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Full Version: Troll Combat Hacker critique
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One of my players is making a Troll Combat Hacker and while I like the concept, this is my first hacker in SR4 so I haven't playtested the rules yet.
Could you point me at the character's flaws (no, not being a Troll) and how to improve it ?

Here it go:
[ Spoiler ]

Edited post to add forgotten OS
Edited to clarify Electronics skills group
Raven Bloodeyes
A few quick things...

...No Dodge!! (he needs Dodge or Gymnastics so Full Defense in a fire fight is a strong option)
...why is he ambidextrous, gun in one hand, blade in the other...if so then that's OK, but no two-gunning with this guy unless against unarmored punks...
...any reason why he didn't just go for Cyber eyes and ears instead of the links??
...he needs a few extra fake SINs, esp. as a hacker type... identity is everything...
...drop hacking to 5 and then specialize in Exploit (or don't specialize at all) to save on BPs OR.. make it an aptitude on Hacking....paying that larger chunk to top off a skill is hard at chargen, why not get more out of it....
...throw in a cheap drone or two... a FlySpy or something?
Kyoto Kid
...Overall, looks pretty good, tough in the meat world which is a good asset. If a troll can be a mage why not a hacker?

The basic skillset is pretty sound and his knowledge skills complement his active skills well. He does have the Electronics Skill Group (3) I take it. If not he wasted 18 BPs.

The fact his knowledge skills point to a bit more of a polished background (and he sank 30,000 into tailored pheromones) he needs some Etiquette skill especially if he wants to deal with corp types. I'd switch Intimidation with Etiquette, add at least another rating point and specilaise in Matrix or Corporate.

Since he tends to primarily use Shotguns as his firearm of choice, may as well take them as a specialisation.

Being a Combat Decker he should have either Blackout or Black Hammer.

I also do not see the ratings for his primary OS (System & Firewall)

I too would consider reducing Hacking to 5 (maybe with a specialisation in System Access or as Raven Bloodeyes suggests: Exploit) and improving Data Search to 4 or 5 as this is basically his "browsing" skill. Computer skill is part of the Matrix perception DP so possibly raising the Skill Group to 4 might not be a bad Idea as it also makes him a better B&E and electronics expert.

I would seriously rethink the idea of using two weapons as you have to split your dicepools. Unless you have say a DP of 12 or more, it really isn't worth it. The character would also have to dump 5 BPs into the Ambidexterity quality to eliminate the offhand penalty.

Other useful gear would include:

An Electronics Kit (important for "hotwiring" maglocks & such)
A Smart Jammer - A bit more expensive, but allows you to select frequencies to remain open (like the one your team is using for communications).
White Noise Generator (always useful against eavesdropping)
Contacts with Flare Comp
Nononductivity 4 (instead of the Thermal Dampening).
A couple Ceramic knives wouldn't be a bad investment for those times you need to deal with MAD scanners.
Form Fit half body (B +4/I +1) adds it's rating to any armour worn. He would be at 11/5 wearing his Actioneer suit. 12/6 with his lined coat.
A pistols Skillsoft
A Moressy Elan with S&S rounds (undetectable by MAD scanners)
Renraku Stormcloud Drone with upgraded Pilot & Clearsight (4) + the Flyspy

'Ware Suggestions

Ditch the Platelet factories that gets back 25,000 (5,000 of which could get that Black Hammer programme)

Definitely consider Cybereyes rating 3 [12 cap] with the following (they already come with an image link and built in camera standard)
Low Light [2]
Flare Comp [1]
Vision Enhancement III [3]
Smartlink [3]
Microscopic Vision [3] (Augmentation - adds +2 to any fine detail work like trying to spring a Maglock)
Eye Laser System - [3] (Augmentation)
  • Laser Microphone 3
  • Laser Designator
  • Laser Rangefinder

Skillwire Expert System (Augmentation). This lets you use Edge to reroll failures with Activesofts.

Muscle Toner 1 or 2 (adds its rating to Agility & his meat combat DPs)

Flashback system Nanoware nit very expensive and acts like Photographic memory. Excellent for remembering access codes when the player forgets.

To boost his Hacking DPs I would almost suggest an Encephalon but that is a fairly spendy piece or ware (both nuyen.gif and essence wise).

