Mar 13 2008, 11:58 PM
This is a short adventure for 4-6 runners based out of Seattle using 3rd edition rules in 2060. New characters only please.
This adventure is partly for me to get my feet wet with pbp GMing and to hopefully continue on with the same team into a campaign.
Characters can be made using either the priority or point build system, 120bp.
Please refrain from using really unusual/disruptive characters, i.e. ghouls, shapeshifters, or even some of the outlandish metavariants.
Also, keep in mind that 2060 is pre-SURGE. All source books are fair game for character creation.
I don't use all the optional rules from all the source books, but I use quite a few, unless you have a question about a specific optional/advanced rule we will address this when issues arise.
One rule I do want to try out is the Martial Arts rules from CC, so that one is in.
House rules:
Increased Reflexes: The spells for Increased Reflexes are replaced with a single Increased Reflex spell. The number of additional dice you receive to your initiative for casting the spell is +1 for every 2 successes, to a maximum of Force/2 (round up). The TN for the spell is your Reaction. Drain is always +1S. Similar rules for Decrease Reflexes apply.
Glyph: Character:Ice Queen - Sorceress/Face/Medic - Character submitted and accepted
Chance: Character:??? - Ork Street Sam - Awaiting initial submission
Tabula: Character:Aiku - BnE Specialist - Character submitted and accepted
Apollo: Character:Slim Jim - Combat Decker - Character submitted and accepted
thegreatbudda: Character:The Shephard - Vengeful Priest - Character submitted and awaiting finalized version
Mar 15 2008, 09:07 PM
Still recruiting faz? If so I would like to throw my hand in. Haven't played SR3 in a while and it would be a nice retro experience. I have plenty, and I mean plenty of SR3 characters who I canuse. Were you looking for a particular type of character?
Mar 15 2008, 11:58 PM
Yup, still recruiting. I was getting worried that there wouldn't be anyone interested in playing 3rd Ed. I'd just recommend the final group be pretty well rounded, no need to be magic or decker heavy.
Mar 16 2008, 07:03 AM
Ok cool, will keep it simple and old school. Have a Street Sam named Raven that should do the trick, I've used her once or twice on the boards she pretty cool. I'll dig her up and post her asap.
Mar 16 2008, 07:06 AM
I would be interested. I have a character, Ice Queen, who is a hermetic sorceress who used to work for DocWagon. She would be good at the spellslinging, face, and medic roles.
How do you want submissions? Here in spoiler tags, or PMed to you?
Mar 17 2008, 09:21 PM
Ice Queen sounds great, and a good ol' fashioned street sam is always fun. Spoiler tags would be good... also please include a brief of your character's history, or you can pm it to me if you'd like your character's past to be a bit more mysterious for the other players.
Mar 17 2008, 11:15 PM
I am just getting my own game off the ground so give me some time to put it together for you.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 18 2008, 01:38 PM
If you are still recruiting I'd be happy to make a character for this game. I did pbp a while back a few times and I'd like to do it again.
Mar 18 2008, 02:10 PM
Still recruiting? I'd like to make a decker for the game, if it's okay. I'll get started on the char this morning.
Mar 18 2008, 04:59 PM
I've got a character I could put together for this game, if theres still room. A couple of quick question: Are Raygun's weapons allowed? I'm thinking about an ork sam using priorities.
Mar 18 2008, 05:08 PM
Chance!!!! Faz you got to let him play, Chance rules!
Mar 18 2008, 05:36 PM
*slips Shadow a crumpled $20* good boy
Mar 18 2008, 08:06 PM
Yup there's still room. That brings us up to 5....
Apollo:If I may make a suggestion, if you play a decker, make it a combat decker preferably.
Chance:I'm leaning towards no on the rayguns, but if there's a specific gun that is important to your character run it by me.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 18 2008, 08:24 PM
I'd be willing to make any character type. Looks like we have a sam or two, a caster/face and a potential decker. I would be able to make anything the group really wanted to round it out, maybe a gun bunny for range or a sniper type. Only thing I would be hesitant to do would be a rigger because I've just never made one or read the rules on that too clearly.
Let me know what you think would be useful.
Mar 19 2008, 01:52 AM
fazzamar, I've PMed you Ice Queen. Here is the general background blurb for her:
Ice Queen
Caitlin joined DocWagon in the fervor of youthful idealism. She thought that using her magical gifts to heal people would be the greatest use of her abilities. She found out that being accepted onto a DocWagon HTR team involved danger and volatile situations, but she adapted, becoming tougher and smarter, and learning new skills. Rising to these challenges only reinforced her belief that she had made the right choice in life.
