Hi, I'm Kanis an I'm a rpg addict.
I didn't intend to end up a gaming addict. I started out Just playing DnD on the weekends,maybe read a little WoD after work to relax. But over time I found myself moving into the hard stuff. I'll never forget the euphoria of the first time I touched a Shadowrun source book. I was hooked
recently, I was hanging out at a geek haven, trying to score some info on move-by-wire systems for one of my characters,when I found a thread that has really put my addiction over the edge. Now I am attempting to write a story about shadowrun. I am finding it hard to consentrate on any thing other than my story. I walk down the street and catch myself dropping into character and checking my 6 in store windows. I stay up late and work on my story even though I have to work in the morning. My wife says she getting lonely. the other day I snuck home on my lunch break just to edit a paragraph that had been bugging me for three days. and stayed home an extra hour. I am so embarrassed.
I tried to get some help but the my family just looks at me funny. The only friends I have are also gamers, so there not really much help. My Gm(=dealer) tried to help by loaning me his PDF of street magic. Its keeping the shakes away but I still catch myself logging into Dumpshock any time I let my guard down. I am hoping after I get the story edited that I can get my life back on track.
thanks for listening.
keep your head down and your hoop covered,chummers
*crap, there I go again. *