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This is the OOC for Chaos Theory, where you ask questions, make rolls, beg for mercy. Not sure how to format this correctly so it looks kicks butt....

Link to Chaos Theory IC: HERE

IC Posting Protocols:
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Dice Rolling Protocols:
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Time can be standard am/pm or military 24 hour clock which ever. You dont have to go into minutes or seconds!
Start Date is Friday March 7th 2070

Oh and I dont care if you have signatures in your IC thread!! No stupid emoticons though please.

Fuchs, Glyph, Tobias, Quentra, Crizh you are all free to make your intro posts IC. You can be anywhere, doing anything you want and span as much time as you like. You set your own scene and introduce your characters as you see fit and I will go from there.

Sir Psycho please dont post IC until I say so.

Didnt want to put anything up for a first post but it wouldnt let me make the topic otherwise.. Hope its not to corny.
You guys are totally independant from one another. You can post as much or as little as you want. I will try to be as active as possable.

If you plan on taking long breaks, tell me.

Karma will be tossed around totally at my discretion. For the most part when you guys complete stuff.
Added "Gorky Park" to locations.

Sorry, I hadda.
Wow you guys are going straight to work...

Tobias, I dont know if that second time stamp is the time you everything in your post ended or if you intend to write something further? Usually the first time stamp covers everything in your post up to when you stop. So let me know cuz im holding off on your post.
Sorry was to sign off sorry. Will remove the last time stamp.

Works actually busy at the moment which sucks as I have to keep like taking calls and working ¬¬. Stupid job
No Rush. a good pace will be about one post aday.
Yesh, Russian FTW. Luckily, I'm russian. Now if only the damn keyboard layout wasn't such a bitch.
I posted some dice rolls in spoilers. They may not be needed at all.
Yeah, did the same to test out the system. For reference, TM +2 DP to matrix perception is pg 218.

EDIT: Oh, and the Russian translates to "How are you, comrade? What, did you slot a linguasoft?"
Put all your rolls here guys. The only thing the IC should have is text.
Eep, sorry. Edited, and moved the rolls here.

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Could you add the format you want the rolls in to the first post here too? Easier to double check if it's all in one thread. (And to the wiki.)
Dang I need more monitors to keep up with all these threads.....


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Going to throw my dice rolls up here when I get home:

Perception - Hearing/Sight/Smell
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Rumor milling
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Sorry, this is fun, I'll try to keep my post count down....

Binding a Spirit of Man

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@All the average temp of Seattle right now is 40-50 degree's during the day. can be sunny or cloudy whichever way you want or rainy. If you look at the google map the whole area of seattle and surrounding places is only like 60 miles across, so assume it takes 30 minutes to go from one place to another(60 if you go from like everett(above seattle) down to Tacoma(below it).

@Quentra you only see an armor and stealth program running on your Daeyan's persona and he looks undamaged.

@Stray Neither one has any weapons except the human who is still sitting on the porch is hold a bottle of beer. The orc's clothes are dirty and stained like beer has been spilled all down the front of him, half of his shirt is tucked in and the other half is out and he is barefoot. As you gracefully try to slip by he manages to grab you by the wrist, "Hey I'll be your friend, how much does it cost to do anything I want?", and then you hit him knocking him to the ground where he makes no attempt to get up or shows any signs of being still concsience. (your ic the scene)

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Break!! Let me figure out the rest of this lol..


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You went from one house to another just to take a nap? lol. When do you feel like being woken up?
The question is do you want to be napping in Redmond when the sun goes down? Lol. At the start of the night he's going to go hit the bars that night.
@Tobias When stormcrow wakes up he will find this message on his comm. Dont forget to yellow it.
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@abbandon: Thats great I will either throw something up tonight before I leave work, but if not after I get back from the pub after work. Its been busy today so not had enough time to focus on dumpshock :'( you think they'd paid me to work.
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All done.

Off to work now...


