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Full Version: Yet Another Character for Perusal
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Ahh, it's springtime and i start having memories of when i studied a bunch of years in Philadelphia and went to arcades, like constantly, with the nice open door and the breezy, smoky scent. grinbig.gif

With me getting to get into some Arsenal, i wanted to make a character who was inexperienced at running, but also a tribute to a ''Fighting Game Character'', complete with martial arts manuvers and the like. I know he's a bit one sided at the moment, but, well, his background sort of matches it. I wanted to make him stupidly good at martial arts; but with some flaws to get rid of holding him back from even fuller potential and someone who is probably never at peace because he's the 'One to Beat' all the time. I wanted to have some fun here, too. Again, he's a total tribute to the realm of fighting games.

Thoughts/Comments? I will say I need help picking manuvers for this guy! And if i recall from my Arsenal lesson from my buddy last night, don't manuvers cost BP? He's got 3 remaining and if that's the case i need to scrape up more. Finishing Move is a DEFINATE, but can you see anything else that fits him? Also, if i can find a way to get him Throwing: Metahuman Body i think i will. wink.gif Nothing says fighter than throwing a person.

NOTE: Some houserules used here, that our group uses. First, when we were introducing some new people to the game, we wanted to make math easy; all attributes have their final points costing 20 instead of 25, to keep the math used there as nice, even multiples of 10. So the 60 BPs on Magic is accurate(honestly, its funny, the houserule has been used exactly twice anyway. nyahnyah.gif). I don't think i broke Availability, but we don't use it at chargen(as i usually say.) Blakkie's Contact Rules are in use(i guess thats almost normal here now), and we utilize a full-on list of SR4 AND SR3 Edges and Flaws. That being said,

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Background:(not TOO long)

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Yep, I plan on investing in Distance Strike(i can so see him throw a kick-wave out, though Im NOT geasing it to have to be called as an attack nyahnyah.gif), maybe Agility boost(unless i just up it with Karma), Inertia Strike as well. Im sure i can think of other things like Counter-Strike that would totally rock for this guy.

Again, im aware he's not the most experienced guy but i like him this way, in a way he's the best but in a way he's also got alot to learn.

Im almost wondering if i have to register ''Hands and Feet'' under ''Fake Licence for Deadly Weapons''. nyahnyah.gif

Again, what im really looking for is some help to pick out some of these Manuevers and how they work; since my Arsenal knowledge isn't perfect yet. I need to know how many BPs i need to scrounge up for this guy...I know that picking a martial arts quality(5 BP), each time you pick it, you get to pick from a series of things(I got DV +1 twice, the +1 vs. multiple opponents and the +1 for knockdowns since i blew 20 in Tae Kwan Do), but then each level ALSO gives two manuvers. But im still unclear if you still have to buy them on TOP of this or what?
I´ll have a closer look after cooking, but one quick note: Take elemental attack over penetrating blow.
Each 5 points in martial arts lets you pick a bonus from one of the arts (I get the impression you can only take the listed bonus once unless it says it can stack like Muay Thai for the DV bonus), but you can stack bonuses from other martial arts on top of anything. So I'm not sure that the +2 DV is valid, but you could pick it up from another martial art.

As to maneuvers. You can take up to 2 maneuvers per 5 points in martial arts, at a cost of 2 BP per maneuver. So if you wanted to max out maneuvers, with your MA4, you could get 8 maneuvers for 16 BP.

My favorites are:
Two weapon fighting (can full parry with one weapon and attack like normal with the second. Reason why I don't do unarmed anymore since I can't bring myself to give up my 20+ full parry defense pool)

Riposte (Interrupt counterattack if you successfully block or parry. LOVE this one)

Finishing Move (Interrupt second attack if you successfully hit)

Set up (Fake out attack that adds net hits to the next attack. Can be combined with Finishing move and riposte for a devestating combo)

Disarm (-4 to defense, but if you successfully defend, it disarms the opponent. Wicked mean when combined with Riposte followed by Finishing Move)

Iaijutsu (can quick draw any reach 1 or less weapon)

Offhand Training (No more -2 penalty for one group of weapons)

Watchful Guard (Only start taking "defended against multiple attacks" penalties on the third attack, not second. Very useful for when you need to close distance for melee while being shot at.)

