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Full Version: Just looking for some brain storming ideas
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Greetings, I am in the process of making a magic user for a new campaign. I am shooting for a magician that uses shadows almost like an element. I think I was going to take a geas, the requirement being he has to have shadows to work with. I am making some and revamping previous spells to get the flavor more, like for example, levitate would be something like shadow grasp. Same effect, only the spell would be a visable shadow "tenderal" that would come from my own shadow to pickup a trash can, and throw it. (all depending on the dice roll anyways) Something like that anyways. I am also thinking about taking a spirit pact, maybe anyways. I was thinking it was a result of my characters failed attempt to bring his wife back from the grave. I also was thinking about making him a blind albino elf. Since there is no official rules for 4th for that metarace, what I did was make the bp cost 15, since it was 5 in 3rd. So since it came out to 45 all together, stats for being an elf, and the ablino. +1 will, making it a requirement for negative qualities, allergy sun, and infirm. I dunno, seem about right? I dunno, alot is in the works.

So I am looking for ideas, or suggestions, inspiration so too speak. Anything you guys have to say, please do, it is most appreciated! grinbig.gif
Trust me, you don't want the infirm handicap.
Or any of the 20 BP handicaps at all.
You'll be in for a world of _hurt_.

Unless your GM doesn't have a bloody clue what they really mean, that is.
I'm of the school of gaming that you can have any fluff that is consistent with the rules for a power. At my table if a phys ad wanted to shape shift there hands into weapons I would totally approve it... in as much as I'd say say they could take killing hands and as much critical strike as they wanted, and that I would never entertain the idea that they could do anything with there shape shifting hands but deal lots of P. I find that strict separation of fluff and crunch really helps people in getting to play exactly the character they have in mind without righting up knew rules. Also I find that it shuts down pandering power gamers trying to get new rules for themselves. If they want the flavor not the power they should be happy to get exactly what they want. If they don't it usually mean that they were more interested in getting a custom mechanic and not the flavor. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's a good indicator.

For you I would suggest that you take a shadowy mentor spirit like "Man in the Moon", "Boogy Man", or "King Night" something like +2 Illusions or Manipulation , +2 to intimidate, -1 to etiquette. This is a very tame mentor spirit most any GM would approve. Now intemperate these bonuses to mean that you can super charge your spells with bad assed shadow magics (+2 to a school). Extended use of this dread art has made you scary and creepy (+2 intimidation -1 etiquette). This way your shadow magic gets to have a real mechanical effect within in the rules. So your spells get to be awesome and drip with shadows but guards wont notice your any more often, people don't freak out when you cast (unless you actually intimidate them) you can take any spell you want without a rewrite. And the best selling point you aren't making more work for your GM. They don't have to house rules some kind of fright check when people see your magic or and hope it's balanced. All they have to do is think:
Humm is "2 Illusions or Manipulation , +2 to intimidate, -1 to etiquette" a fair mentor spirit? Well manipulation is a hardcore school to get a bonus on, but lots of mentors give a bonus to a school and type spirit so this isn't what buff. And yeah a -1 penalty isn't as likely to tool someone as failing one of those will checks but what charisma caster can make get 3 hits from there drain pool?
Qualities (neg/pos) are meant to give advantage but also to give a character some cool roleplay, If u go for a shadow mage I agree u put the infirm flaw to it, imo is not that bad, and for sure adds a cool roleplay to ur char.

I like the idea, Im playing a campaign with something similar to what u have in mind. Here is the concept I design for it maybe u can use it or get some ideas:

Infinites shadows springs from the physical self, waiting to be lighten and manifest. Shadows represent the dark side of the individuals, by accepting and facing his own demons, the dark adept (Shadow magician) can bond his shadows and there connect his inner darkness to the Shadow metaplane.

I decided to give it a particular effect when it uses magic in any way:

When a dark adept cast a spell, summon a spirit or activate adept powers, there is an eye effect that can be seen normally; shadows from him either emerge or existance twist to bond in one. The greater the Force of the activated spell, spirit or ability is, the greater the bonded shadow. Sometimes, nearly shadows can be affected as well in some way.

Drain Att: Intuition, given the concept I compare it to some others path of magic that appeared on Street Magic, and Intuition was the one that fits most imo.

