Newbie here with a first attempt at a SR4 character. What are people's comments and suggestions?
The raw numbers are below but first a discussion of the concept. This Physical Adept was a bit based on wuxia and the ghost hunter archetype. The setting is Hong Kong (and its nearby areas), and the character has his legal front as a feng shui consultant (hence why the Knowledge skills). I also decided to invest in Adept powers like Rapid Healing, Natural Immunity, and Sustenance to fit in with the idea of practicing Tai Chi and meditation as a means towards perfecting one's self (and in keeping with the wuxia stereotype), to avoid just creating a one dimensional spirit combat machine. The Force 1 Weapon Focus in the form of a traditonal Chinese double edged Tai Chi sword is again for the wuxia stereotype and also as a story hook for the character (either improving the blade or finding an even better one).
How effective do people think he is as a ghost hunter? If he's not, then what might I change?
I noticed in Arsenal that Tai Chi gives bonus only on Attacks of Will. It occurred to me this is a pretty useless advantage in general as it is unlikely to help enough for a mundane trying to thwack a spirit, and for a physical adept with Killing Hands, strictly written the Tai Chi gives no worthwhile bonus whatsoever. What are people's thoughts on the idea of Tai Chi giving its bonus DV to any appropriate armed or unarmed attack against a spirit? If not, then I suppose I could use the rules for general Kung-fu/Wushu for general purpose unarmed combat bonuses.
Agility 5 (40 BP)
Body 4 (30 BP)
Strength 3 (20 BP)
Reaction 4 (30 BP)
Charisma 3 (20 BP)
Intuition 4 (30 BP)
Logic 3 (20 BP)
Essence 6
Magic 6 (65 BP)
Edge 2
Attributes: 275 BP
Physical Adept (5 BP)
SINner (+5 BP)
Martial Arts (Tai Chi) (5 BP)
Riposte Maneuver (2 BP)
Allergy (Mild, Seawater) (+10 BP)
Athletics Skill Group 2 (20 BP)
Influence Skill Group 2 (20 BP)
Assensing 1 (Spirits +2) (4BP)
Blades 5 (Tai Chi +2) (20 BP)
Unarmed Combat 5 (Tai Chi +2) (20 BP)
Astral Combat 4 (Spirits + 2) (16 BP)
Dodge 3 (Melee Combat +2) 12 BP
Pistols 2 (Semi-Automatics +2) (8BP)
Survival 1 (Forest )
Knowledge (18 Free BP)
Hong Kong Triads (Red Dragons) 2
Spirits (Spirits of Man) 3
History (Asian) 2
Meditation (Tai Chi) 2
Feng Shui (Interior Decoration) 3
Adept Powers:
Astral Perception (1)
Improved Reflexes 1 (2)
Combat Sense 2 (1)
Killing Hands (0.5)
Low Light Vision (0.25)
Flare Compensation (0.25)
Sustenance (0.25)
Rapid Healing 1 (0.25)
Natural Immunity 1 (0.25)
Temperature Tolerance 1 (0.25)
Middle (2 months)
Weapon focus (Force 1) in form of traditional Chinese sword, bonding cost accounted for
5 BP left for other gear
Contacts: (8 BP)
Fixer (Connection 2/Loyalty 2)
Talismonger (Connection 2/Loyalty 2)