I'll try to check in when I can tho...
Nice, Glyph. Fun stuff. Same warehouse and oh ho, this'll be some funs. smile.gif

Also, fun FAQ rules-y thing, cause apparently my roll earlier was wrong. I dun wanna change it, cause it doesn't make much difference, but for future erference:

Does threading require an action? Does the -2 modifier from sustaining a threading affect all actions, including use of that complex form?

The act of threading itself requires no action -- but the complex form being threaded does. Threaded complex forms must also be sustained, as noted. The -2 modifier for sustaining does not apply to use of that threaded complex form, but it does apply to all other actions the technomancer makes.

So, apparently, you don't get the -2 for sustaining a CF when using it, but for all other actions? I wanna shoot myself sometimes. And please, forgive the nitpicking rules lawyering.
I actually wasn't thinking same warehouse, but it could wind up that way if Abbandon wants to make it "interesting". smile.gif
Ok I decided to take a little break over the week end and veg out. I wanted to fire up my Nintendo DS and warm up my neck and finger muscles for the release of FF:CC Rings of Fate due out this thursday. Sunday morning I played the hell out of Rune Factory which is an awesome harvest moon action adventure game, I coudlnt stop playing all day long. Yesterday or monday morning I played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team BLUE. I love dungeon crawlers like that and me and my pokemon had a wicked time and rescued a lot of people lol. My main group is Mudkip Bulbasuar, and Scyther.

Ok...anyways im back now and totally reenergized. I will be looking things over and giving reply's immenently.
...I assume your leaving it up to me to be creative with how much money you actually make Glyph??

@edit. Oh man I think i just came up with a really great way to blow off steam when your angry. This doesnt have anything to do with you guys but have you ever been so angry at somebody you just wanted to smash in their face but you couldnt? But yet you still have these really destructive impulses and you just cant focus until you get them out? I was going nuts but I figured out a way to totally make it go away.

First you imagine smashing, breaking, tearing up, the person or some of their belongings like a cell phone or car which you're probably doing anyways. Now pictures what the person would look like afterwards walking around with casts on or tore up clothes or picture them using the items you wanted to smash to bits. That should cause you to burst out laughing and just totally kill all homicidal impulses.
Yeah, they could stiff him, pay him, he could earn a "bonus", whatever. I was trying to set something up, sorry if I was too specific.
@Crizh you never rerolled your enchanting test it looks like. And what kind of services is Voodoo offering? Enchanting, spellslinging and summoning?

@Tobias this is minor but you left out Storm's name in your header for your last IC. I dont care if you edit it but try to include it the next time.

I am now getting down to work on the actual IC replies and stuff. Well after I go visit Sir Psycho on the recruitment thread...

@edit Hmmm this is like an exercise in manipulation lol. How can I make you guys dance and do the things I want you to do lol. I can sit here for an hour an try to come up with stuff for you guys to do but its entirely possable that you guys make totally different decisions and i never get to see the scenes I have in my head play out lol......ok i swear im finally getting down to writing up the ic's....
IMPORTANT I would like to request anyone who is online and has the free time to copy/paste everyone contacts onto the NPC page, and alphabetically arrange them. Dont go out of your way I will do it if nobody else beats me to it. Writing up IC's takes me alot of time though and I dont want to distract myself more than I already do lol. Dont delete anybody's contacts or anything yet though. If the NPC page looks good then you guys can dedicate your contact page for spirits, sprites, drones, enemies, non contacts.

The reason for the change is since you guys are overlapping contacts already It would be work to go through and find out everyone who has contact X and copy/paste and changes I make to them. I guess you will just have to have their name and connection/loyalty on your contact page as those will be different although we could also put them on the npc page in tables.

Ok 2/4 IC's down. Taking a break to eat breakfast. Man that only took 3.5 hours to say and do everything i have done lol. I havent posted the IC's yet cuz im making one big fat one so it looks like i actually do something lol.
No I didn't re-roll it.