Of course the spirits it uses are Shadows Spirits, I modified the example on the Street Magic cause it was meant for Free spirits, if u are interested on this too I can pm u or post the details of the Shadow spirits design.

Hope u find it useful

QUOTE (WeaverMount @ Mar 21 2008, 12:53 AM) *
I'm of the school of gaming that you can have any fluff that is consistent with the rules for a power. At my table if a phys ad wanted to shape shift there hands into weapons I would totally approve it... in as much as I'd say say they could take killing hands and as much critical strike as they wanted, and that I would never entertain the idea that they could do anything with there shape shifting hands but deal lots of P. I find that strict separation of fluff and crunch really helps people in getting to play exactly the character they have in mind without righting up knew rules. Also I find that it shuts down pandering power gamers trying to get new rules for themselves.

I'd call them munchkins, not powergamers.
I apply the term powergamer only to people who optimize their character firmly within the rules.
Making up custom rules borders on cheating, which is within the usual definitions what sets a powergamer apart from a munchkin.

As far as custom fluff is concerned, though, i totally agree and always enjoy making up some nice FX for my awakened characters.

@ Nefacio :
I agree that it's fun to play out the weaknesses of your character (if it isn't, one has chosen the wrong handicaps), but infirm really, really hurts.
So much that it's constantly threatening the life of a PC, if not the entire group.
An infirm character will not be able to climb, jump, swim or perform any other athletic action (unless he shells out double BP for the appropriate skills- and i doubt that any mage has those BP available at chargen).

Even if he attempts something every normal person automatically succeeds in, the GM can call for a test to see if he is able to, say, run down a corridor, not drown in a kiddie pool or whatever, usually having to default on strenght.

Consequences are not nearly as bad as with, say, uncouth (probably the most crippling handicap in the game, as it means that your character is almost automatically fooled, ordered around, intimidated and ripped off by anyone he meets), but one should consider the drawbacks very carefully before taking it.

It can be fun to play a character constantly stumbling over his own feet, but that could also be achieved by choosing low STR and AGI scores and not taking anything from the athletics skill group.

If the OP decides to take it, i strongly suggest levitating as often as possible.
Kyoto Kid
...sounds like a pretty neat concept.

Many many years ago (back when tactical war games vastly outnumbered RPGs) there was a small press FRP that I played which had a specific class of spellcaster called a Shadowmage. Many of the spells and abilities seem very close to your descriptions. The nature of the magic was very subtle in comparison to wizards, sorcerers and the like and seemingly not as uber powerful in and of it's own. In essence the character was a hybrid of both illusionist/mentalist and thief types who used shadows as their source of power instead of light to augment their special abilities of stealth and trickery. A Shadowmage spy or assassin was often one of the most dangerous characters in the game. They weren't easy to play compared to the more straightforward characters, but a heck of a lot of fun (one of the few spellcasting characters I actually enjoyed playing). I'll have to dig out the old rulebook when I get home & see how the 2070 version can be built.
QUOTE (WeaverMount @ Mar 20 2008, 07:53 PM) *
Humm is "2 Illusions or Manipulation , +2 to intimidate, -1 to etiquette" a fair mentor spirit? Well manipulation is a hardcore school to get a bonus on, but lots of mentors give a bonus to a school and type spirit so this isn't what buff. And yeah a -1 penalty isn't as likely to tool someone as failing one of those will checks but what charisma caster can make get 3 hits from there drain pool?

I think a -1 penalty to etiquette is not enough, really. A -1 on all Social Skills other than Intimidate, maybe. Or "must succeed a Cha+Wil (3) test to willingly impart any truthful information".
Holy crap ... I love that penalty. eek.gif
Crusher Bob
QUOTE (b1ffov3rfl0w @ Mar 21 2008, 09:41 AM) *
Or "must succeed a Cha+Wil (3) test to willingly impart any truthful information".

This flaw sounds suspiciously like "must make a cha+will(3) test to avoid a bullet in the head from teammates".

How many guards are there, Liar guy?
Are we being chased, liar guy?
Did you see any spirit guards, liar guy?

Trust me, you don't want the infirm handicap.
Or any of the 20 BP handicaps at all.
You'll be in for a world of _hurt_.

Unless your GM doesn't have a bloody clue what they really mean, that is.