I also just realized you don't have a very high ranged full defense option at all. 5 reaction + Gymnastics 1 just isn't going to cut it probably when you're needing to run like a madman through a hail of bullets to try and close distance for melee. May really want to boost that up, grab a synthacardium 3 (6 bp) at the very least for the +3 there.
Ok, let's see here:

For the stacking, it actually says if it stacks or not; it will say something like ''Adds +1 DV to attack, may take X times''. This is usually twice, if i recall what my friend read to me last night, i CAN take this one twice. But i'll clarify it soon enough.

And WOW those manuvers sound great. ok, so i need to scratch up 13 BPs then(I have 3.)

Finishing Move is given. I think I might indeed take Set Up, Riposte(can i do this unarmed?), and Disarm, up to 4, giving me 4 more. Watchful guard sounds wicked.

About Elemental Attack vs. Penetrating Strike: Im guessing because the Elemental attack adds a secondary effect that's actually better than armor penetration?

And trust me, i want Synthacardium, and i will be able to take lv. 3 since we ditch chargen Availability. 6 more BPs though is going to Hurt. But probably not as much as getting shot. biggrin.gif Hmm...ok, let's break this down.

I need 13 BPs to max out my manuvers. I have 3 BPs sitting tight.
Drop Artisan to 1. BPs: 7.

I could drop Henry's Connections to 2, but then i don't really have any well-connected contacts. I mean, yeah, he's sort of a starting runner, so it could wash, bringing BPs up to 8.

I REALLY don't want to lose Edge. He kinda needs it.

Now, i could dump Perception to 2. I'd only roll 5 on taste/smell/touch but i'd get 8 on visual/audio. I GUESS i can do this. I liked it higher but sheesh.
I also want him to be able to drive and the Shadowing 1 represents some of the little things he's been taught. Etiquette? Hm. Well, he IS new to the streets. a 1(+2) could also wash with him if i HAD to. If I dumped a point out of Perception, and one out of Etiquette, i'd have 8 more points, bringing it up to the 16 i need for 8 manuevers. (Now, this is if i find 3 more manuvers. if I don't? Looks like im in the clear for my Synthacardium 3.)

If i do that, his skill list will look like:

Unarmed Combat(Martial Arts): 7(+2) [9(+2)]. (DP=17!) This is sticking, it's the main idea of the character that Ive had; ive always wanted to try to play someone *that* good. I don't think I've ever taken above a 5 so far in SR4, and that was just a couple of times.
Perception: 2(DP: 5/8)
Athletics Skill Group: 1 (DP: variable)
Etiquette(Corp): 1(+2) (DP: 3/5)
Intimidation(Physical): 2(+2) (DP: 4/6)
Artisan(Piano): 1 (DP: 4)
Shadowing: 1 (DP: 4)
Pilot Ground Craft: 1 (DP: 6)

Manuvers:(10 BP)

Finishing Move
Set Up
Watchful Guard

New Essence(if i dont see more Manuvers): 4.1

Synthacardium 3(now throws 9 dice with his defense.)

He's a greenhorn when it comes to running for sure but when it comes to martial arts...well, he's a fighting game character! grinbig.gif

But i can't say he doesn't have room to grow; he surely does! i can pop small Karma on skills down the line, and when i finally buy off the flaw and start to do his Magic/Initation, then things can fly.

To help some of his social or intuition skills i could make Logic a 3 and either Charisma a 3 or Intuition a 4...but it doesn't fit with his more sheltered life, he was more book learned(besides his crazy training regimen) than street learned, and is a little shy and awkward out of his old 'social circle'. Those numbers fit alot better, IMO, even though they aren't optimal.

Hmm...ill think this over. Im going to eat something here. smile.gif

Riposte will work with unarmed. I also just found out you don't have to be doing full parry or full block to trigger it. It triggers on ANY successful parry or block.

As to penetrating strike. If I recall, Sonic damage type ignores armor, which is the big one that gets abused. Otherwise, other types of damage are mostly 1/2 armor, which is usually much better than piercing.
QUOTE (Sombranox @ Mar 28 2008, 07:35 PM) *
Riposte will work with unarmed. I also just found out you don't have to be doing full parry or full block to trigger it. It triggers on ANY successful parry or block.

