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Full Version: 2nd Ed coverart, who's who?
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First off, if this is in the wrong section, could someone move it for me smile.gif

The characters on the front of the SR2 rulebook, who are they?

I'm thinking they're meant to be Dodger (the famous elven decker), Sally Tsung (formidable street mage), and the Ghost. Am I far off?

Can anyone give me some details about the later two? I think Sally and Ghost feature in the Wolf And Raven novel, but I'm not sure.

Oh and while we're on the subject, did they ever do a follow-up to the Terminus Project (by Jonathon E. Bond and Jake Koke)?
You are correct - those are the runners who grace the cover.
QUOTE (Ross @ Mar 21 2008, 11:03 PM) *
Oh and while we're on the subject, did they ever do a follow-up to the Terminus Project (by Jonathon E. Bond and Jake Koke)?

Luckily for mankind they did not. grinbig.gif
Cheers for the confirmation Adrael, didn't think the old fuzzy memory was too far off smile.gif

Aw c'mon Malicant, everyone loves a good vampire staking biggrin.gif What about novels that feature Martin de Vries, are there any?

With regards to Dodger, Sally Tsung and Ghost, apart from Wolf and Raven and Into the Shadows, do they feature in any other novels? (bear with me, I haven't had much contact with the Shadowrun universe since 3rd Ed was released)
Sally was featured in the original Food Fight scenario in SR1.

Also, doesn't Ghost have a longer name as well? Something like "Ghost who runs with chicken bones through the forest at night on a Tuesday" or some such Amerindian business?
The trilogy of power (the first three novels), as well as the short stories collection published beforehand, if I remember correctly. Dodger also features in Never Trust An Elf as the elf who must not be trusted (Charette was a racist, hands down).
QUOTE (Ross @ Mar 22 2008, 12:44 AM) *
Aw c'mon Malicant, everyone loves a good vampire staking biggrin.gif What about novels that feature Martin de Vries, are there any?

I like vampires and vampire staking, but that was really just a lame zombie shoot out with vampire tags. Also, the "main villain" was kind of sad. The only explanation anything he does actually works is him being insane. The only character that actually had something resembling depths was his henchman and he died a stupid death.
Did I mention how retarded it is when people get ripped apart by vamps, turning into vamps themselfs, losing any free will in the process and joining the vamp collective hive mind (or whatever controlled those sad masses)? That was just so wrong. By itself it might have worked better.
But not in SR.

I really wish I could unread that book. grinbig.gif

Although it had some nice lesbo action, if I recall correctly. So, not a complete waste of time. rotfl.gif
Now to find out if Barnes and Nobles stocks SR novels...
QUOTE (Method @ Mar 21 2008, 11:55 PM) *
Also, doesn't Ghost have a longer name as well? Something like "Ghost who runs with chicken bones through the forest at night on a Tuesday" or some such Amerindian business?

Ghost Maker and Ghost-Who-Walks (though walks with what I don't know) IIRC.
Ah the Food Fight scenario and the page of slang, now they were top items in the rule book smile.gif

Ghost-who-walks rings a bell.

Thanks for the rundown hermit, might be time to add a few holes in my library I think.

Malicant, gotta admit, the endless vampires full of cyberware (whether it was working or not) was a little bizare, but a stripper turning hero always gets my approval (like Planet Terror biggrin.gif ).
I'm pretty sure it was Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside.
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 22 2008, 04:09 AM) *
I'm pretty sure it was Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside.

That. In the description of skill levels and their interpretation, he is listed as "Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside" under skill level 6, IIRC. 6 is the new 10, after all.
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 21 2008, 08:09 PM) *
I'm pretty sure it was Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside.

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!
The three were also, of course, featured in the opening fiction of SR1 (which had the same cover art). It remains one of my favorite of Elmore's works. I keep meaning to buy a nice print of it, maybe even signed by him, every time I see him at a 'con (The Master's not getting any younger, and I'd hate to miss my chance to chat with him).

