Dec 4 2003, 02:41 AM
As a GM, I rely an awful lot on some table maps, and even counters and miniatures when I can get them. Now, the map part is pretty easy: a dry-erase grid and some washable markers are all I need to lay out a few things. If I know the layout of a place in advance (i.e., the place the players are supposed to go into for a particular job), I just make a rough map with Word's drawing functions, and make it big enough for the counters/minis I tend to use.
So all I need now is something to rep the players with for SR. There's plenty of stuff for fantasy settings, but I've come to realize that SR is pretty screwed in that department. I am aware they made some official minis, but locating some down here where I live is going to be next to impossible. Ebay turns up an eyekiller mini, but nothing else at all. I can do counters with some cardstock and a decent color printer, but I'm exploring my options first.
If anyone can make any recommendations (including cost-effective ones), I'd appreciate it.
Dec 4 2003, 02:52 AM
Sure: A GM in the same society as me who was running shadowrun used the map from one of the celophane-wrapped zombie-horror games (A shopping mall one) as a map for a run once. I think it was quite cheap too. You could also try the maps that come with heroclix stuff as that is mostly urban stuff.
Ah: That's it[/edit]
This one looks good too.[/edit]
Dec 4 2003, 03:13 AM
Stiggybaby baby! They have always been a great mini supplier for our group.
Here's a link to their
SR minis page.
I get about two emails a year from them and today happened to be one of them:
QUOTE (Stiggybaby.com) |
"We've just received a large Shadowrun Miniatures restock! Since none of the main US game distributors stock Shadowrun Miniatures, they are difficult to find. Ral Partha is now Iron Wind Metals. While the company name and packaging is slightly different, the miniatues and product numbers are still the same. You can use our search feature to locate the 15 miniature packs we just restocked..." |
Dec 4 2003, 05:13 AM
If you can get a clear plastic sheet and draw a grid on it, you can overlay that on printed maps that you can scrounge up.
Also, using maps from adventures you never plan to run can work, too.
Dec 4 2003, 06:25 AM
I've been using Lego's. It works surpisingly well...especially for cover and the ilk. Use one brick for low walls, and two bricks for high walls, or different colors. Try to get a hold of one of those big gray playmats if you can help it, to stick the fuckers down. If you're not excruciatingly detailed, you can construct an area in about five minutes, while your players roll bags of dice for init and shit. Whatever works.
Dec 4 2003, 05:58 PM
QUOTE (Diesel) |
I've been using Lego's. It works surpisingly well...especially for cover and the ilk. Use one brick for low walls, and two bricks for high walls, or different colors. Try to get a hold of one of those big gray playmats if you can help it, to stick the fuckers down. If you're not excruciatingly detailed, you can construct an area in about five minutes, while your players roll bags of dice for init and shit. Whatever works. |
What a stonkingly good idea! And I just happen to have BOXES of lego upstairs. H'mm.. How would you do a troll? I suppose you could buy a bionicle thing and use it to base a construction on maybe, they'd be a bit big on that scale, even for trolls...
This idea has lots of merit. Wish I'd thought of it for the last ambush scenario I ran.
Dec 4 2003, 06:51 PM
just give ebay some time, you can find lots of minis there. I did. But then again that was probably 4 years ago. I use the dry erase board too, with a small measuring tape.
Dec 5 2003, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the help; I did find the Iron Works stuff, and I'll be considering it (the corp-sec guards especially seem appropriate).
I actually had Legos long ago, but alas, they are no more.
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