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Full Version: Recruiting Gm (and Other Players) For Online Game - Sr4 Or Sr3
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
I'm not the most experienced Shadowrun player, but I'm widely versed in shadowrun rules and lore, just haven't had more than a few games experience due to laziness of my fellow Sydney shadowrun player, who has ditched shadowrun/playing music together/everything constructive other than drinking and going to uni, and I'm lamenting all the wasted money on my expansive collection of books, so I'm very keen to get into an online game.

I'm much more versed in SR3, but I also own most of the SR4 books on PDF, so if that's the only option I'm offered, I'm totally happy with that, and I'm pretty intrigued with the wireless matrix as-well. I favour stealth/espionage type games, and like to play a combination covert ops specialist/decker/hacker type character, focused on surveillance and stealthy B&E into facilities etc. If anyone else wants to join in, that's cool too, but I prefer a nice clean game with 4 players max and a focus on working as a well-oiled covert crew. I also like the idea of a two man infiltration team: A magician and/or adept for physical intrusion, illusion, gymnastics and taking out sentries and a decker with a decent stealth skill on matrix overwatch or sneaking close behind spoofing cameras and misdirecting drones.

These are all of course just suggestions, I'm not very fussy about those things, they're just vague preferences. I'm not particularly fussed about location, i'm open to suggestions on setting and location. And I can run more fluidly with sr3, but sr4 intrigues me as well.

Anyway, I appreciate replies and input.
Was your intent to do a PbP game here on Dumpshock, or are you looking for an AIM/IRC/etc. interface? If it's a DSF game you are looking for, there are regular openings and recruitment threads here. I'd suggest dropping a note in one of the recruiting threads with your interest. If you are looking for something else, try talking with a few people and getting a team together who has a similar set of interests.
SoyKaf Adict
Methinks he should start forums first, easier to work with your characters actions in my opinion, not to mention everyone doesn't have to be on at the same time. Though, chat/IM games are much faster paced and are really fun when you get into 'em. So pros and cons, stick to forums... Not to mention are there any free GMs, actually? I had to beg/annoy to get on the waiting list like some fanboy of American Idol. All the better luck to ya though, mate. Oh yeah, dice rolling can be really complicated. When you're doing all your internet rolls at the same time, on the same site(Invisible Castle, subliminal,subliminal, sub--- USE IT!), with the same people you're gaming with, a little hectic I may point out. That being one more bad strike against chat/IM.

PLEASE GM GODS, INDULGE THIS MORTAL... HE IS WORTHY. I'M PRETTY SURE, DON'T QUOTE ME! GIVE HIM A GAME! ...And then let me join plz!!!11!!2#@go!! (If it's SR4) spin.gif
Sir_Psycho (RHCP reference?)

JonathanC is recruiting for a fairly basic (beginner level) PbP game. LINK

I might also be starting a game in the near future, and from what you wrote in your OP it sounds like you might be a good fit. I'm hoping to put together a "stealth/espionage type game". In fact that would be the theme- corporate espionage. But I don't really know when I will get around to starting it, as there is a lot of planning I still have to do. I can PM you if it ever gets off the ground though. Let me know.

Good Luck.
Thanks for the replies. I don't mind doing ICQ/etc., but I live in the eastern australian timezone, so It could be fiddly, especially with school and getting drunk. I'm cool with PBP, any form of dice-rolling (i'm traditionally an SR3 Man, so I've got stacks of dice), I even trust GM's to roll for me, if it's simpler.

I applied for JohnathanC's game. And if any games come up, especially by you, method, I'll be first to be buzzed, right? grinbig.gif
I'll certainly let you know.
*bump*, in for SR3 PbP games, but a newbie with regard to forum-play
*bump*, in for SR3 PbP games, but a newbie with regard to forum-play. Secondly I have difficulties to determine whether games are SR3 or -4.....

Edit, I feel so stupid due to my double post...
A lot of the older longer-running games are in SR3, some of them switched over to SR4. I think most of the new games have been using SR4, but the recruiting threads are usually pretty clear about which one it is going to be, up front. The new board-makeover has icons that people might use, but I pretty much assume its SR4 unless someone says they are wanting to run an SR3 game for whatever reason.
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