Feb 19 2008, 11:21 AM
I can't recall where I read this, but it left me confused:
2054: Atlantis
Tentative discovery of Atlantis (Thera) 150 miles off Crete.
Feb 19 2008, 11:39 AM
Me too. That's news to me.
Ancient History
Feb 19 2008, 12:58 PM
Yeah, that was in the main book timelines. It's not really that spectacular when you think about it, people have been suggesting Santorini/Thera was Atlantis for years; this would just be some sort of archaeological discovery that confirms the theory.
Feb 19 2008, 01:00 PM
True, but I liked it being kept vague. Stating the Thera/ Atlantis has been found is "bleh!".
Feb 19 2008, 01:27 PM
I know how I would handle it in my game
"it was a mistake/scam"
I am not sure why but I HATE the Atlantis myth and pretty much anything connected to it. It sickened me when they used it as the basis for the new wod Mage. I guess because it's one of the most overused myths.
Feb 19 2008, 02:20 PM
It is very novel to make the discovery into a historical footnote (one I can´t seem to find).
One can freely ignore that Atlantis is also known as Thera in another game. For those who play up the connection, just shift Thera onto another plane. Very fitting for the "destructive end of an island on a world" (or whatever Cybertechnology said on the matter, don´t have the book handy).
Feb 19 2008, 02:29 PM
I am not sure why but I HATE the Atlantis myth and pretty much anything connected to it.
What are you, some kind of Egyptian Nationalist?
P.S.: The story of Atlantis isn't really a "myth" in the traditional sense as we can actually trace it to a single work of fiction which was written down and authored. It would be like calling Mordor a "myth" or the Klingon Empire. The original, and I do mean
original story of Atlantis is written y Plato and can be found
Here. It is a political allegory. The Atlantean people are quite clearly Helenistic in culture, and the events take place supposedly before the rise of Egypt. So basically the entire story is just Greeks telling each other stories about how their civilization
might not be thousands of years younger than the Egyptians who live across the Med.
Feb 19 2008, 02:35 PM
yeah yeah, semantics
I still hate it
Not sure why. I have always liked other things similar, always been a fan of mythology(or stories that can go along with mythology), generally. I guess it's just overused. Not sure. Besides, who cares who's older, everyone knows the chinese had noodles, american idol and computers a million years ago. They invented everything, you know?
Feb 19 2008, 03:11 PM
wasn't there also somethin in DOT6W about a flying island that was following the dragon, mana- or something-lines actually being atlantis and being located in the indian ocean or something along those lines, somewhere south of asia? i am at work right now, else i'd check . . but atlantis having been found is news to me also . . and wouldn't every corp and government and everybody else and their moms be trying to get there and find some ultra powerfull magical things? O.o
Feb 19 2008, 03:21 PM
The discovery of Atlantis may not be all that unrealistic. It's widely beleived to be a major Minoan city built on the dome of a supervolcano caldera that erupted in around 1500 BC. Santorini is part of the rim of the crater and there is a new dome forming in the bay.
Feb 19 2008, 08:28 PM
Complete Text (SR3, p26)
In Boston, a team of scholars and archaeologists report a major archaeological find 130 miles off the coast of Crete. The expedition, funded by the Atlantean Foundation, discovers a treasure trove of artifacts in the area known to history as the location of the island of Thera, which may be the site of lost Atlantis. (Or may just be a rock in the ocean.) Experts dismiss allegations that the artifacts are magical in nature.
Feb 19 2008, 08:48 PM
Very long short story here: Thera (Atlantis) has been an integral (if hidden) part of the Shadowrun setting backhistory for a very long time, since the first mention of immortal elves, Great Dragons, Horrors, and the integral crossover with the Earthdawn setting and age. Back in the 4th World, Thera became the center of an Eurasia-spanning, elven-dominated, multiracial magical empire. Some centuries before the last onslaught of Horrors on the material plane, some book artifacts from the Age of Dragons (2nd World), were discovered, which described the Horror menace. A community of magician researchers formed to study them and seek defenses against the coming Horrors. It gradually developed into a nation of wizards, adepts, and merchants, which owned the monopoly to the only *working* defenses against the Horrors (short of seeking a Dragon's protection). They part hard-bargained, part strong-armed this into building a world-spanning empire, before and after the Scourge (the Horror onslaught). Their only real rivals were the Great Dragons and the dwarven-ruled nation of Throal in Barsaive (modern Ukraine).