I realised that I had forgotten to include her Alchemy Specialisation in the first test so with the modifier for confined quarters it would be the same number of dice that I rolled initially. Didn't seem much point. Did I not say that in my previous post?

Must get more sleep...

As to services yes, all of the above. She would need to hire a shop to enchant Foci and need 24hrs notice to provide bound spirits although an Unbound one could be created on the spot and sent on remote service, not quite as versatile as a bound one though. If she were selling Spirit services there would be contractual limitations she would specify in advance and the Spirits would be instructed to adhere to them when initially put on remote or loaned service.

Mostly just the sort of stuff Glyph was describing in the IC thread, providing spell defence to groups who lack a mage. For a healthy fee off course...
Done and done. wink.gif However I Have been relocated at work for this week, so I might not be on too much while at work.
@quentra not sure if you are asking a question about sustaining spells anymore or not. Sorry I didnt catch that you gave yourself a -2 but its pretty mute. Yes the -2 from sustaining would effect any other tests you have to make, dodging bullets, throwing a punch, resisting drain from some other spell(not the one you sustained) and etc.

@glyph, fuchs, tobias Haze will not be heading for the same warehouse. Glyph said his warehouse was by the docks, Al's Hangar is by an airport.

3/5 IC's down...
@Crizh I really wanted to get an IC up for you today, now that we are partially done butting heads i was looking forward to moving forward. But then I started looking things over and there are so many god damn possable directions to go with you and im figuring out just how scary your character is.

-first of all im still thinking about your foci. You were right and you are allowed to break your force cap with edge dice, but then to expect a foci to sustain a spell much stronger than it was designed for.. I dont see that happening. Great you cast a force 1 spell with 50 hits than to edge. That doesnt mean a force 1 foci can sustain a F50 armor spell lol. That doesnt make sense. Check the SR Rules board I will probably make a post about this.

-second of all, You know that if a spirit has to use its powers on the physical plane it has to materialize first. Except your spirits possess. So your F6 spirit would have had to possess your ass for your little rollerblade 150mph ride. Which was just plain dumb unless it was also using guard. Not to mention alarming people/police and exposing yourself to all that involves. (you have yet to stick that F6 spirit on your wiki under contacts)

-third possession is scary!! The force of the spirit stacks on to your attributes, and I couldnt find anything that says active foci dont count so thats with any health spells you got going on. Then you also gain immunity to weapons! Your character is basically a turd that can transform into a dragon or something more nasty than a cybered up troll at the drop of a hat. If you overcast summon an F10 spirit thats like attributes into the teens and skills at 10 and immunity to weapons and wtf kill us all now!!!

Is she even aware of how freaking powerful she is? Anyways I have to really give your story some thought. You can IC some more while you wait on me if you want. You should start 24 hours after you had walked into the coffin motel. And I guess you have 3 refined crystals.

8.5 hours later and im done posting for the day.(7.5 if you take out my break for tv/breakfast lol)
Does a spirit need to materialize for movement? I thought it was just a power, not a manifestion or anything...
You can not cast physical spells/powers from astral space. So the spirit has to materialize/possess/inhabit before it can use that power on something in the physical world. Afterwards it can go back to astral and sustain it. So I guess the spirit didnt have to be the one rollerblading lol. but Voodoo likes being possessed so i dont know why she wouldnt let it.

Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon here i come!!!!
Ah but she likes it too much. Tries to ration herself, feels bad when she slips and does it just for the fun of it.

You know, the whole tortured addict shtick....

"While in Astral form, spirits can only perform services that effect the Astral Plane or that directly affect their summoner..."

SR4 p176

Even when the do have to become 'physical' to use a power they can continue to sustain it from the Astral, so they can 'Materialize', use a power and then 'De-Materialize' whilst still sustaining the power on the affected target.
I'm not sure about INI but I think when your possessed you use the sum of your physical stats and the spirits force and just the spirits force for mental stats.

All the spells I have maintained are targeted on my mind so wouldn't affect a possessing spirit.

