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Full Version: Recruiting: The Next African Queen
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Jeremiah Legacy
Edit: As of now, recruiting is closed. But ... I do have a waiting list and if/when people drop, I will come to you before opening it up again.

Had an idea last night, decided to run with it. I need some volunteers. Want 3-5 people running in Cape Town. Business is booming as the corps have decided to get in on the action of Afrostyle. In fact, the race among the media corps to find a new star has been dubbed "The Next African Queen." This means plenty of shadow work as well. Indeed business provides opportunities for everyone.

Including one sinister force...

The city presented in Runner Havens. Ruled by The Rain Queen and her shamans. Shouldn't be too much interaction (if any) from Mujaji, but her shamans are the law. Think of them as Lone Star/Knight Errant ... but without the legal oversight.

Lots of megacorps coming in for R&D. DeBeers, owned by Universal Omnitech, owns the database for the SIN registrations of the Azanian Federation - which require a tissue sample. These will be important.

The events of Emergence haven't happened ... yet.

Allowing SR4, Street Magic, and Augmentation. Don't have Arsenal yet, so not allowing it.
No blood mages, toxic shamans, or insect shamans. No cyberzombies or cyborgs.
If you have delta grade ware, you better have a damn good reason.

400 BP. No free contacts, except as below. Fairly new shadowrunners. Technomancers OK, Magic OK - in fact, you will be better off with one than without.

Oh yes, one more thing. I need at least one of you to have an Azanian Federation SIN. Can be faked (probably better that way) Already taken care of.

Cast of players:

Any questions, feel free to ask.
Divine Virus
I would Really, Really like to play a TM. But I must forwarn you that I will have to drop out in about month (end of apirl). I will start to pull a character together, please let me know asap if my short time line disqualifies me.
I'm interested, but away for a week. I can work up an idea for a hacker/sam some gambling problems.
I'm in. Gotta work on what I want to do.

Will have a basic idea up in the next few hours.

So many concepts ...
I've got a mild Street Sam Dwarf I've been working on. It's got some Arsenal gear but nothing that is vital. It's kind of a thought experiment about Street Sam character growth. I'm definitely interested if you'll have me.
Divine Virus
I don't know how to delete a post, so I just edited it out.
I'm interested. Have you got a player cap?

I'd also be willing to be the guy with the SIN, if you still need one.
Third time's the charm!!! How about a shaman from Hong Kong?
Jeremiah Legacy
Aaron: there is a cap, and you made it. Thanx for volunteering to have the Azanian SIN.

Redjack: Sure. A shaman from Hong Kong is fine with me. Maybe this time, he'll see the job through smile.gif
Awesome. Are there any roles not covered, or should I just make a character blind (not a blind character)?
Jeremiah Legacy
QUOTE (Aaron @ Mar 10 2008, 08:20 AM) *
Awesome. Are there any roles not covered, or should I just make a character blind (not a blind character)?

Oh, the possibilities of a blind character devil.gif

Here's what we got so far: a technomancer, a street shaman, and a dwarf street sammy.

I prefer if this is a team that can work together. You have enough paranoia from Johnsons and fixers.
Assuming I made it in, I'm working on an Adept of the Silent Way. (IE: Infiltrator)

Not 100% on race yet, but probably human or Elf.

Did you ever get to play that dwarf anywhere?
I'll make a face, then, with a secondary specialty in logistics and technical stuff. Unless there are any objections?
No objections to a face. Please God, play a face...

Here's a rough draft...

[ Spoiler ]

Formatting could use some help, but you get the gist, I hope.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Mar 10 2008, 11:03 AM) *
Did you ever get to play that dwarf anywhere?

Nope not yet, but I don't want to jinx this game by trying to play him. grinbig.gif So I'm going to try something different.

QUOTE (crizh @ Mar 10 2008, 01:58 PM) *
No objections to a face. Please God, play a face...

You don't have to call me that, but you've convinced me. A face it is.
wobble.gif talker.gif grinbig.gif rotfl.gif grinbig.gif rotfl.gif grinbig.gif
JL - do you have a common Fixer you want us to use?


Jeremiah Legacy
I knew I forgot something. I'm bringing in Dr. Delicious. Freebie at 1/1. But if you want him to be more than that, you can spend the difference.
Jeremiah Legacy
Dr. Delicious. He's a fixer in Cape Town. Human, caucasian, North American accent. He also runs a medical clinic in one of the poorer areas of Cape Town, catering to the poor children, and runners. But priority to the children.

As far as fixers go, he's a straight shooter. Doesn't screw over his runners. Doesn't seem to have a tail behind him. But if you mess with children ... well, Africa has a lot of areas where an extra body wouldn't go noticed.
Does Dr. Delicious have a Connection rating of 1, then?
Jeremiah Legacy
QUOTE (Aaron @ Mar 10 2008, 09:45 PM) *
Does Dr. Delicious have a Connection rating of 1, then?

