May 4 2008, 09:04 PM
Since the slitch seems to be reading his mind, Dante does his best not to think of the things he wants to say. Rather, he scans astral space for anysign of her before answering his comm. He might be a bit unnapreciative of such prompt service, but at least he's honest about his hate for spirits.
He answers the comm.
This is Dante.
May 7 2008, 12:38 PM
Lucian awnsers on the other end. He takes a moment to register who it is, then smiles warmly.
Ah, young Dante. I thought it might be you. What can an old man do for you?
May 7 2008, 08:26 PM
Mr Lucien, thank you for taking the time. I'm looking into some local matter, and was hoping to get the assistance of a diviner. I'd heard you were skilled in the discipline and was hoping I could engage your services for a time. Would it be possible to come by your shop today?
May 8 2008, 10:58 PM
That would be just fine Dante. I also have a few new wares you might enjoy. Stop by soon.
May 9 2008, 04:21 AM
I'd love to see what you have available. I've heard ... interesting .. things from Lucky. I can be there in half an hour if you're available?
Dante thinks back to all the "interesting things" he's heard about coming out of Lucien's little "shop" . He reminds himself to come armed, just incase some "interesting thing" decides he looks vulnerable enough to possess or maim.
May 9 2008, 12:34 PM
Yes, Lucky would have some interesting stories. He looks a little put off. See you soon then. He smiles and disconnects.
May 9 2008, 10:08 PM
Not wanting to waste any time, or having anything better to do anyway, Dante heads for the warrens that conceal Lucien's shop. En Route, he sends a text to Lucky, asking for directions. It's better to seem a little foolish by askng than proe it by wandering shops in the district for hours, looking for the reclusive talismonger.
An hour and four wrong turns later, Dante finally steps out of the right hall, into the right door way, down the correct path, and through the proper overhang, entering Lucien's shop.
I'm going to need a bloodhound to find my way back out of here.
Dante steps into the narrow but well appointed shop, careful to wipe his boots on the mat before entering. He looks around in the dim light, eyeing the large tomes, jars, and telesma apparently 'lying about' the shop with the casual air of a well arranged flea market.
I haven't seen this much casually assembled power since my Master's in the Tir. These books probably don't need protecting. They can probably defend themselves.
Dante, careful not to touch anything, steps through the shop, looking for the infamous "Lucien".
May 11 2008, 12:18 AM
Dante stands in the middle of the shop listening to some bumps in the back.
Obviously Lucien is spring cleaning. Dante thinks.
After a few more sounds, theres silence then Lucien makes his way to the front of the shop. He takes a look at Dante and smiles warmly, once again.
Ah, young Dante. It is a pleasure as always.
He cups both hands around Dantes hand to shake.
Now, I was about to make some tea. Would you like some while we talk bussiness?
He walks to the door and changes the sign to say CLOSED. He locks the door and turns back to the young man standing in the middle of his shop.
May 12 2008, 05:22 AM
Tea? Uh, no thank you. I'd prefer to get to business, if it's all the same to you.
Is he ;ike this with everybody, or just because I'm connected to Lucky? That 'closed' sign is a little ominous.
Dante doesn't let his reservations show however. Growung up around the worst and the best of the New Orleans and Miami mobs, looking casual when you're on edge is second nature.
I'm investigating some deaths and was looking to get a fresh perspectivve on it. I've gone over some leads but nothing's jumping at me ust yet. The NOPS don't seem to be getting anywhere with the investigation by following the same leads I have.
May 12 2008, 12:38 PM
Lucien speaks as if finishing Dante's sentence
And you wish to take a diviners perspective. Alright, my young friend. Ill need some more details. Explain it to me while I search my shop for some things that will be useful.
May 13 2008, 04:57 AM
Dante pulls out the OC chip the Johnson provided, pulling up the relevant files and pics.
There's been a number of murders over the past few weeks that are particularly grisly, and the NOPS are stumped. There's apparenly nothing linking the victims, or the locations, at least that's been discerned yet. The only thing they seem to have in common is the MO, how they were killed. I've got some pictures here that might help, if you don't mind the sight of blood.
May 13 2008, 12:56 PM
Lucian chuckles.
It'll take more than a few drops of blood to make this old man queezy.
