in the morning. My wife says she getting lonely. the other day I snuck home on my lunch break just to edit a paragraph that had been bugging me for three days. and stayed home an extra hour. I am so embarrassed.
I tried to get some help but the my family just looks at me funny. The only friends I have are also gamers, so there not really much help. My Gm(=dealer) tried to help by loaning me his PDF of street magic. Its keeping the shakes away but I still catch myself logging into Dumpshock any time I let my guard down. I am hoping after I get the story edited that I can get my life back on track.

thanks for listening.
keep your head down and your hoop covered,chummers

*crap, there I go again. * spin.gif

QUOTE (apollo124 @ Feb 2 2008, 09:24 AM) *
And if I'm not muttering Sperethiel, it's a little Klingon, or Clanspeak(Battletech) or Chinese(Firefly). Dong ma?

One thing Ive learned from firefly, is that from now on I want to curse In chinese. Also, make sure I avoid people who have been to the outer-fringes of space for too long. grinbig.gif
I remember saying once, while watching some garbage men load a truck, something like "Man, those chemsuits look so inadequate, rating 2 at best."
Been playing too much D&D lately (since my SR campaign ended). I know this because I'm cleaning up my apartment and moving one of those plastic wheeled cabinets. When I was moving it one of the sets of wheels came off, nearly dumped the entire cabinet's contents on the floor and I nearly tripped on it.

My first immediate thought?

"Hah! Your caster level isn't high enough..."

*shrugs* Bad puns and too much gaming, what can I say? spin.gif
I was once discussing possible baby names with my boyfriend, and the name "Damien Knight" came to mind pretty quickly. It would be better than Dunkelzahn, I guess! grinbig.gif
The fact I have a child named Lucien is a complete coincidence (although it is related to the fact that my brother is already named Damien for unrelated reasons and I didn't want to copy) - but the connection had occurred to me.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (bibliophile20 @ Mar 15 2008, 07:40 PM) *
Been playing too much D&D lately (since my SR campaign ended). I know this because I'm cleaning up my apartment and moving one of those plastic wheeled cabinets. When I was moving it one of the sets of wheels came off, nearly dumped the entire cabinet's contents on the floor and I nearly tripped on it.

My first immediate thought?

"Hah! Your caster level isn't high enough..."

*shrugs* Bad puns and too much gaming, what can I say? spin.gif

...thats 2D10 Pun damage, NST. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Mar 19 2008, 12:24 PM) *
...thats 2D10 Pun damage, NST. grinbig.gif

Only 2d10? I'm slipping. I actually managed to get my DM to whack me with 20d6 Pun damage once. *shrug* Hey, it was the cleric's demon-tainted holy hammer; all I did was ask if there was a way to cleanse it or if there was 'taint nothing we could do. grinbig.gif
Once, probably in about 2005, I was smack in the middle of the last SR2 campaign I was in. This was an SR2 campaign among people that had been playing the game for 10-15 years, and we were pulling out all the stops. We pretty much all knew that we weren't going to get to game together again, because we'd all just finished college, and were about to head out into the world, so we were throwing out all the stories that had ever stuck in our heads during our entire SR careers, and we were using our unemployed schedules to game for days on end while we still could. About three days into one of our sessions, a couple of us went out for a food run, and on the way we were discussing our attack plan for how were were going to pull off the next phase of the run, and what everyone's roles would be. While we were in the store, my friend and I started to discuss the stupidity of the group troll. Here's the thing: we both looked around before saying anything derogatory about trolls. As if we were expecting there to be a troll in the store that would get offended at our racist remarks. That's when I knew I was too far in to get out easily. When I was afraid of being racist against beings that don't exist.
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