...hope some of this helps
...No Dodge!! (he needs Dodge or Gymnastics so Full Defense in a fire fight is a strong option)

Ho yeah, that may be my fault. I think I didn't talked to him about Full Defense

...why is he ambidextrous, gun in one hand, blade in the other...if so then that's OK, but no two-gunning with this guy unless against unarmored punks...

Hmm... That may have been taken for the cool factor (dual shotgun wielding Troll is kinda awesome), I'll advise him to drop it...

...any reason why he didn't just go for Cyber eyes and ears instead of the links??

Well, he didn't wanted to lose his thermographic vision, and cyber eyes with thermo would have cost more essence and nuyen for no real benefit. Cyberears are even worse seeing as he only wanted to be able to ear AR stuffs...

...he needs a few extra fake SINs, esp. as a hacker type... identity is everything...

Indeed, but he was kinda short on money (cf. last answer)

...drop hacking to 5 and then specialize in Exploit (or don't specialize at all) to save on BPs OR.. make it an aptitude on Hacking....paying that larger chunk to top off a skill is hard at chargen, why not get more out of it....

In fact he made an error here and take the Cracking group and raised it to 6. He didn't noticed that skills groups are limited to 4.
I splitted the group and raised the hacking to 6 here to keep true to the character but I had to review this with him...

...throw in a cheap drone or two... a FlySpy or something?

The issue here is money. He had gone easily past the 50BP limit to resources (damn the hackers software are expensive) and had to go and remove stuffs to fit in. He already had some difficulty buying his Scorpion so drones were kinda out of his reach.
I think he planned to buy some with the runs' money...

Maybe if he trash ambidextrous and the redundant weapons, he could buy a Dragonfly or something
Cerebral booster 2 doesn't do anything for his hacking, or really anything, so if he needs more money take that outside and set it on fire.
Kyoto Kid
...depends if his GM is using the Logic + Skill capped by programme rating rule for Matrix ops. grinbig.gif

Ditch ambidextrous, sinner and mild addiction. He defnately needs Hardening 10bp, +1 biofeedback and Code Slinger 10bp, +2 to some matrix action (exploit, browse, redirect). Then i would take Combat Paralysis -20bp. Then he could take an addiction or some other qaulities to get even more BP back, for skills.

Longarms I think are a mistake and dont even fit the character. Where does a hacker learn to shoot a shotgun (or use a sword and knife). Shotguns are not stealthy or easily concealed, the type of bad guy who would drop shotguns doesnt need to be anywhere near the hacker troll. I dont really like the bladed combat either. Sorry i was thinking to small....I guess he could have learned these from video games... Still I think he should probably only limit himself to a melee skill. If he is shooting at stuff he could be hacking things to help the real combat guys(lights,sprinklers,alarms, disrupting communication among the enemy).

Not sure why he wants to be intimidating, are the tailored pheromones to help with intimidation? I dont know of anything that pumps out intimidation, its more like the victom who pumps out fear pheromones or sex pheromones. Neither of those work with intimidation... I think the pheromones and platelets would free up alot of cash....

Computer and hacking should be at R4, driving, social, and other skills should come on activesofts. R3 activesofts are 2bp while a R3 active skill is 12bp. Blades,longarms, pistols, intimidation, etiquette, con, and possably perception = all rating 3 and only 14BP. That frees up almost 50-70bp(this could be used to boost individual hacking skills higher and spec stuff). The problem and I realize this is that, you guys said his 50BP budget is blown already and im cutting further into it....

Hopefully without all those weapons, and the pheromone/platelets that would help make it fit. I also dont see any agents?? That seems nuts. Every hacker should have an agent if not 4-5. I wish the bp costs, and nuyen costs were in the spoiler. Its player preference and everything, and we cant tell what the troll's personality is like but i'd also maybe get rid of the business suit. I get the feeling that he wants to be a bad ass hacker and not a nerdy one but a business suit doesnt go very well with that.... He would be alot more intimidating if he looked more street. A actioneer suit is 1500Y. For somebody trying to scrape every penny thats alot heh.

And wtf is up with the gecko gloves and glue sprayer..........those are my complaints hehe.
Well, he did say he was a *combat* hacker. So combat paralysis wouldn't fit it seems; and that's why he has combat ability.

However, you COULD drop Blades and Longarms by 1 each and then specialize in something(if he has any preferences; like the shotgun for example), and still end up with good dice(hell, Blades(Swords) 2(+2) would also give him the same while using swords; and Trolls have reach besides, if you needed another few BPs. If they were both lowered by 1(saving 8 ),then specialized in (costing 4), you'd have 4 BPs to play with should you need them. And i agree; while he's good in a combat situation; Ambidexterity is going to be a little tough on him. Even people throwing 14 dice, having to split the dice pool is a bit rough.