Here's my draft:

[ Spoiler ]

Details to come. Basic info is that he born as a Xhosa tribesman and worked, charmed, and intimidated his way into the shadows. I can flesh out the contact details if you like, too.
Divine Virus
My internet has died on me. I write this now from campus. Until I get it fixed I will only be able to post from here, so for the next few days I will be very, very sporadic. Still, I hope to get in my character sheet by Thursday if that is not to late. I am going to play a Dwarf TM, who specializes in threading, but will be mostly useless outside the net. 'Cause threading is great fun. That's all for now, sorry.
Jeremiah Legacy
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

Divine Virus: Thursday is fine. Thanx for keeping in touch.

Redjack, JDragon, Fortune: Haven't heard much. You guys still in? Will need some characters soon.
Been a busy last couple of days. I will have my updated character sheet to you by EOD Thursday.
Nearly done with gear, got a fake SIN and some licenses to go with it.

Sorry I was feeling a bit uninspired with backstory, thought the genetic alterations and latent ability might make her an attractive host.

I'll have a look at the other spirit types and try to come up with a better explanation.
OK here's a first draft gear list. If anyone spots anything I've missed let me know...

[ Spoiler ]
Oh, yeah. Fake SIN. Duh. It would seem that I've spent too long GMing and not playing. =i)

I'll fix it when I get home.

(Posted from my PAN.)
Sorry, busy at work today.

I have an Elven Adept, going with the infiltrator gig.

Have most of it done except for gear which should not take long. (not many BP for $$ after magic & Skills)

Hope to have up in the next day or so.

Edited sheet, changed spirit type and put in Cyberware cost total.
Edited my character, added fake SINs, reduced amount of clothes.
Hey all, sorry to do this, but it does not look like my free time is going to allow me to get into another game.

I thought I would be able to swing it, but its looking like thats not going to happen. frown.gif

So JL, please pass my spot to who ever you see fit.

Thanks and have fun all.

Jeremiah Legacy
QUOTE (JDragon @ Mar 12 2008, 01:16 PM) *
Hey all, sorry to do this, but it does not look like my free time is going to allow me to get into another game.

I thought I would be able to swing it, but its looking like thats not going to happen. frown.gif

So JL, please pass my spot to who ever you see fit.

Thanks and have fun all.


Thanx for letting me know. I do appreciate it.

Feel free to check in sometime.
Piet van de Kaap, Afrikaans Recon/Spy/Forward Observer

Jermiah Legacy do you wish characters posted here or sent to you?

Jeremiah Legacy
QUOTE (WearzManySkins @ Mar 12 2008, 01:40 PM) *
do you wish characters posted here or sent to you?

Please PM them to me.

And to all, please do so soon. I want to get this going within a couple days.
Jeremiah Legacy
Get ready. Going live as soon as everybody send things in.
Jeremiah - Sorry, I'm still behind. Been a rough week RL, but you know otherwise I am very consistent. I will get an updated An Shui to you today.
Jeremiah Legacy
QUOTE (Redjack @ Mar 14 2008, 06:09 AM) *
Jeremiah - Sorry, I'm still behind. Been a rough week RL, but you know otherwise I am very consistent. I will get an updated An Shui to you today.

Then you need to quit your real life! What's the matter with you?!? Don't you have priorities? biggrin.gif

In all seriousness, sure. Just get it in when you can.
Character is submitted! Sorry for the delay.
Here is An Shui
QUOTE (Jeremiah Legacy @ Mar 14 2008, 09:55 AM) *
Then you need to quit your real life! What's the matter with you?!? Don't you have priorities? biggrin.gif

Actually, SR4 uses a point system.


Divine Virus
I am going to have to drop. I don't want to talk about why. Heavy RL stuff. Please accept my apologies.
Need another victem... er I mean volunteer? I can have it submitted by tomorrow night.

Jeremiah Legacy
Divine Virus: Understood. Hope things work out for you.

Dirtz: Actually, I got a waiting list already. Couple people ahead of you, but I'll keep you in mind if/when we get openings.

Aaron: <groan>
@Jeremiah - How about an IC thread with a scene setting post to let us start posting some character flavor posts while we wrap up and bring on the remaining team members? Its Aaron (Ukhetshe; Human Male), Redjack (An Shui; Ork Chinese-American Ork Street Shaman), Crizh (Bunny; Female Dwarven Street Sam) & WearzManySkinz (Piet van de Kaap, Afrikaans Recon/Spy/Forward Observer) so far, right?

I saw Aaron, Ophis and Fortune talking about characters. Any of them in?

@Wearz: If you PM me a description of your character, I'll start working on a team render.

I "believe" I am on the waiting list. Have not heard yea or nay. But if not on the waiting list, I will be happy to. smile.gif

QUOTE (Jeremiah Legacy @ Mar 9 2008, 04:53 PM) *
Cast of players:

Any questions, feel free to ask.

I think I have wonderful news for you my friend!
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