But over time, reality set in. She became worn down by the unrelenting pressure, and her idealism wilted in the face of reality. She watched her team gun down street kids to get to a slimy BTL pusher, who wouldn't get the long overdue street justice that he had coming to him. She watched teammates fall apart under the stress, only to get callously scapegoated and ruthlessly discarded. She watched her team walk past people bleeding in the gutter to get to a whiny Yak suit with a bullet-grazed arm. In the end, she couldn't watch any longer. She left.
It cost her. She had almost nothing left by the time she faded into the shadows, but she is determined to bounce back. She is less naive now, but has not totally succumbed to cynicism, either. She has a harder edge than most magical healers. She is used to paramilitary operations and stressful negotiations, and is a skilled paramedic in addition to her magical skills.
Mar 19 2008, 03:48 AM
Glyph: Looks good, although could you clarify as to why she feels the way she does toward the Tirs.
Tabula Rasa: Yea, we seem to be a bit street sammy heavy, but you are still welcome to play any role you'd like... well except maybe a decker. Keeping track of one is hard enough for me.
Mar 19 2008, 04:10 AM
Her reaction to the Tirs is part general distaste for racist, aristocratic, police states in general, plus the prejudices she soaked up from her Grandfather (Tir Na Og used to be Ireland, and a lot of Irish people are pretty bitter about their country being turned into an elven state where they are second-class citizens).
Mar 19 2008, 04:41 AM
Ok should have Raven for you by tomorrow.
For everyone, she is a College student at UW that moonlights as a sharpshooter. Definetly a long gun as opposed to up close and personal, though she can do that too. Just better at range.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 19 2008, 01:28 PM
I'm thinking of making a stealth/b&e specialist. Probably someone who grew up on the streets and worked his way up the ladder up to where he is now. I'll post something once I get home and can take a look at my 3rd books.
Mar 19 2008, 02:54 PM
Tabula:Having a stealth/B&E would be a definite plus to this group.
Now I do want to warn everyone, this is my very first time GMing through a forum so it may not go perfectly smoothly at first. Not to worry though, I'm GMing a Shadowrun group that meets up weekly, so GMing isn't new to me, just doing it online is.
Also, does anyone have any suggestions as to how to handle the dice rolls?
Tabula Rasa
Mar 19 2008, 03:09 PM
There is a website that lets you generate die rolls and link the results in bbcode. I can dig around and find it but one of the more seasoned players might be able to point it out before me.
Mar 19 2008, 03:23 PM
To be honest it is just easier to trust the players and let them post their rolles in ooc. Genrally speaking they describe what they want to do IC and post any relevant rolls for it OOC.
Mar 19 2008, 03:32 PM
Sounds like a plan...
Mar 19 2008, 04:30 PM
I might need a little extra time building my character, I came home last night to find that my wife had packed all my books up for our upcoming move.
Fazzamar, I cant seem to find rayguns page anymore, but the only weapon I was interested in is a pair of compact Glock's, with the full auto mod on wrist tracks.
I E Sweat ran into Greven's eyes as he looked down his rifle's sight. "Just let her go and we can all still walk out of here."
"Oh I'll let 'er go alright!" Yelled the troll merc.
"Relax man, here." Greven used his Colt's smart controls to eject the clip before dropping the rifle to the floor. "There all you gotta do is put the girl down and walk out." With steel nerve, he held his arms out as if he were carrying a large box.
Sense that he truely had the advantage, the merc dropped the girl and pointed his pistol at Greven. "Now what?" he grumbled.
"Well you walkout that door, and I walk out the other and we move on with our perspective lives."
"And the cred?" Asked the troll, looking down at the open briefcase.
"50/50 split?"
"Naw how 'bout I just take the whole thing." The merc's voice began raising as he finished, he was nearly yelling at the end.
Greven's wire was already had him moving before the end of the sentence. With a simple jerk of the wrists, both compact Glocks slid forward into his waiting hands. A dozen light pistol hollow points flew at the merc, one or two missed completely, most found their target, with one striking just below his adam's apple, and another removing his left cheek.
Looking down at the open briefcase again Greven though with a smile, "Chiba here I come!"