As to penetrating strike. If I recall, Sonic damage type ignores armor, which is the big one that gets abused. Otherwise, other types of damage are mostly 1/2 armor, which is usually much better than piercing.

It's also fun to shout "SONIC BOOM!" when you use a sonic strike... smile.gif
QUOTE (ArkonC @ Mar 28 2008, 03:05 PM) *
It's also fun to shout "SONIC BOOM!" when you use a sonic strike... smile.gif

Only if you're also willing to have floofy hair and shout "HARUKEN!" when you do a distance strike
Arg. grinbig.gif

Well, he's into music, Sonic might actually make sense, being sound.

I was thinking Blast though. Lightning and Fire are overdone, Shadow doesn't exist as an element, Water is cool too, but i like the idea of the superfast air blast shooting off his leg for some reason. biggrin.gif Pure style, and functionality! Blast knocks down too..and he already gets a bonus for knockdown manuvers, and Finishing Move...squish.

Ok, ill post up a refurbished character sheet in a bit, but im still iffy on having SO many low skills. I mean, one 7(ok, 9) is fine but i was hoping to sneak a 3 or a couple more 2's in there. But well, again, can't have it all.

I could keep 2 bps if i only got Synthacardium 2 but i do really need to keep those dodgey dice to get close so he can unleash the fury. Im enjoying this guy for some reason. Sure he doesn't roll 25 dice with 2 SA APDS loaded pistols but there is a certain charm to him. Im seeing a ''too stubborn to use firearms''' (the ones he's not Incompetent with anyway) for sure.

I might comb over the sheet again and see what else i can use. The attributes i like where they are, Body and Agl stay at 4 and i wanted him strong, so im keeping Strength at 5/7. But i might be able to find something to do.
Ok, so let's see here...round 2 with some fixes after mulling it over; I think i have a little something here.

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I could go without 1 more DV. Between Strength, Critical Strike, his Hardliner glove/boot combo(yeah, its gravy biggrin.gif), and the 1 DV, he hits literally as hard as a Panther cannon. In fact, a flying kick with Blast by him is probably the same effect as a Panther cannon. 11P would have been impressive, but i just didn't like seeing his skills ALL that low. And he still has room for 1 more Manuver, and i can always buy another level of Tae Kwan Do later.

That skill list has to be the smallest skill list ive ever had(Im one who is usually blowing 140+ on skills). But's good for him. His whole life he was trained for basically a couple of things; killing, defending, and scaring. His lower Charisma/Intimidation pool than most im assuming can get a few modifers(or got a few modifers when he did it in the past) for things like the Physically Imposing modifers. I think the challenge with this character will be the fun of using the bits of things he knows(and picked up from his newfound friends a year and a half ago), while still keeping with personality quirks like his distain of weapons, his attempts to control his vindictive nature and trying to further his way down his path.

But damn, he better have a good team on his side who can face, fix stuff, shoot stuff. But i guess that's what teamwork is for, eh?

Now, studying these manuvers further:

Set Up lets you fake an attack. So you technically *don't* attack, you roll like you are attacking, and save those hits Im guessing, for the NEXT attack..which could be Finishing Move. Now, how does this combo with Riposte? He defends an attack, and fakes a counterattack...funneling those next hits to a finishing move, where he just pours it all into it? It that's true, Yikes.

But i think i might like this above sheet here a little better. smile.gif Any other little things? I havn't had this much fun making a character in awhile for some reason.

EDIT: Ok, i restudied Elemental Strike, and jeebus it's good. I never realized just how good it was before and always took Penetrating Strike. (Of course, PS doesnt have a last for combat turns thing, but i suppose i can just keep re-activating ES.) But a couple questions:

Ok, so the Blast effect can affect structure ratings, for one. Now, if he strikes someone with it, it says add the Force of the blast onto the damage of the attack for the determining of Knockdown. It says Blast damage halves armor. So, with his 10P attack, say for the sake of things the Blast brings it to 14P...not for determing damage, but for determing knockdown? I guess i would get the extra die to knock down with this from his style, or what? I mean, at this rate, if he can close in and Blast them, they are probably going to be knocked down and he can finish them on the ground(where they are prone and get minuses, if i'm not mistaken). Dear god.
Hmph. Where is the longer comment I wrote for your first draft??? That will look odd if I posted it to another thread... But anyways.