My gm is not to harsh with it. Other then taking it for flavor, it also emphazizes my PC teammates abilities. (he's very althetic) My group is not one of those groups that try to use the roleplaying systems rules to piss each other off or get the better of each other. We just try to have fun, and concetrate much on the story itself and the characters. Although I did not realize that infirm could apply to so many things.

I'm of the school of gaming that you can have any fluff that is consistent with the rules for a power.

Thats what my group says too. If shadowrun was not suppose to have the option of creating your own spells, magical groups, mentors, or traditions. Then they would not publish the rules so you could do it. Instead they would publish 100's of spells and 100's of magical groups, mentors, and traditions. Basically, they would be like DnD, Wizards of the Coast who crap out a book every single month. (WOTC hater FYI) We like SR cause it gives you lots of options, and rules to follow by so you stay within the bounds of the game.

For you I would suggest that you take a shadowy mentor spirit like "Man in the Moon", "Boogy Man", or "King Night" something like +2 Illusions or Manipulation , +2 to intimidate, -1 to etiquette. This is a very tame mentor spirit most any GM would approve.

Good idea, I had'nt thought of that. Makes sense too, since I was wanting a spirit to be my teacher anyways, and it helps with the flavor too. Maybe it can be the same spirit that I will try to bind myself too with spirit pact. Hrmm, still not sure about that. My gm is willing to allow me to have a spirit pact with a force 12 spirit.. which is pretty insane I think. With the drain pact, would I actually get 12 more dice??? That seems freaking nuts. I dunno, I might ask him to use that tweak rule that makes the edge of a spirit half of its force instead. Or maybe I will deduct a karma point per game session to pay for it. Any ideas on that? I know what he is wanting me to too, or allowing me, since I have all but banned foci from my character. (think its makes people weak to rely on something other then themselves) But it still seems a bit much?

Infinites shadows springs from the physical self, waiting to be lighten and manifest. Shadows represent the dark side of the individuals, by accepting and facing his own demons, the dark adept (Shadow magician) can bond his shadows and there connect his inner darkness to the Shadow metaplane.

I decided to give it a particular effect when it uses magic in any way:

When a dark adept cast a spell, summon a spirit or activate adept powers, there is an eye effect that can be seen normally; shadows from him either emerge or existance twist to bond in one. The greater the Force of the activated spell, spirit or ability is, the greater the bonded shadow. Sometimes, nearly shadows can be affected as well in some way.

Drain Att: Intuition, given the concept I compare it to some others path of magic that appeared on Street Magic, and Intuition was the one that fits most imo.

Of course the spirits it uses are Shadows Spirits, I modified the example on the Street Magic cause it was meant for Free spirits, if u are interested on this too I can pm u or post the details of the Shadow spirits design.

Actually, yes, that did give me a few ideas, thank you! Although I think I would make my characters drain att: CHA, mainly because he fell into this because of his emotions in the first place. (Dead wife hook)

I did not realize that those shadow spirit examples are free spirits only. So yes, I would absolutely love to see your examples! And thank you for it too!

I'd call them munchkins, not powergamers.
I apply the term powergamer only to people who optimize their character firmly within the rules.
Making up custom rules borders on cheating, which is within the usual definitions what sets a powergamer apart from a munchkin.


Many many years ago (back when tactical war games vastly outnumbered RPGs) there was a small press FRP that I played which had a specific class of spellcaster called a Shadowmage. Many of the spells and abilities seem very close to your descriptions. The nature of the magic was very subtle in comparison to wizards, sorcerers and the like and seemingly not as uber powerful in and of it's own. In essence the character was a hybrid of both illusionist/mentalist and thief types who used shadows as their source of power instead of light to augment their special abilities of stealth and trickery. A Shadowmage spy or assassin was often one of the most dangerous characters in the game. They weren't easy to play compared to the more straightforward characters, but a heck of a lot of fun (one of the few spellcasting characters I actually enjoyed playing). I'll have to dig out the old rulebook when I get home & see how the 2070 version can be built.

I would like to see that if you do. If you dont mind. smile.gif

I think a -1 penalty to etiquette is not enough, really. A -1 on all Social Skills other than Intimidate, maybe. Or "must succeed a Cha+Wil (3) test to willingly impart any truthful information".