Mar 19 2008, 04:37 PM
Faz is it okay if I change my concept character? I was thinking Raven, a college student turned Sam, but upon reveiwing my SR3 characters I would much rather play 'Gun' a low level maffioso enforcer who moonlights as a runner in Seattle. He is orriginal from San Fran but came to Seattle on a job and stayed. His main weapons are thowing knives and intimidation.
Or if we need a rigger I have a combat taxi character with a helicopter. Either one would be a last to play again. Neither charaacters translate into SR4 sadly.
EDIt #2 These are character's 've played on the board before, not new ones I am making. They are both starting characters, though the Rigger had some special allounces so that I could have a helo for his concept. It's an old Hind-D that he's retrofited (sans armament). It isn't as crazy as it sounds as he runs a taxi service for both execs and combat. Anyhoo whichever the team needs I am happy to play. With Chance playing muscle it sounds like we might need transportation.
Mar 19 2008, 07:06 PM
I would be interested in joining if you have room for one more.
Right now I'm still working with a rough character concept.Basically, I'd be interested in playing an ex-Catholic priest, excommunicated from the Church but still operating in the guise of a priest. Sort of "I was right, the Papacy was wrong for not seeing what I see." He would be an older (50 or so) Irishman, having been newly-vested as a priest around the time Tir na Og came to be. Definitely a cynical character, bitter over being cast out from the Church and carrying more than a small grudge against the Elven usurpers of his homeland, whom he sees as being the cause for his (unjust in his eyes) excommunication.
Crunch-wise, he would be either a full or aspect hermetic mage of the Christian tradition with a smattering of cyberware (cybereyes, maybe an obvious cyberarm), and a geas or two (Incantation and Talisman looking like good choices).
Mostly I just really like the idea of an old priest wielding a shotgun and the Power of God, bringing his own personal Inquisition to the Shadows
Mar 19 2008, 10:00 PM
We'll have to keep a running tally on which commandments he bends.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 19 2008, 10:05 PM
Well, at least commandment VII is probably safe.
Mar 20 2008, 01:51 AM
thegreatbuddah: We have room for 1 more, but why would such a cast out priest be running the shadows?
Mar 20 2008, 02:27 AM
Did you guys have a pref for what character I played?
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 02:59 AM
Between a sam and gun I'd pick gun just because we don't seem to have someone to fill that role. That's assuming "Gun" is a gun bunny type.
Mar 20 2008, 03:11 AM
Well Gun is a Sam, but his weapon of choice is dikoted throwing knives. Aww how I have missed dikote. Ok Gun it is, will get him posted asap.
Mar 20 2008, 03:27 AM
Well anyone can be good in a fight, but a good rigger/wheelman would be more helpful I think. Sides a rotor drone with a sport rifle mounted on it can make a huge difference.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 03:34 AM
Maybe one of you guys can clarify this questions for me.
I'm looking at scanners and transceivers right now. They both have a decryption rating. Can I just use my transceiver to scan through various frequencies and use its decryption rating to hear encrypted messages? Do I not need a scanner if all I want to do is break audio frequencies?
Also, is there a point to a vidlink having decryption? Can I use its decryption to look in on vidlink signals i tap into?
Sorry for the questions, been a while since I last played SR.
Mar 20 2008, 03:43 AM
I am so torn on what to play. Ok, really, rigger it is this time. Honest.
Mar 20 2008, 04:40 AM
You could always be a rigger who uses drones for combat support like this
Mar 20 2008, 05:02 AM
QUOTE (Chance359 @ Mar 19 2008, 05:00 PM)
We'll have to keep a running tally on which commandments he bends.
If fazzamar lets me fudge history a little and use "Shalt not murder" instead of the normal Roman Catholic "Shalt not kill," he won't break any of them. Unless it's against those damn dirty elves. Sinners and hellspawn, the lot of em.
QUOTE (fazzamar @ Mar 19 2008, 08:51 PM)
thegreatbuddah: We have room for 1 more, but why would such a cast out priest be running the shadows?
Short: He's been excommunicated from the Church, banished from Eire (He refuses to call it Tir na Og), and a criminal SIN to boot. He doesn't have many options left for supporting himself. He's running in Seattle since it's fairly close to Tir Tairngire. The AAAs probably run against the elves enough that he can have his secondhand revenge and some ¥ too.