I suggest you go without the aptitude part. You already are noticed for your magical talent, sending more BP down the same route is wasteful. Unarmed 6(MA cool.gif should be sufficient. For the same reason, I´d go without Improved Ability. Without replacing that, and a starting magic of 5(->3), you gain 30 BP for having 3 dice less. Now I´ll do something I´ve rarely if ever done before: I suggest you change the race to elf, "lower" charisma to 3, and have agility 6 (overall). So only one die less...

Then I´d shift one point from Logic to Intuition.

Minor note: I´d prefer the more subtle threats of Indimidation(Mental).

Well, the Intimidation, i like the idea on. While he's physically menacing, mentally might I can see him with that. Like ''you really don't want to do this''.

Ok, now for my stubborness.

the 7 stems from...well, I wanted to do it. Ive used a 6 maybe ONCE in my career. This really kinda touched me to do it just once to have an Aptitude.

Elf? Ah, it's so funny you mention that. Usually, i'm the one pawning off orks and dwarves on magician people who ask for improvements. Hell, ive done it with other races too. You were saying that you usually don't change the race, but this time, I'd like to stick with human, i just don't picture him as an elf for some reason. (yeah, im TRYING to find a balance between 'stuff that works'' and ''stuff that i see''. It can be hard, trust me.)

However. Improved Ability is sorta...well. Ok, it really just totally adds to the ''goddDAMN he's good''. But, i mean, im guessing, a 7(+2) might also mean ''godDAMN, he's good''. a 15 DP to toss around(2 less), is by far's not 17, but it's awesome. I COULD see myself MAYBE dumping that one if i want 20 BPs back, which i can then funnel more into skills(that's 5 full skill points, or 4 full skill points and a two specializations). That's quite a nice deal. But seeing that uber 9(+2) is still tempting. BLARGH!

Im also kicking around the Logic and Intuition thingy. See, i always thought of him as more book than street learned at this point, and Intuition was the ''street smarts'', and Logic the ''Book Smarts''. BUT-fighters are known for having very good instinct; and a 3 Logic certainly would not make him stupid in any word. (I picture him real intelligent.) So....another thing to think about.

However, with all of his manuvers(like Riposte to gain a counterattack, Set Up, and the like), extra hits and attacks will probably come easy enough.

If i did that, i'd probably tack +2's to Pilot Ground and Shadowing, and add full points to Etiquette, Perception(making him really perceptive), and Intimidation; i'd probably bring his Artisan back to 2.

Actually, i might maybe do it. That natural 7(9) is something. And in a way a little more intimidating than someone who 'bought' it with magic.

This isn't in stone, but if i did that, his skill list would look like:

Unarmed Combat(Martial Arts):7(+2) [DP: 15/16 if fighting multiple enemies and for knockdown attempts]
Perception: 4 [DP: 8(11 audio/visual)
Intimidation(Mental): 3(+2) [DP: 5(7)]
Athletics Skill Group: 1 [DP: Variable, +3)
Etiquette(Corporate): 2(+2) [DP: 4/6]
Artisan(Piano): 2 [DP: 6]
Shadowing(Tail Evasion): 1(+2) [DP: 5/7]
Pilot Ground Craft(Wheeled): 1(+2) [DP: 6/8]

He'd have a Magic of 5(3).

Intuition would be 4, Logic 3. His initative would also go up by one. (Ok, i really like that idea.)

I also might be willing to funnel out a point of Artisan into Shadowing, for 2(+2). Or I could leave Artisan and Pilot Ground as 1 each, unspecialize Shadowing and make it a 3. (I figure having a skill to help him lay low is at least a start.) Or i can keep a Perception of 3 and get him a point of Infiltration.

I'm not trying to shoot down every idea, in fact, the Mental Intimidation might fit him better given his personality than Physical, and having pure, natural skill and talent without Improved Ability IS really intimidating and imposing in itself. smile.gif And yeah, a 3 Logic is still a smart dude; and that fighting-intuition...yeah.

