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I don't know why but lately I've had the itch to run my elven con artist "Clean Charlie"

Anyone got any openings?

Spoiler of Charlie's backstory. This is totally changeable. the core concept remains the same anywhere Charlie goes.

[ Spoiler ]
If this is the Charlie from Miami, I Love Charlie! I'd do something if I didn't already have so many games I'm running. Maybe we'll get lucky Meriss and someone will want to run Charlie and Tony Cash. wink.gif
I have a couple of ideas I've been kicking around. If I decide to bite the bullet and run one of them, I'll let you know.
biggrin.gif Tony Cash is a troll social adept mainly. The two characters have worked together before and were pretty chummy.
biggrin.gif I'd hoped to get you interested Fist. biggrin.gif If only because I think that the interactions between Charlie and Tony were sheer and utter genius. Though I am going to have to shave points and money fairly heavily to get Charlie to fit in a Standard game embarrassed.gif Your wife spoiled me/us rotten.
biggrin.gif Yeah I know. Burning off 100BP is gonna be sad. But yeah, Charlie and Tony were great. If only we could get another game set in Miami...
The idea I was kicking around would be set in New Orleans and would revolve around a magical threat. It would be a re-run of an adventure I've recently GM'd for my RL group that didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to.

Problem is I'm eye-balls deep in my second year of med school and trying to study for boards, so I don't know when I'd find the time to do it justice... frown.gif
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