He leans over to take a closer look. He flips through the pictures and information. Every once in a while he lets out a Hmm...alright. Other than that, hes completely silent through out the search. He stops at one picture. It appears to be the one where the mutilated elf victim has an eight ball in his mouth. He stares for a moment, then flips back through the other photos. He begins to pick them out one by one placing them next to eachother, apparently in some sort of order. The eightball picture is almost last. Its in between the picture with a troll woman with her stomach ripped out, and a human man who's spine has been removed completely. The other photos appear to have similar pattern. The first is a a teenage elf boy who was beaten to death. The second was of a orc man who, according to the files description, had died of a massive drain, his left hand has been removed pre-mordum. The one next to that is of someone was apparantly set on fire. Has recently been comfirmed a young japanese elven woman. The next photo is of a elf woman who was poisoned. The next three are as described above.
After finishing assembling the photos, Lucien gasps.
Under his breathe, he says;It couldn't be.... No, this is ridiculas. Wasn't seven times enough for you, you foolish young boy?
May 17 2008, 06:31 PM
Lots of elves, everyone's missing a body part .... how does someone die of massive darin and have that ruled 'homicide'? These deaths are all so different, I honestly don't know why they think they're linked. Was anything missing from the poisoned elf?
Dante waits quietly waiting for Lucien to give his prognosis.
May 17 2008, 06:38 PM
Lucien removes his glasses and begins to rub his eyes. He looks disturbed by what he's seeing, but it doesn't appear the violence of the photos is the cause. He looks up at Dante. Staring him directly into the eyes.
Dante, before I begin my divination, I feel I should ask you. How much do you know about your father? How much do you know about Jakob Sinner?
May 17 2008, 06:47 PM
Dante gives him a confused look for a moment before his expression hardens.
More than I'd like to. I know you are a friend of Lucky's, and I did come here to you, so I'll try not to be offended that you would bring it up.
He used to talk, to tamble a lot, especially when he was drunk. Which was all the time. Lucky never kept anything from me either.
That I know of at least
I assume you have a good reason for asking.
The mere mention of his father is enough to shift Dante's mood. Only Lucien's reputation as a professional and his long working relationship with Lucky keeps Dante from, probably foolishly, taking offense at the man even bringing up Jakob Sinner.
May 17 2008, 07:02 PM
Dante I understand that this is a touchy subject for you. I remember how your father was, but I also remember what he tried to be, for you. If you would like, I can ignore what Im seeing here and continue with with the divination. But I do feel its something you should know, and help with your case, if nothing else.
Lucien waits for Dantes response before he continues.
May 17 2008, 07:25 PM
What my father may or may not have tried doesn't matter. It's what he did and did not do that defines him.
If there's something pertinent to this case, then I should know about it.
May 17 2008, 08:15 PM
Very well, Ill continue.
He puts his glasses back on.
Dante, Im sure you heard the stories about your father coming back from the dead on several occasions? Well, there as true as it was astonishing. The reason these photos stand out to me, is that....these are the ways your father died, and this, He points to the photos, is the order in which it happened.
Some call it a curse, some fools even tried to learn "The Sinners Secret." Think that theres some hidden agenda behind it. Deals with the devil, divine intervention, all manners of theory that are as sporatic as his temper. The truth is, your father was extremely lucky. Able to get himself out one scrape or another by sheer dumb luck. Though there was some evidence that a deal or two had been made on a few occasions with the occasional free spirit. But that was problem with your father, he didn't trust a soul. He'd make pacts, and become part of a team, then quicker than you can think, he would turn his back. This is what got him in the hot water in the first place. I attempted to sway him a little. Give him a push in the right direction. But, just like everyone else, he shoved me away. Thought he could take on the world. Thought he could protect his family. After your mother and brother passed away, he appeared to have gotten worse, naturally. Thats when he began to drink in unhealthy amounts. Then, just when he was making the turn. He'd stopped drinking, began to care about someone other than himself, but, the damn fool was too late. It's a shame, he had so many oppurtunities to change. But he denied them all. Anyway, he made himself many enemies. Most of them right here in New Orleans. Something you should consider. Despite how much you hate him, you are your fathers son, and because of that alone, his enemies have become yours.
May 18 2008, 05:08 AM
Dante considers for a moment. That's the way it is Lucien. Nothing new. I've always had only the worst of him.
What do your divinations tell you?
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