Feb 21 2008, 06:42 AM
I have a newbie SR player coming to my game tomorrow. I'm looking for a one off run idea that will let him stretch his newbie rigger legs without feeling overwhelmed. I also want to show him the various roles that riggers can play on a team and allow him to see what the limitations are.
I'd also prefer not to kill his ass 10 seconds into the run.
Feb 21 2008, 07:32 AM
A prominent rigger has suffered dumpshock and passed out and his team's Johnson... conveniently YOUR Johnson asks you to support them for a cut of the paydata. They have drones acting on autopilot, nobody to reel in their surveillance footage or manage their TAN. With a mission to accomplish they need a rigger, chummer, and if you can recover the drones and complete the mission, who knows, it never hurts to have a friend in the shadows who can show a fella the ropes.
If things go south, have the prominent rigger wake up and with massive damage penalties talk the young rigger through some of the things to do...
Collect drones
Employ surveillance
Infiltrate a compound
Provide ECM
Disable something (Dragonflies with the AV variant are good for this... can hurt bikes and other smallish things)
Recover a retrans drone
Distract a Guard
THEN let the rigger recover and online a combat drone and employ it. Combat can then ensue. Involve a high speed drone on drone chase (Dragonflies can go anywhere, but a Knight Errant P4 versus an NPC getaway vehicle could be good too. Involving variant terrain via GM Nissan Doberman's with Gecko Tips can help the guy think in 3D!)
At the conclusion of the chase that could end things if you wanted. To get him to give the drones back in a hurry you could have a TM or Hacker come in to reinforce as well... >:-)
Feb 21 2008, 07:44 AM
Ooo... I like. I can work it so that the original team got wiped and it's up to my players to come in behind them and sort this out. I'll probably work it as a complicated extraction with some secondary objectives.
Any other ideas?
Feb 21 2008, 12:14 PM
If the team are experts except for the rigger you could have the rigger actions reduce the threat to them and their mission could be to complete the primary objective of the original team while he links up a member or two to be rescued, found, freed etc., and collects the drones autopiloting or even damaged and inoperative (to recover their film, reestablish the retrans, etc)
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