Here you go; take out Ambidexterity; unless you *really* want it for character purposes. Saves 5 BP.

I'd indeed pick up a level or two of Muscle toner; even one would be cool. It would help his meat bod a bit more, since he is a combat hacker.

Drop Blades to 3, Longarms to 2, and specialize; this has 4 BPs left.

Scrape up 1 more BP for an even 10, and get Dodge(Ranged) at 2(+2). IMO, these little things might help. smile.gif And he won't suck in combat; with a level of muscle toner, his Agility 5 with Shotguns 4(2+2), with a smartlink gives 11 dice; which is really good for a non-specialist. He'd throw 8 dice with Knives(9 with his Reach), and 10 dice with Swords(12 with all the Reach added in, unless you used the Reach to lower their dice pool). And he'd have a nice Dodge score.
Body: 5
Agility: 4
Reaction: 4 (6)
Strength: 5
Charisma: 2 (4)
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4 (6)
Willpower: 3

Thats 40+150 BP, right? Room for growth.

Knowledge Skills
English : N
Matrix Security : 4
Data Haven : 4
Safe Houses : 4
Security Procedures : 4
Computer Background : 4
Matrix Theory : 4

Computer Background + Matrix Theory + Matrix Security + Electronics group seems to be redundant. I suggest keeping Electronics and add Matrix Security as spec on Security Procedures. Between Software Skill (for Matrix Theory) and Hardware skill (for Computer background), you don´t lose anything and gain 11 knowledge skill points. Second Language?

Active Skills
Cybercombat : 4
Electronic Warfare : 4
Hacking : 6
Computer : 3
Data Search : 3
Hardware : 3
Software : 3
Perception : 3
Longarms : 3
Blades : 4
Intimidation (Physical) : 1

Should really use Cracking group, Hacking 6 be damned. Part of the saved points buy Influence 1. 8 group ranks, 11 skill ranks, 124 BP. (I assume ware is 50BP without really calculating that. You are then not playing at 400 BP, because I spend 190 + 10 -10 + 124 + 50 = 364 BP, and I did not save much.)

Cut ambidextrous for lack of utility - votes +1 please.

Dump the tailored pheromones - they are not for matrix interaction anyway. "Upgrade" the platelet factory to a trauma damper (Augmentation), that does a hacker good. Cerebral boosters should stay for technical skills. Consider Cybereyes and Ears for the recording options alone. As for not getting more than from the meat eyes, you are lacking both Flare Compensation and a Damper. I do not like implanted comlinks for hackers anymore. "Dump the hardware" should always be an option. Build a comlink pouch into your FFBA 2.

A shotgun-wielding troll. Votes+1 on specialising Rifles.

Replace both jammers by a smart jammer.

A second false SIN as backup would be in order.

Everything at 5 is a waste of money. Consider rating 6 for ease of upgrade, and buying several programs at 3 for saving money.
Reality Filter (Rating 5) - Don´t buy.
Biofeedback Filters (Rating 5) - Don´t buy for an AR-only hacker. Hot-Sim is VR, you are immune.
Decrypt (Rating 5) - Rating 3
Defuse (Rating 5) - Rating 3
ECCM (Rating 5) - Rating 3
Medic (Rating 5) - Rating 3
Track (Rating 5) - Rating 3
Fake License (Rating 4): Cyberware

And i always thought that each license is only for one piece of cyberware/gun aso.
QUOTE (i101 @ Feb 13 2008, 09:53 AM) *
And i always thought that each license is only for one piece of cyberware/gun aso.

Might differ from game to game depending on GM. I know when i run a game, i try to simplify things a bit so someone isn't carrying something that looks like 12 charm bracelets worth of licenses. Myself, i divide it into ''Cyberware/Bioware''. ''Military Cyberware/Bioware'' (or A and B type), Small Arms(includes rifles and shotguns, like hunting weapons), Automatics, Heavy Weapons, and Blades, and then stuff like ''Controlled Substances'' and ''Combat Spells''.