Long: I haven't really set it all in stone yet, but here's what I was thinking: He's been excommunicated for conducting terrorist acts in Tir na Og. He hates the elves for usurping his nation and he fought the good fight for awhile, until his superiors in the Church caught on and excommunicated him (circa 2038-2040). The Church intended to turn him over to authorities in Tir na Og, but he escaped the trial/excommunication ceremony in Rome and went underground. There's a gray area in his background a decade or two long at this point, but in the late 2050s he winds up in Seattle, running the Shadows with an eye towards lashing out at Tir Tairngire. He figures one elf is as good as another at this point.
Right now I'm leaning towards Father McCreedy as a name, but I feel like I'm ripping it off from somewhere I can't quite recall.
Quick Question: Will Geasa from Magic In The Shadows be allowed? I'm thinking of taking some cyberware, and a geas or two to offset the essence loss would be nifty.
Mar 20 2008, 05:37 AM
Hes got a drone, but his primary is a Opel Marauder and a Helo. so he's more of the driver, sensor, guy, with a drone for ground support.
Mar 20 2008, 05:59 AM
Ok a couple things about Jester, I used a lot of the rules from rigger 3. If you don't have that let me know, I have it on PDF. The drones and vehicles he has are all custom made. The prices are marked next to them. Let me know if you have any questions. Oh the other thing is that he has two weapons from Rayguns sight,
RaygunsYehaw! Jester!It's a .rtf so any word program should be able to read it.
There are some unbalanced weapons (on Rayguns site), but the two I have are not them, the
Glock 22 and the
UMP. Mostly they are for flavor, if you look at them they are less powerful than the weapons in the book's.
Jester's History (feel free to read)
[ Spoiler ]
Jason Bigg’s or Jester to his buddies, was born in a small town in south eastern Oregon. Back when it was still the USA. He grew up in fractured country, but he had a deep love for it. When he was old enough he joined the UCAS Air force. Not realizing he had to go to college to fly he ended up being an SP for a while. He took night classes though and quickly got his degree. He then joined the UCAS Helicopter Corp. and learned how to fly Choppers. He loved every minute of it. From the large twin propped transports to the brand new tilt wing plane/chopper hybrids. He did so and loved so for 25 years.
Then on a sunny day he was making the milk run between Oahu and the Lexington carrier group when his Helicopter took a lightning strike. He managed to keep it in the air long enough for the crew to bail out…
A week later he washed up on shore. His right leg was badly mangled and partially eaten. Neither modem medicine, nor magic could save it. The Air Force cashiered him with a bright shiny cyber leg, and a few hundred K in dismemberment benefits. Unfortunately the leg is not properly synched with him so he walks with a slight limp.
He hooked up with an old buddy of his in the Seattle area to start Seattle Hoppers. His Combat Taxi service. He renovated the Hind, and an Opel van to act as the taxis. After a month of very slow business he had to let the van driver go and now he does it all himself. Because biz is so slow he has taken to Shadowrunning. Over the last year he has done about ten runs and made enough to stay in biz. He is convinced that any minute his service is going to take off….
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 01:14 PM
I get the feeling a couple of these runners won't like my elf...
Mar 20 2008, 01:20 PM
If you feel he is going to be unlikable change him a it. If you think people wont like hi cause he doesn't like elves... they don't have to know his past. It was 20 years ago, maybe his ire has become focused on specific elves.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 02:30 PM
Well, actually, he tries pretty desperately to hide the fact and has no connection to any of the elven countries, elven culture, language, etc... so it really shouldn't be that much of a problem unless the elf disliking characters are completely racist to every elf they ever meet no matter the circumstances. If that's the case give me a heads up and I'll just change the race and some of the background.
I should have something posted by tonight when I get home.
Mar 20 2008, 02:32 PM
I didn't realise he was an elf. I don't think there should be a problem, Jester was actually born about the time of goblinization and a few years after UGE. So he grew up with the real racists, but he doesn't have a problem with race, just with stupid people.
Mar 20 2008, 03:22 PM
QUOTE (Tabula Rasa @ Mar 20 2008, 09:14 AM)
I get the feeling a couple of these runners won't like my elf...
It shouldn't be an issue for two reasons.
1. My character would be causing the drama and IMO would be the first to be rejected by the GM if he doesn't want PC to PC conflict in his game.
2. As far as I can recall, metatype isn't revealed through assensing, and since you're hiding the physical signs, I'll likely never know you're an elf to boot.
Mar 20 2008, 03:24 PM
QUOTE (thegreatbuddha @ Mar 20 2008, 09:22 AM)
1. My character would be causing the drama and IMO would be the first to be rejected by the GM if he doesn't want PC to PC conflict in his game.