Initiative is different, it's calculated from the new stats, but IP's are replaced by the spirits IP's regardless of how many the Vessel has.

I think I would have to cast Improve Reflexes on a Spirit, separately, before it possessed me to get extra passes...
Trying to Con Daeyan into accepting his terms, using Fast Talking into believing that Qven actually has respect for Daeyans gang and Daeyans conditions. Also, regarding social rolls on the 'trix, kinda stupid to let me use my full eight cha, since tailored phermones don't exactly translate onto the matrix, right? The next roll is a Knowledge check of Seattle Syndicates, checking for recent gang activity and seeing if the Ancients and Vory have had any disagreements recently. Lastly, Qven attempts to crash the Trace program Daeyan loaded.

Con Test
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Knowledge: Seattle Syndicates Check
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On second do I crash a program? It says in the BBB to make an extended I'd have to know the threshold and how many times I need to roll, right? Hacking rules are mad confusing. I think I'll just redirect it instead. Another Matrix question: Whats the duration of a sustained CF? I mean, there's no reason for me to sustain an analyze, so can it be assumed that the CF is dropped once I complete the task? I can't find anything in the BBB to contradict this, so I'll roll with the Analyze not sustained.

Redirecting the Trace
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Hopefully, that's all right and makes sense. I'll clarify and redo things if they're wrong.
-To crash programs: Hack + Attack(firewall+system, 1 combat turn[3 seconds]). This also auto triggers an alert.
-A sustained spell is sustained until you drop it.
-trace programs work like: Computer + Track (10, 1 init pass). Stealth programs are negative modifiers to a tracker's DP.
So assume I dropped the Analyze once I finished?
Yeah thats fine. You can drop it whenever you want. Doesnt require any actions or costs.
Coolios, then unless you wanna add some modifiers to the social rolls, I should have everything right.
OK, I will put up another IC.

I wouldn't worry about her power-level, she does look kinda scary from a certain angle but I'm sure you've already thought of half a dozen ways to turn her into fish food if you start to find it irritating. I'm just fiddling around really, trying to find the cool new tricks you can play with the latest 'fixed' version of SR magic. If you want me to scale it back just say...

It's funny really, every so often the designers realize that an intelligently designed Magician is hugely powerful, so they 'fix' the magic system. I've been playing SR since 1st Edition so after a while you notice that every 'fix' tends to contain just as many bugs as it was designed to fix.

It's a rare designer that dares to simply face up to the game world ramifications of magic rather than nerfing it at the first sign of trouble. There's a thread on the main board about industrial uses of magic that I think is fascinating. Certainly much more interesting than the usual knee-jerk 'that is teh borken u munchkin' response to most creative uses of magic....

It's certainly amusing how rarely Street Sam's get the same treatment, and believe me I can break a Street Sam six ways from Sunday...
Whew, sorry got interrupted by work, selfish scumbags, don't they realise I have recreation to be getting on with....

Anyway, I know your concerned, so I thought I'd stretch her legs and give you an idea of the top end of the envelope for Voodoo.

I don't imagine you actually intend for these characters to do Runs entirely solo, do you?

I suppose I created Voodoo with that fear in the back of my head and wanted to make her as good an all-rounder as possible.

So this gives you an idea of what she can do if the shit really hits the fan but it is certainly not the intent to become some uber-combat-wombat wading through oceans of blood etc...

She's a geeky little mage that intends to live to a ripe old age but wants to experience some adventure along the way. And plans to do everything in her power to survive indefinitely....

Freddy Mercury

"Who wants to live forever...."


[squeaky voice]

"Um, me?"



She uses her Med Kit to Heal the damage from first binding

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She binds a second Spirit of Man

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She summons a watcher to guard her gear.

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She summons a Spirit of Man with appropriate abilities.

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She instructs the Spirit to use Shapechange on her to change her into a Panther and to possess this form.

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Before going out for a pleasant evenings strolls across the rooftops of Seattle....
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