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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Don't know if this has been covered before but what do you fill a cyberzombie with. If it's all delta ware thats 12 essence of cyberware to make you hit 0 ((not including any bioware)). Just what do you fit in this multi million yen contraption of doom.

Edit: Sorry forgot to tag for SR4
money and a kink bomb
Move-by-Wire III and rating 3 Reaction Enhancers are a must have for maximum bulletdodging sweetness.

And of course replace everything with cyberlimbs just for the fun of it. Having 13 in any physical attribute might be a nice side effect, though. biggrin.gif
Go with a lot of the cerebral Bioware: Pain Editor, Trauma Dampener, Cerebral Booster, Mnemonic Enhancer, etc, etc.

@Everyone, I just thought about something with Cyberzombies... if Cancer is such a big deal, why not have a Nanohive with a specific nanite that designed to kill cancer cells. We know that cancer has a specific smell. In fact a dog specially trained can detect cancer (links below). Just tie in an olfactory sensor to the Zombie's PAN and when the "cancer smell" comes up release the nanite cancer hunters.
QUOTE (Tobias @ Mar 25 2008, 08:06 PM) *
Don't know if this has been covered before but what do you fill a cyberzombie with. If it's all delta ware thats 12 essence of cyberware to make you hit 0 ((not including any bioware)). Just what do you fit in this multi million yen contraption of doom.

Edit: Sorry forgot to tag for SR4

Candy and party poppers.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 25 2008, 12:08 PM) *
money and a kink bomb

...I've been known to use a time delay Area Bomb linked to the CZ's biomonitor on occasion. I love surprises. vegm.gif grinbig.gif
The fluff seems to indicate that they already have nanotech specifically designed to correct cancer. Even than it's still an issue.
Realizing the fun of this thread and it's continued silly progression, I think I'm going to ignore that and offer up what I think was the intended request...

I rarely build cyberzombies for opponents. Ones that I do build are heavily innundated with delta grade cyber and bioware. Usually things like Move By Wire, Reflex recorders, attention coprocessors, muscle aug/toner, higher grade skillwires, orthoskin or dermal sheathing, cyberspurs, handrazers, eyes, ears, and internal comlink just as a starting location. If I'm going the walking borg, then I replace their skull, torso, all limbs and start dropping in headware as much as I can alongside that MBW3 and other items. It depends on the level of fear I want to inspire. A full replacement body on a 'zombie is going to relatively obvious, and scary. A person who can blend in with the crowd (not including assensing of course) but still has sub-zero essence and can waylay your whole team is a whole different kind of fear that the team has to deal with.
yeah yeah, i know, i'm sorry for the sillies, but i could not help myself ^^
basically, if i were to build one of those, i would probably do it like Jhaiisiin
I honestly found them quite amusing. Figured I'm good at being a jerk and party pooper (Internet Anonymity is REALLY bad for me), so I may as well put something serious here. heheh
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