Thats not true Buddha. He may not realise you intend to cause conflict. If you do you should talk to him before hand and make sure that it is mutually agreable. Otherwise no matter your character background you should not assume you are allowed to cause conflict just because the GM did not reject your character.
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 05:14 PM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 20 2008, 10:24 AM)
Thats not true Buddha. He may not realise you intend to cause conflict. If you do you should talk to him before hand and make sure that it is mutually agreable. Otherwise no matter your character background you should not assume you are allowed to cause conflict just because the GM did not reject your character.
I personally don't mind some team conflict as long as it doesn't come in the way of a bullet to the back of my head while sleeping and I think it can spice up the game if played properly. Either way, if it's an issue for the GM I'd be happy to change things.
Btw, I'm trying to finish up some of the mechanical portions of my character out of the way while I'm at work but I don't have my books. Anybody mind posting how many build points it takes to get varying amounts of nuyen for gear?
Mar 20 2008, 06:58 PM
QUOTE (Tabula Rasa @ Mar 19 2008, 11:34 PM)
Maybe one of you guys can clarify this questions for me.
I'm looking at scanners and transceivers right now. They both have a decryption rating. Can I just use my transceiver to scan through various frequencies and use its decryption rating to hear encrypted messages? Do I not need a scanner if all I want to do is break audio frequencies?
Also, is there a point to a vidlink having decryption? Can I use its decryption to look in on vidlink signals i tap into?
Sorry for the questions, been a while since I last played SR.
The way I read it, transceivers and scanners don't have encryption or decryption by default. You have to purchase Broadcast Encryption or Broadcast Decryption separately (rules on SR3.289, gear listing on SR3.290). If you buy encryption everyone you'd be communicating with has to have encryption as well in order to encrypt/decode the signals. If you want to eaves drop on other peoples' encrypted signals you have to have decryption to break the code.
In regards to the whole PC vs PC tension, Tabula, since you mentioned your character is going to try to hide and connections he has to being an elf or to tir (I'm not sure which one by your post) would you consider picking up the edge "Human Looking"? That will leave a bit of tension as Tabula's char will try and hide the fact they're an elf even more after their teammates start elf bashing and the elf haters may start to suspect something is up with their teammate after awhile.
Chance:The wrist tracks I'll go with, but they require a specific movement of your arms/hands to activate so if you're wrist are bound or your arm/hand movement is restricted for some reason you won't be able to activate the slides. About the full auto glocks... I'm not comfortable with a near heavy pistol damage gun shooting in full auto, may I suggest 2 Heavy Pistols that are capable of shooting in BF but it requires a complex action a la Savalette Guardian (cc.19) OR 2 Machine Pistols that can shoot full auto a la Steyr TMP (cc.18)
I think I touched on all the questions, if I missed one let me know...
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 07:30 PM
I decided to ignore getting decryption on the vidlink and the transceiver and instead just put decryption on the scanner. I also assume that if I get encryption 6 on my communication devides I can lower the rating or disable it if I want to communicate with a lower rated or no-encrption receiver.
To clarfiy on the elf issue, the character is an elf, tries to hide the physical signs and has NO actual connections to any of the elven countries or the culture. He isn't an elf pride type either. If people were to bash elves around him he'd just play it cool and laugh along because you have to do those kinds of things to survive around the barrens and he's used to hearing and seeing the worst kind of elf bashing imaginable.
Mar 20 2008, 07:36 PM
Yes, you can lower or turn off the encryption on devices so they work with other devices with low ratings or no encryption.
Regarding hiding the physical signs of being an elf, the only one that can't be written off as Oh he's just a tall thin guy is the ears. How does your character hide the pointy ears?
Tabula Rasa
Mar 20 2008, 08:02 PM
Yeah... I'm trying to think of that. At first I thought he could always be wearing a woolcap over long hair (it is seattle weather afterall). Other options were some self mutilation, unwilling mutilation by a second party or full cyber replacements. Mind you this is not something he is totally obsessed with hiding. Just trying to hide it from most observers and gangers that proliferate his area who'd love to tear an elf to pieces.
If the team members knew he was an elf perhaps they would be a bit less hateful to him (at least ot his face) because of his skill at his specialty. Plenty of people work with people they don't like on a personal level. If it's an issue with you though I'd just take the human looking thing or just change the concept a bit to eliminate the elfness.
Btw, do orcs have their own language? Just curious cause I was going to take some orc hiphop knowledge skill and the language skill if there was one.