Jan 18 2008, 04:05 PM
I want to know if a missions player spends in-game time and nuyen on improving contacts loyalty can he/she get a bump thats not written in a mission? For example if he/she spends a monthly amount equal to Connection times Loyalty rating every month (not necessarily giving them cash but stuff like Urban brawl tickets, dinner and drinks, gifts, ect...) and spending a month per year off their calander doing upkeep (favor for a friend type stuff) should the player be allowed to raise loyalty ratings on starting contacts and even on contacts gained during game play? If yeas then how often should they be allowed to raise them (probable takes longer for each increase). Please let me know what you think, plus if there is an official answer that would be nice too.
Jan 18 2008, 04:25 PM
There aren't rules for that, but it's subject to GM discretion. If the GM things that you've done enough to justify raising the loyalty rating, then I'd have no objections.
Little Storm
Feb 7 2008, 12:20 AM
I think it is important that players gain new contacts during a campaign (or during several missions played with the same team or character).
In my opinion it should be raised by personal favors the char does for the connection. Paid or not doesn't play a role. Sometimes one dangerous paid mission is worth more than three "normal" missions done for free.
How often a raise of loyality is allowed depends on the character, the connection and on the style of your game.
The only thing a GM should look at is that not only a single player develops his contacts. Everyone should get a chance to improve his relation to some old or new friends, or in other words, to raise the level.
Feb 7 2008, 12:33 AM
The Missions provide guidelines on how runners can earn NPCs included in them as Contacts. Some of the later ones IIRC, include Loyalty bumps or penalties based on runner choices for NPCs that they have already earned as contacts.
Feb 7 2008, 01:12 AM
Speaking only as someone who has GM'd a number of the Missions games, I was quite impressed with the attention given in many of the runs to gaining and increasing contacts.
Mr. Unpronounceable
Feb 7 2008, 08:53 PM
With the exception of the bartender at Five by Five, anyway. There were a few instances of: said "hello"? +1 loyalty (max 4) for you!
Feb 7 2008, 09:42 PM
What can I say -- He's a friendly guy.
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