Yea, that hits it too. As for the using it against teammates part. Maybe only to those who you dont know or something, or it does'nt apply to people you trust. I dunno. But that does seem like a fun flaw!
(Re the "roll or lie" penalty) Well yeah, you would have to be careful about asking him stuff, but the "Willingly" was meant to imply that he could be coerced into truthfulness (and thinking you'll get killed is coercion). But it's not so much worse than "must make a roll to adjust or abandon a plan" or "must run away from fights" or "must not run away from fights" and not so different from "roll or play a prank, even if it screws you over".
Yeah, the behavior I was describing was more munchkin than power gamer especially as I was describing it. But when the game is as open custom magic as SR, you walk a line. Is asking for a mentor with +2 to Spirits of Man +2 to binding and a big flaw power gaming or munchy?

I guess my preference is to tone down mentor spirits. I love the concept, but the exiquition just seems like bribing mages into some measure of RP by allowing 2 soft capped magic pools of 14 before foci. Debating balance at level of fidelity is almost worthless, GM/Campaign style dwarfs differences this fine. So for your comparison I've listed a couple of mentors from the BBB.

Advantages: +2 dice for water spirits, +2 dice for
Swimming Tests.
Disadvantages: –1 die on Negotiations Tests.

Dark King (yes -1 soak is way harsher than -1 etiquette, but it also offers two magic +2s, and third mundane +2)
Advantages: +2 dice for Perception and Assensing Tests, +2
dice for spirits of man.
Disadvantages: –1 die to resist Physical damage.

Dragonslayer(Avoid able -1 to a lot vs. an unavoidable -1 to a skill)
Advantages: +2 dice for Combat spells, +2 dice for tests with
one Social skill of choice.
Disadvantages: If a Dragonslayer magician breaks a promise,
whether by choice or by accident, she takes –1 die to all actions
until she fulfi lls the promise or otherwise atones for her error.

Thunderbird (This dis ad is so weak a lot of players RP it just cuz)
Advantages: +2 dice for air spirits, +2 dice for Intimidation
Disadvantages: A Thunderbird magician must succeed in a
Willpower + Charisma (3) Test to avoid responding to an insult
in kind.

Another note, Force 12 spirit pact!?!? That spirit throws 24 dice at tasks if they have a skill, let that really sink in. Also going from force 6 to force 120 is 630 karma. Going from 11 to 12 alone is 120! If you start the game with that kind of connections you are playing an epic SR game. Also from a fluff stand point the mentor spirits are more like ephemeral god's (exactly like Neil Giamond's if you've read any of that) rather than the discrete and knowable spirits that you can summon and bind
Another note, Force 12 spirit pact!?!? That spirit throws 24 dice at tasks if they have a skill, let that really sink in. Also going from force 6 to force 120 is 630 karma. Going from 11 to 12 alone is 120! If you start the game with that kind of connections you are playing an epic SR game. Also from a fluff stand point the mentor spirits are more like ephemeral god's (exactly like Neil Giamond's if you've read any of that) rather than the discrete and knowable spirits that you can summon and bind

I did not realize the tasks part either. I think my gm wants me to take it so I have something to save my ass if I get in way over my head. As for the epic SR game, I dunno If I would call what we are trying to do that, but I could see it. He gave us a good bit of BP to make our characters. He wanted us to be decently strong so he can have us play with the big boys, so to speak. Also, is there even a max for force anymore? I thought in sr3 is was 12?

Anyone have any ideas on what a tradition for this would look like?
Kyoto Kid
Many many years ago (back when tactical war games vastly outnumbered RPGs) there was a small press FRP that I played which had a specific class of spellcaster called a Shadowmage. Many of the spells and abilities seem very close to your descriptions. The nature of the magic was very subtle in comparison to wizards, sorcerers and the like and seemingly not as uber powerful in and of it's own. In essence the character was a hybrid of both illusionist/mentalist and thief types who used shadows as their source of power instead of light to augment their special abilities of stealth and trickery. A Shadowmage spy or assassin was often one of the most dangerous characters in the game. They weren't easy to play compared to the more straightforward characters, but a heck of a lot of fun (one of the few spellcasting characters I actually enjoyed playing). I'll have to dig out the old rulebook when I get home & see how the 2070 version can be built.

QUOTE (MadPiper)
I would like to see that if you do. If you dont mind. smile.gif

...I'll try and post a prototype character here this weekend.
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