Ok, im going to smoke and then trying out Draft Number 3 maaaybe to see how it looks. biggrin.gif
I´m all for playing Orks and Dwarfs, and suggest it often. Its the Elf without extreme Charisma that I´ve not suggested before. Of course the best way would be to play an ork... Body 5, Strength 7(9), Agility 5... two dice less, but DV+1, physical monitor +1...

If you want the natural seven, have fun. I judge my chars more by the size of their pools than by skill levels, so the cost of extreme skill seems prohibitive - I´m rarely in a position where I want the most expensive dice.

I´d take intuition as the stronger mental trait for this char - his raw ability in combat would fit with a high Intuition very well. You could even go for a 5 / 2 setup, as most things your char does do not seem to require an analytical mind.
Well, in regards to Orks, Orks make everything better these days. wink.gif

Yeah, i think ill stick with the natural 7. It's expensive, yeah, but it does fit.

The Intuition, though...that sounds particularly nice. 4/3 for sure, might be going on the ''3rd Draft'', and 5/2 would not be out of the question and i might even like that better.

If i actually made it 5/2(and a 2 logic doesn't make him stupid; i had in my mind a pretty bright dude...but joe average brainpower is just fine really, at a 3 he's ''basic techie'' level), then I could actually take the Perception of 3 and be pretty happy; he'd have 8 dice basic and 11 in visual/audio. Another point of initative again(great for this guy), and i could take the stuff i might have funneled to Perception and stick it elsewhere. (In the example above, say Shadowing. a 2(+2) Tail Evasion and 5 Intuition would make him at least good at covering his tracks(9 dice). He's not the stealthiest guy(eh, 5 die default, which isn't complete ass but it's not fantastic).

So if i kept the above tenative plan of tossing the Improved Ability(for now) and made Intuition/Logic a 5/2, i'd adjust the skill list like so:

Unarmed Combat(Martial Arts):7(+2) [DP: 15/16 if fighting multiple enemies and for knockdown attempts]
Perception: 3 [DP: 8(11 audio/visual)
Intimidation(Mental): 3(+2) [DP: 5(7)]
Athletics Skill Group: 1 [DP: Variable, +3)
Etiquette(Corporate): 2(+2) [DP: 4/6]
Artisan(Piano): 2 [DP: 6]
Shadowing(Tail Evasion): 2(+2) [DP: 5/7]
Pilot Ground Craft(Wheeled): 1(+2) [DP: 6/8]

Ok, so i'd basically switch a point of Perception to Shadowing. I could even drop the Artisan to a 1, and get a 3(+2) tail evasion, that's a pretty cool 8/10 dice for following people/covering his tracks. (Come to think of it, that's pretty creepy; this guy with that mental intimidation factor, skill out the wazoo who hits like a truck just sort of following you around for some reason.) This is shaping up quite nicely. His other pools aren't as crappy anymore but he still keeps his insane unarmed ability, and all the manuvers to boot, making it even crazier.

Well, perhaps update 3 soon and hopefully that will be the last one. Knowing how things go though, ill forget something or someone will remind me of something cool that i'll want. grinbig.gif

EDIT: Draft number 3. I think this might be it. I realized something else, because of magic 3 i have to lose a beloved point of critical strike, dropping his base DV to 9P/S. Well...ok, one AWAY from a panther cannon. But with a 15 DP he'll average enough hits to end fights quickly(important for him...but it's almost important for him to be able to LIVE to do that.)Not to mention he's got Elemental Strike to help with armor halving, and crazy combos at his disposal, im not too worried about losing 1 DP. Which means i have .25 points left to spend, so i'll have to look around for that.

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Keep in mind if i find another Manuver to cap him out at 6, then i'll drop the Ground Craft specialization.

I don't think i've ever drafted this many character sheets in SR3. This isn't a knock against SR4(Ive always liked it...and after Street Magic, Augmentation and Arsenal im beginning to love it) but i do find things a little bit tricker in some aspects. Im not against some minmaxing and everything, but sometimes in SR4 i feel like it can get carried away not just with this guy, but when i've done other characters too and i've seen alot of other folks fall into the same little points-agonizing sprees).
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