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Full Version: Gainful Employment (Recruiting)
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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This is going to be a high-end campaign with experienced runners. A 10 yr. old elven wizz banger is not in anyway going to fit into this campaign concept.


Hehe. the wizkid was mostly a joke I fermented last night in my sleep-deprivedness. If you were looking for runners, what does your team not have? I've been playing shadowrun for over 5 years and can't play tabletop anymore due to time constraints. I'm sure I can dust off one of my old characters to fit your campaign cyber.gif
QUOTE (Havok @ Mar 28 2008, 05:11 AM) *
Still looking for players? I'm looking to play a 10 yr old runaway elven noble wizkid prodigy

Are you trying to unload your 10 year old shammy on someone else Havok? Hah!
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