Feb 24 2008, 12:40 AM
Okay, this is information I can't find in the books; in all likelyhood I just don't know where the heck it is.
I know that, with the Tactical Computer system, each sense has to be set to a dedicated port; generic ports can be used but have to use 50 mp of memory to hold a program for each sense to be translated to BattleTac data. However, the BattleTac cyberlink automatically translates the senses of that person (with the cyberlink) into BattleTac protocols.
The BattleTac I.V.I.S system can also be integrated with the BattleTac system through either a Master Unit (if you are the center of the network) or through a cyberlink.
However, I can't find any info regarding how the sensors on a drone work for senses on the BattleTac netowork/Master Unit/etc.
Do they have to have programs written for them? Do they get translated by the cyberlink? How many senses does a drone have, anyway?
And are there any page references I can point my GM to for any of this?
Feb 24 2008, 12:47 AM
Look up the cybernetic BattleTac add-on to the Tactical Computer in Man&Machine.
Each "sense" (as in "sensor type") of the drone can be a sense, and needs one port, as well as 50 Mp.
Feb 24 2008, 06:02 PM
Since even Rating 1 Sensors can include several different "Senses", we played that each Rating Point worth of Sensors counted for a usable sense toward Battletach and the Tactical Computer.
Feb 24 2008, 06:43 PM
yes, you need to have a tactical sense program for each drone sense that the taccomp is going to use (just as you need to have a program for each of your own senses).
as for what senses a given sensor rating provides, the information you want is on page 135 of SR3, under System Components and Sensor Ratings.
Feb 24 2008, 07:59 PM
What I never got was the difference between a Tactical computer and a BattleTac master unit (if any). Are they one and the same, but is the tactical computer a cyberware version of the master unit (in case of compatibility with BattleTac)?
Feb 24 2008, 08:03 PM
a BattleTac system just shares data, so that every member of the network has access to what anyone in the network knows (eg, where a given enemy is). a taccomp actually provides the user with processed information--it takes the data and provides suggestions on how the user should respond (eg, who should provide cover fire to keep a given enemy's head down, so that the rest of the team can advance from another direction).
Feb 25 2008, 05:58 AM
I believe it's canon that each point of Sensors provides one sense, but exhaustion prevents me finding a page reference.
Feb 25 2008, 06:39 AM
"each point of Sensor rating of the vehicle can be counted as an extra sensory feed. As with all uses of the tactical computer, only those senses that are applicable to the combat situation count."
-- Rigger 3, p.28
That would
suck if you had to start counting sensors as they are listed in SR3.
Feb 26 2008, 07:11 AM
QUOTE (martindv @ Feb 25 2008, 01:39 AM)

"each point of Sensor rating of the vehicle can be counted as an extra sensory feed. As with all uses of the tactical computer, only those senses that are applicable to the combat situation count."
-- Rigger 3, p.28
That would
suck if you had to start counting sensors as they are listed in SR3.
That must be why we played the way I said.

I'll admit, I felt a bit silly when mfb posted the SR3 reference. Then the R3 reference comes along and discounts the actual number of different senses. That must be why we fudged it together to include each rating point of sensors counting as an applicable sense, because the higher rating sensors are likely to include even more senses than rating point.
Feb 26 2008, 12:22 PM
Alright, me and my GM got together and looked at all the pages y'all pointed out and worked out a sort of home-brew system for it; basically we're going to use a small set of sensors on the drone to provide senses that aren't already on the network or can provide info that we can't get normally, like ultrasound, radar, and a birds-eye view with normal visible light, but he's not requiring me to write programs for it because it's coming through my IVIS unit to my RCD and then through the BattleTac cybelink.
So we don't get to add 15 more senses to the BattleTac network, but neither do we have to spend precious memory on them.
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