The Dune shield uses something called the Helmholtz effect (whatever that may be) that bends the universe in an interesting way to make fast stuff go slowly in the shield's proxmity and stop, eventually, though retaining it's kinetic energy. Stuff that is slow enough hardly feels that effect, but the faster something goes, the more it slows down, using up it's knietic energy on itself (crushing and/or heating). Following that, photons and their infinite kinetic enegry don't really take this shield too well. Thus, the Dune shield has this nice feature of exploding on the two-digit kiloton scale when fired at with a laser. Arguably, this would only take strong flashlights or even targeting laser devices, or sunlight, as I see little real difference between phase/frequemcy-synchronised and phase/frequency-asynchronous photons when it comes to kinetic energy, making this gear rather useless, unless you really want to be at ground zero of what effectively is a little supernova the instant you turn it on. I seriously doupt anyone would develop such a dumbass technology to usable prototype stage. Aside from the fact that it seems to require space-bending hyperspace jump technology, which argaubly isn't present in SR.
Now, Star Trek Shields work on a "it's magic technology, because some smart person once said the more advanced technology is ahead of your own the more it's magic. Well, magic, SR can do. A Star Tek-y personal deflector could easily be achieved by having a potent armour spell anchored to a small commlink pin that will go beep when you touch it and call the captain, too, at no additional cost! And if you have an elf do this, you can even claim it's Vulcan technology. Now how leet is that?!
Personal jet packs also are great and perfectly doable with Sr tech, even if not really discreet as a levitation spell would be. But you get that nice Rocketeer feel, and that's worth a lot, too, I can see that. Just don't turn them on when using the deflector, unless you'd really like to burn to death on your own turbine's exhaust.
Hmm.. I would rather think a personal shield generator as a movable cover with a certain barrier rating and structure rating before it breaks..
Yes. Anchored physical barriers rock. I recommend dressing in a milspec fullbody with mirrored face plate or heavy biomodding including raptor legs and a facial resculpt adding predator-y jaws and calling that character either Master Chief or The Arbiter.
Now, the Covenant Needler would be something neat to have. Homing arrows. Mmmmmh. And you can dual-wield it too!