It makes things a HELL of a lot easier, keeps things reasonable, people still have to buy them, but it's alot easier to control than ''Ok, soo...let me see your license for...*shuffles through commlink for five minutes* Semi Military Grade Combat Ware classes E and, no, that one is Military Grade rank X. I also need your...*shuffle shuffle*...ahh..Bob, what's that License again? This thing is 100 pages long''.
Nice list fenrir, although i would add Driver's license (Use whatever flavour you want for this, although i dont think the stars would care if you had a license for "Tanks") and Drone registrations
Kyoto Kid
...I wouldn't bother with influence group as Leadership is pretty much a useless skill. It would be better to take the 10 BPs and get either Etiquette 2 with a specialisation or split between Con and Etiquette with a specialisation.

Still not clear if he has the Electronics SG or bought all the single skills individually.

Agreed on the Longarms skill, limiting and not very concealable. Better to take automatics, this way ha can also use machine pistols SMGs and assault rifles. Since he has skillwires he could almost forgo the buying the skill with BPs & get it on an activesoft. However, I would still consider the Skillwire expert system so he can reroll failures. Also, Skillwires are upgradeable later for not that much extra cost.

As to knowing how to shoot, one isn't always going to be "on line" all the time. Heck even my Matrix Specialist Violet knows how to use pistols and it has come in handy.
I agree the Influence Group is not worth it.

He did took the Electronics Group (edited the op).

For the longarms skill, I told him I'm giving trolls a concealability bonus so a shotgun is pretty much the same as a heavy pistol/smg (and the short barreled T-250 is already quite concealable).

Concerning the other posts, I need to see him to review his character and made the appropriate changes.
I'm already glad the core of it is good, we just need to work on it a little...

I'll post an updated version as soon as I can.

If you have other suggestions, don't hesitate to post them.
The more advice, the better the character will be...
Kyoto Kid
...just for the record, which rules are being used for Matrix tests? RAW, or the Logic + Skill capped by Programme rating? That does make a difference regarding spending the nuyen.gif to boost Logic unless he is also intending to be an electronics based B&E specialist as well (not a bad route to go mind you).
That's a darn good question. Unfortunately, I'm not too sure about the answer...
I'm hesitating between using skill + software capped by logic (stay close to the RAW without making logic unimportant)
or logic + skill capped by software (keep the overall attribute + skill scheme but the softwares feels less important despite their cost).

I would have needed some playtesting to decide which one I prefer...
Take logic+skill like many others here. software ratings are often used directly, and the pros will still need high ratings because they can hope to roll 6 hits on a single test. At the same time, lower rated systems provide full utility for those who only dabble in the matrix. Thats something I never see with RAW.
Yeah, I'll most likely use that system.
So, I have seen my player and here is the character update:

[ Spoiler ]
I dont get why he wont take some nore negative qualities and try to get hardening and codeslinger. Code slinger especially.

I cant find any math errors or anything in his cyber and essense costs. I noticed he didnt take vision magnify which kills all range modifiers with a take aim action. But glasses can do that.. Looks alright I guess. With weapon skills in the 5's he will be a real help to the team when they need to shoot stuff.

Those drones though...those will only be worth anything while he rigging them right? They wont have any programs to protect them and make them secure? Do you plan on letting him crack all his software or something?

I dont see any agents either?? Agents are like mandatory arent they ?
I dont get why he wont take some nore negative qualities and try to get hardening and codeslinger. Code slinger especially.

He will most likely hack in AR, natural hardening would be a waste of BP.
As for codeslinger, my player thought it was not worth it as it cost 10 BP and is not even as good as +1 point to hacking skill...

Those drones though...those will only be worth anything while he rigging them right? They wont have any programs to protect them and make them secure? Do you plan on letting him crack all his software or something?

For the drones, can he use the firewall he bought for his commlink? For other softs, he will buy them later or just steal those from the group rigger biggrin.gif

I dont see any agents either?? Agents are like mandatory arent they ?

As for agents... Damn! I knew we had forgotten something...
A drone derives its matrix attributes from its other rating:
Pilot = firewall
Device rating of drone = response(I think lol)

But I was talking about the fact that unless your hacker was in the drone they would not have Stealth or ECCM programs of their own? Unless you let him crack them.

Ok if your not going to use cold/hot sim your right you dont need hardening. but Code slinger... You would get +2 to some matrix action. And then another +2 if you ever spec'ed the same matrix action. Thats +4.
I don't think he is planning to use his drone in the Matrix, they are mostly for real world recon/shadowing...

Speaking of Codeslinger, what exactly are the different Matrix actions available ?
Is it like Hacking specializations ?
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