It seems that magical researchers of Thera, unwilling to give up the great power they reaped from magic, created some artifacts (big orichalcum pillars) that artificially stopped the manacycle at an ideal point, sufficiently high to allow powerful magic, not so high as to allow but a few Horrors to stay on the material plane. It is hinted that this created a worsening strain of the Astral-Material planes connection, which eventually caused the seat of the artifacts (Thera) to go BOOM at the end of the upswing manacycle. It is also hinted that Thera was secretly controlled from a rival faction of the immortal elves, which opposed the one controlling the original Elven court in Barsaive. Such a split continues nowadays in the rivality of the two Tir nations.
For additional info, go the Ancient History site, which very likely explains this stuff far better than I ever could (tip of the hat).
Feb 19 2008, 08:52 PM
Doubt it was elven dominated, since the blood elves were created because the elven queen was too stupid to get Theran help to survive the scourge.
Whole backstory is overdone anyway, and can get rid of easily without any problem.
Feb 19 2008, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (Elve @ Feb 20 2008, 07:28 AM)
Complete Text (SR3, p26)
Thanks. I remember that now. From the original poster's statement though, I was thinking it was laid out as being definitely Atlantis, as opposed to a 'maybe' (which is much better).
Feb 19 2008, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Feb 19 2008, 09:52 PM)
Doubt it was elven dominated, since the blood elves were created because the elven queen was too stupid to get Theran help to survive the scourge.
Different elven faction. Among the cabal of magical scholars that founded Thera, there were several dissidents of the elven court. This cast the two nations as despised rivals from the start, and influenced the elven queen's unwise decision, since she was loathe to ask assistance from an historical enemy. Behind the curtain, the two nations were under the control of different and rival cabals of immortal elves. It's the same feud that perpetuates today between Tir Tairngire (very roughly, the successor to Thera) and Tir Na Nog (very roughly, the successor to the elven court).
Whole backstory is overdone anyway, and can get rid of easily without any problem.
If you dislike it, sure. OTOH, Shadowrun would hold no appeal for me whatsoever, without it's "blatant fantasy and powerful magic in modern society" elements and its fascinating millennia-old metaplot, were just a banal gritty cyberpunk game.
Feb 19 2008, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (Fortune @ Feb 19 2008, 10:25 PM)
Thanks. I remember that now. From the original poster's statement though, I was thinking it was laid out as being definitely Atlantis, as opposed to a 'maybe' (which is much better).
The actual text is much better then the one I posted.
Feb 20 2008, 12:01 AM
Dragons of the sixth world page 146, second paragraph is written by the big D himself and has this to say:
So much for metahuman knowledge. Prepare, my dear, for the rest of the Story. It starts, as so many things do, in the far past. In the pacific Ocean somewhere (exactly where is unimportant), there was a land where dragons of Ryumyo's kind met to discuss their differences and enjoy each other's company in a most civil manner. Commendable, really. This island was not like other such places - it floated in the air far above the sea. Long since, it settled to earth and sank beneath the waves, though it lives in some of the legends of your kind. At that time, the area was filled with manalines. Each volcano was a junction for at least two, and usually more.
and after some shadow talk it continues like this(yes, i am writing this by hand, not copying . . and just for posing, i wrote that by translating from my german version of the book):
Therein lies the secret - the manalines are more than they appear. The dragons used that network to access the region's mana. Even though the island that was it's center is lost, the actual networt - the dragon lines - is a natural thing and still remains. Anyone with the proper Knowledge can access the network, though the influence and use of it by so many "Eastern" dragons (to use your people's term) over the ages has affected it. the lines have become much more receptive to ryumyo's kind, responding more easily and strongly than for others who access them. Aspected, i believe modern magicians call it. Have someone you trust tavel the ring of fire astrally and look at it for you - extremely close inspection, now that you know what to look for, will reveal the traces of these aspected manalines. they are dragon lines in truth, not just in name
Make of that what you will, i think it speaks volumes coming from him who was and is and will allways be *g*
Ancient History
Feb 20 2008, 03:21 AM
Note to self: Move Alamaise Conspiracy 4.0 up the "To Do" list a couple notches.
Feb 20 2008, 03:09 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Feb 20 2008, 04:21 AM)
Note to self: Move Alamaise Conspiracy 4.0 up the "To Do" list a couple notches.
you evil TEASE! ò,Ó;,
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