Dodger was in a later sourcebook, too, with all the Brainscan/Arcology hooplah. I'm not sure exactly what book it was where he shows up as a helpful NPC, though, because I played in (not GMed) most of that, and I was distracted at the time because I was busy beating the shit out of Ronin instead of getting Dodger's autograph.
Critias beat me too it! bah. I KNEW who they were, but aside from Ghost (who, when I was 14 was the Coolest...) I couldn't have told you their names, despite tripping over Dodger in every other damn sourcebook I own!

As for poor Sally... considering that the character seemed to be the focus of the first game fiction I ever read (D&D lacking this, you see...)... though my memory is shoddy and my book buried in the depths of all the acumlated crap I seem to own... was the fastest 'out the door' when they started culling characters as I recall. Only Dodger remains with us, the 'superhacker'... though how he compares to fastjack I never quite got. Of course, Dodger got to be a swanky 'spike baby' Elf at one point, which put him in his 50's or better for that scene...

Ah yes, the designer's NPC's almost always get to be cooler than your characters... with a few exceptions (poor Sally, alas, I fear she started hitting the bottle, then the beetle, and before you know it, the magic was gone and all she could do was sell herself on the mean streets of Puyallup... or something)

My older self is glad Ghost is gone (too cool for school was he) and wishes dodger would follow... but then I'm jealous and want to hog the spotlight.

Dodger was in a later sourcebook, too, with all the Brainscan/Arcology hooplah. I'm not sure exactly what book it was where he shows up as a helpful NPC, though, because I played in (not GMed) most of that, and I was distracted at the time because I was busy beating the shit out of Ronin instead of getting Dodger's autograph.

Of course. Arcology Shutdown and Brainscan feature plenty of Dodger. Also, he is featured in System Failure (his ebon boy icon even shown in the cover) and in Striper Assassin, where he sells out a little decker girl who wants to know stuff about Tikki.
Spotted his 'conversations' in the Renraku Arcology source book (I was hunting through it for picture references to Red Samurai, but alas, none to be found).

Dodger does seem to be everywhere doesn't he.
He's vanished off the face of the earth in SR4, though.
Isn't it "Ghost-Who-Walks-Inside-And-Occasionaly-Kills-A-Dragon-With-A-Minigun"?
That's the man.
Oh yeah, Haesslich, the angst dragon. Honestly, what creature without very serious psychological problems would pick the name 'ugly' for itself?

"Guten Tag."
"Ich bin Haesslich."
"Das sehe ich, aber wie heißen Sie?"
Try that joke with a dragon and see where it leads you.

Still one of the worst names anyone could take. biggrin.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 22 2008, 06:31 AM) *
Honestly, what creature without very serious psychological problems would pick the name 'ugly' for itself?

One with a very strong and strange sense of humor.
It also may lead to people creating and using various flattering titles just to avoid that connection and be sure there is no mistaking their intentions.
QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 22 2008, 09:31 AM) *
He's vanished off the face of the earth in SR4, though.

Like many of the things that were in SR1-3 >sigh<
In fairness, in light of the events in System Failure, it's unlikely that Dodger would be doing a whole lot of hacking.
Sally Tsung, Dodger, and Ghost were not featured in Wolf and Raven. Wolf and Raven was a "braided novel" consisting of the memoirs of Wolfgang Kies aka Wolf and his adventures with Doctor Richard Raven. I don't believe Ghost, Sally or Dodger were mentioned at all.

I wonder why someone like Sally would pack a Remington Roomsweeper.
The AI Megeara had somewhat of a fascination with the Dodger. If I remember correctly.
Ghost's eyes were Chiba and he used twin Ingram SMG's.
I have a vague memory of them being mentioned, maybe..
..Or a reference to Sam Verner.

And before they were in the novel, they were in various issues of the GDW magazine !!
The very first edition of Into The Shadows (oversized) features the opening chapter from the later-released first novel of the Secrets Of Power trilogy, which does indeed include the trio in question. Into The Shadows also included short stories about Wolf and Raven. The later release of ItS (in novel size) does not contain that chapter.
and I remember having read wolf and raven with no sally, dodger or ghost inside. grinbig.gif


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