Dec 3 2003, 09:47 PM
Just got these 3 books off ebay. How compatable are they with Fan Pro 3rd edition?
Dec 3 2003, 09:51 PM
There's no difference (other than updated errata and whatnot) between FASA-branded 3rd edition books and Fanpro-branded 3rd edition books.
Dec 3 2003, 10:07 PM
And he means no difference. You'll see self-references to FASA in FanPro books, although I expect we'll see purges as the lines get cleaned up.
Dec 4 2003, 03:12 AM
Actually, there is one big difference, but its not the content.
Oh no.
Its the binding.
My fasa books have almost fallen apart after around two years of use, especially the main rulebook (And for some obscure reason, as i don't use it too much) Matrix.
However, the Fanpro books seem to have a much better binding overall, and i consistantly envy someone elses SR3. They even still have the colour pictures near the back in there...
Dec 4 2003, 03:50 AM
Yet they're printed and bound at exactly the same place as the FASA books. . .
Dec 4 2003, 05:12 AM
Adam, I tend to be a nitpicker. Is there a place that I can drop the misspellings and minor errors I catch?
Or do you guys have that covered>
Dec 4 2003, 06:12 PM
First, I'd check to see what printing you have before sending off any rules corrections; you may have "caught" something that was already covered in an errata.
Second, typos are usually (although not always) caught and of secondary importance to rules corrections. If you have the latter, it's best to send them off to
Dec 4 2003, 06:25 PM
Alright, thanks.
But you're not Adam and I asked Adam!
Dec 4 2003, 06:28 PM
First, I'd check to see what printing you have before sending off any rules corrections; you may have "caught" something that was already covered in an errata.
Second, typos are usually (although not always) caught and of secondary importance to rules corrections. If you have the latter, it's best to send them off to
Dec 4 2003, 06:30 PM
Well, happy birthday to you to!
BTW, I was kidding.
Dec 4 2003, 06:31 PM
They're printed at the same place? No way. My FASA books fell apart rather quickly, but my Fan Pro books are holding togeather much better.
Dec 4 2003, 09:31 PM
Ever think the quality of glue has improved?
Ancient History
Dec 4 2003, 09:36 PM
I've never, ever had a book I bought (with the exception of one first-edition book missing half the spine I bought used) ever lose pages. And I live in fuckin' Florida. So You guys must be really tough on your books or something.
Dec 4 2003, 09:42 PM
Part of it appears to be the luck of the draw and part of it appears to be how you read the book. Personally, I never bend book spines fully open (don't know why, I just don't) and my books have held together fine. And I've seen several SR3s that've had to be rebound, etc. Same climate and everything...
Dec 4 2003, 10:09 PM
I have books that have never had a page come loose of course they are hardcovers but hey they last. Now don't get me wrong I have lots of books most of which are good to go a couple of them have 1 or 2 pages loose but the main books it just seems they fall apart. As to climate I have lived in Michigan and now live in Florida and have seen my main books that are paperback fall apart so climate has little effect I belive. Now relize one thing I am the one with the books that eveybody uses so it is to me considered excessive wear and tear seeing as 4 or more people are useing the same book in excess on a regular basis.
As to hardcovers I don't know about you but I personally would pay more for hardcovers to all the releases but that will never happen seeing as there is too much money to be made from people replaceing books the come apart.
Dec 4 2003, 10:13 PM
Refer to my previous reply...
Dec 5 2003, 02:24 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
And I live in fuckin' Florida. So You guys must be really tough on your books or something. |
Or it is possible that the high humidity in Florida keeps the glue in better shape, while the low humidity where I live causes it to dry out and become brittle.
Dec 5 2003, 04:43 AM
My Corporate Download copy was about to start falling apart. It's not like I really used the damn thing, I read it but that was it. Meanwhile, by DotSW copy I have really abused it. Are you sure you didn't ask for better glue?
I don't know about humidity in Florida, but I left my DotSW copy inside my car around 11 am for about an hour. Sure enough when I got back in the car and looked at the book the glue was melting - the spine was pretty damn hot. I thought I had lost my book. After some cooling down it was just fine.
Dec 5 2003, 05:46 AM
mine always came apart fastest in winter, back when I lived in Wisconsin, cold and dry, so brittle might be the answer
my 2 unnecessary bits.
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